The Federal Reserve and ancaps/libertarians

Can someone explain to me why Ancaps/libertarians use the federal reserve as a boogeyman?

1)the vast majority of the money in circulation isn't created by central banks like the federal reserve but ordinary commercial banks (Wells Fargo, HSBC, GS, etc.)

2)The federal reserve is a private corporation: " the Federal Reserve Banks are set up like private corporations. Member banks hold stock in the Federal Reserve Banks and earn dividends."

3)The federal reserve corporation was started by capitalists and wealthy businessmen like John Rockefeller and JP Morgan

"In 1910, Aldrich and executives representing the banks of J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., secluded themselves for ten days at Jekyll Island, Georgia."

So why are libertarians and Ancaps able to scapegoat the federal reserve whenever something in their (private and for profit) system fails?

Note that I'm not socialist/communist and I believe capitalism has a lot of merits in terms of providing incentive to innovate and contribute to society; but I don't jack off about how capitalism would work perfectly and no crashes could ever happen if only gubment got rid of all regulation.

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Because it's run by kikes

Found the federal reserve shill.

>Found the guy trying to get libertarians to be intellectually consistent (something they seem to care a lot about)


Without the Federal reserve we wouldn't have sustained the economy enough to invent the internet

That's 2 hours long, can you summarize the main points please and in particular how it contradicts what I said.

Then don't watch it faggot, you obviously have better things to do shitposting

I've articulated 3 separate points and all you've provided is a link to a 2 hour video of some guy talking, get off your high horse

Defend your ideas like a man and don't depend on someone else to do the talking for you.

Ancaps and Libertarians are retarded. That's why OP, they are meme ideologies.

People don't like the FED in general because it's a kike institution. The shareholders of the FED are the owners of all the major banking corporations in America. The FED exists outside of the US government and has the exclusive rights to issue our national currency.

ie the United States of America (freedomland) is not a sovereign nation.

It's one of the few things lolbergtardians and (((an)))(((cap)))s are right about

Federal reserve is an element of jew control

If you think the Fed is not a state controlled institution you're retarded.

So the FED is a corporation that provides dividends to its shareholders

What would you personally change about how the fed conducts its business to make it more in line with your view of free market capitalism?

1) The federal reserve feeds banks money for them to create more.
2) If it acted like a private corporation, i.e. a bank, then how would it influence interest rates? To influence interest rates is to be contrary to the free market.
3) Crony capitalism does not equal capitalism.

> then how would it influence interest rates?

It's a bank. It can set whatever interest rate it wants on loans and deposits

Government is backed by violence and theft. You cannot choose to not pay them. On the other hand, transactions with companies are voluntary. You can choose to not pay them. This fundamental difference makes all of the evils of government nearly impossible, as the funding of such evils cannot be forced from people. Companies must focus on efficiency and bringing value to customers to survive, and that really makes a huge difference in what they do. In comparison, the government doesnt need to make anybody's lives easier or be efficient, as long as they have power over you.

>The federal reserve feeds banks money for them to create more.

If a regular Joe deposits money in a regular bank, the same thing happens.

>Private enterprise = Good
>Government = Bad

The Fed is a privately owned for-profit corporation/bank, is it a part of the "good free market" or a part of the "big bad government"?

the UNITED STATES of AMERICA is a corporation

"And the corporations are all corporationey"

>created by goverment
>chairman is app by goverment
>its printed tender is a granted a monopoly over US transactions
>its tender is "back by the full faith and credit of United States Goverment"
>used by the goverment to tax through inflation

The only thing private about the federal reserve is its back room dealings. If it was part of the free market it would have colopased through fraud and lack of confidence a 100 years ago.

The FED was created by Jewish international bankers. The literally wrote the legislation.

Greenspan was on daily show years back when Stewart was still host, had to be about 2007-2008, he said then, as is true now, that the US does not have a real free market because of central bank control over interest rates, the manipulation of which is a very visible hand.

Autism + internet access

>its printed tender is a granted a monopoly over US transactions

People could barter instead of using their printed tender.

>its tender is "back by the full faith and credit of United States Goverment"

Which means fuck all

>used by the goverment to tax through inflation

Right but Volcker fought inflation in the 70s and early 80s by raising the federal funds rates.

>chairman is app by goverment

so if the government didn't appoint the chairman would that improve it?

>So why are libertarians and Ancaps able to scapegoat the federal reserve whenever something in their (private and for profit) system fails?
Because it doesn't fulfill the goal of a central bank. But is instead the goals of private banks.

The founders wouldn't have wanted it. It's a tool to increase the size and scope of the state.

yes, so its the entire fiat fractional reserve banking system thats fundamentally flawed, because if the debt were to be paid completely right now the money supply would be 0

>fiat fractional reserve banking system thats fundamentally flawed

Gold backed currencies are also flawed.

History just cycles from one flawed system to another after the previous one collapses. It's human nature