I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Sup Forums is excited for this movie

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Sup Forums is excited for this movie.

who is this ugly gaijin

Is that the incestuous pedophile?

>geting an annoying comedian for a voice.

Tachikoma did nothing wrong.

Someone post the googly eyes nigger

No that's Lena Dunham

>ywn a slutty tachikoma
why live?

So this is what Boxxy is going to look like after she hits 30's

Boxxy had straight hair and a non-Jewish nose.

Of course, this movie is for them, not us.

Yeah Sup Forums will be so happy at weeaboos being assblasted on how Hollywood will bastardize the franchise

>scarlet johansson

haha nah

This is honestly the only good casting I've seen for this movie.

It's mostly that Sup Forums gargles down anything Hollywood sharts into their open gullets.

You aint seen nothing yet

I've seen them all but OP's image's voice acting is close to a Tachi.

That's actually... A good choice, I like it

Take your racism back to Sup Forums

Take your shit to MAL


> Am I cool yet because I hate people

This is the Internet guys

Disapproving is fine, even if you just quietly reported my post I wouldn't care, that's your prerogative
But to post complaining about it is just retarded and you had to have known that you'd get backlash for it

I'm a bit concerned if her voice isn't too bitchy, I mean her screeching tone fits but will it be cute enough?

But I guess that's nitpicking compared to , wtf!
Is this supposed to be Batou? I'm not really following the movie's development.

I live under a rock, what Anime are they shitting on now.

>but will it be cute enough?
No, she in the last man on earth series. Her character is a shrill fluffy cute character but her voice is always shrill and bitchy.

Borma I think

But user....I can't be coollllllllll

batous character doesnt even have eye augments

Batou-san, batou-san! give me that fucking natural oil YOU CUNNNNT!!!

She legally did nothing wrong user

>when real actors read the script to a live action anime adaptation
I guess the B-team will do since everyone on the A-team has patrician taste and can see a flop coming just from the script.

Why the fuck do I have to be silent when you're acting like a racist moron?

How about you just keep that shit to yourself to begin with, kay?

How about you hang from a lamp post, kay?

>Wah mommy someone was racist on Sup Forums, a website known for its acceptance and tolerant speech!

Son, casual racism is a huge thing on Sup Forums. Many anons don't even mean anything by it, it's just a word. I don't hate black people in general.

Shut the fuck up, nigger.

This is Batou.

Wait a minute
That's not what he looks like
Goddamit user my sides

Niggers are subhuman pieces of shit that have contributed literally nothing to human civilizationa nd the world as a whole would be a richer and safer place if every last one of them were to be killed.

Fuck off back to tumblr you deluded nigger loving pieces of shit,die.

wait is Kristen Schaal voicing Tachikoma?

Maximum edge.

Yep. She even did it in her teens. Absolute filth.


Welcome to Sup Forums

Now fuck off

>Excuse me, where's stormfront?
>Down the hall and to the left

Every night I purge that disgusting voice from your AI, and every day it comes back. I'm going to fucking slag this piece of tachishit.

> Getting ass blasted because some edgy 12 year old decided to use the """"N"""" word.
Talk about a bunch of Nig Nogs in here.

Ever since the 90s there has been rumour or even official announcements of anime adaptations to western cinema, including GITS, Akira, Alita, Evangelion and others.

I remember reading countless articles about famous movie directors from the west directing an anime adaptation, with full cast lists and the like.

Then they never happen.

What makes it different this time? Yeah this can be official but I'm sure I've seen this before. It won't get made.

I wonder what was going through his head when reading "I am the bone of my sword..."

Mods delete the Sup Forums bait but not the tumblr one? Are they there i say, unironically sjws?