Baki Dou 123

The mememaster is finally here. This should be good.

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Late to the party, Memetobe.The monkey is shaking from fear

it's truck time

How shameful. Second time he ran away from bug.Lets hope he gets his balls back like last time.


Is he gonna fight while drinking? No matter how shitty Baki Dou has turned out to be, I'm still loving Memetobe.

Oh who the fuck are we kidding, there is no way Memetobe will live up to the hype

It is probably something inflammable to burn Musashi once he cuts it.

Jeeeesus, what a chapter. This page really got me though, from the surprise factor. Presumably there's the standard Tokugawa-brand medics in the wings who will save Pickle, which kinda sucks.

molotov inc

How come Pickle knew Memetobe was gong to protect him?

Damn badass entrance with the bottle of Sake to be honest.

Maybe Pickle is s dog and heard Memetobe s whistle?

Did Musashi ever use iaido before?

great, memetobe vs memesashi. I care about Baki so fucking little right now it hurts.

I don't think he knew. I just think he ran away through the way he came in, and collapsed on Motobe. His whole hair-rising thing and this page were both just expressions of fear; he's just yelling "HYAAAN" here, like a wounded animal.

Oh shit, he has a sake bottle.

>not wanting to see the culmination from 90+ chapters of memes and jobs

That's exactly what's got me so hyped out of my mind. This must have the best pay-off in Baki, or it'll be a bust.

but the culmination will be memetobe humiliating defeat and baki stepping on and one shot musashi with an awesome Hanma kick to the balls ™

yeah payoff just like
It'll be so great

Seriously though, it's the DBZ problem. All the side characters you care about fade to nothing. At least VS. Pickle they had a spotlight. This... this is just nothing.

I mean, it HAS to be Baki the one to put memesashi in his place, below the glorious hanma blood.

So did raw strength and power become meaningless after Oliva was defeated?

I haven't really been following and just skim through from time to time but Pickle was just embarrassed by the tiny samurai

Fucking finally,that's what we've all been waiting for the past 2 fucking years now,altho i still would have liked to see Kaku take on Musashi.

It seems this arc is approaching it's climax,hopefully it will get better in the next one.

Raw strength meant nothing as soon as Olivia lost to Yujiro in strength.

If you read Baki s brother fight vs Pickle you will understand a bit better.
Pickle eats for survival , not cause he enjoys fighting. Fighting vs Musashi meant death even if he had won.

What could it be about? My bet is aliens.

It could also be about the ancient Hanma bloodline,unless Itagaki completely forgot that he introduced that subplot,maybe the Hnamas are fucking aliens for all we know.

>ancient hanma gets resurrected

Maybe ancient aliens genetically engineered the Hanma bloodline.

>turns out there's an ancient hunter who preys on ancient Hanmas
>they resurrect this guy using more meme science

Raw power *never* meant anything, guys. As much as we'd all like to believe it did, it didn't. Baki's first fight in the tournament - and I'm sorry that we haven't gotten that shit started yet, we'll talk about it later - is versus this guy, a 7'9, 683-pound "unnecessary description" (style-wise) man.

Pickle does not care for such civilization shenanigans. It's about surviving for him.

Baki in Space soon

Him and a select group are chosen to fight the best in universe while a missing Yujiro secretly hijacks another ship

And here's Bak-Man straight-up overpowering him.

I'm pretty sure he was called Artemis in the anime. Is he a reference to a real life person?

>implying Yuujiro can go missing
If he disappeared off the satellites, Y2K shit would actually go down because of his influence on nations

Andre the Giant, man.

Andre The Giant probably.

The only practical reference I can think of is Andre the Giant, who also serves as the basis for Andou, the forest guy. He's the only person with a vaguely comparable weight to Andreas Reagan here.

That's Baki out-skilling him though, that's somewhat acceptable. Yujiro beat Olivia in terms of Raw Power.

The dude was ust big not necessarily strong though,pickle on the other hand was managed to defeat soem of the best martial artists using only physical strength.

Speaking of real life references.
>this guy is the inspiration for Speck

Say the prisoners are weak all you want, they got the best fucking hype in the whole series.

My point was that size isn't proportional to power in Baki. Yuujiro may be roughly the same height as Oliva and possess smaller muscles yet remain ludicrously stronger.

For their times,yes i have to agree,Yanagi and Sikorsky especially,altho at the time it seemed they were taken in an extremely underwhelming manner seeing what Memetobe is doing now somewhat redeems Yanagi.

Next arc really needs to be a bunch of boss fights again rather than a single guy steamrolling the cast.

>that black guy just kinda chilling there

Are you part of the Spinyback guys? Any info on future Tough releases? I usually wouldn't ask, but I know that it should be less than 10 chapters left, so the wait is killing me.

For fucking sure. Speck vs Hayama is the best fight in the series.

For that to happen, we need the "main cast" to be top-tier again. Here's hoping they can magic their way up to Musashi-tier or something. I did initially hope that they'd Ali Jr. him, but I feel like that'd be gross after this Pickle fight.

Funny thing is, Retsu and the other guy kinda made it to top tier while fighting Pickle, only they got crippled.

>Kaku Kaioh
>Musashi (assuming he survives this arc)
That's enough top tiers without even using Jack. By comparison the Prisoner Arc was using lower ranked guys in the hero team.

Yeah, I am. Honestly, I wish I could tell you, but I don't know. The Tough TL has been MIA for ~5 days, and there's usually something up whenever he goes missing. Last time, it was family matters. Could be that again. I'll see what I can do, though. Promise.

I reaaallly can't see Musashi becoming a good guy/getting on decent terms with anyone. He's an absolute psychopath. The other fighters like fighting; he simply likes hurting people. He does remind me of the convicts in that way, though.

What? He didn't start most of his fights, went easy on Doppo despite using a real blade, and gave Retsu who was practically begging to be killed plenty of chances to walk away. He's not any worse than Oliva or Yujiro.

I don't think we've seen many people as chill as Musashi actually. Maybe the Aiki man, Doppo, Oliva and Baki.

I agree that he's not worse than Yuujiro, but consider: do you really want the series to have two Yuujiros?

Just revive more legends.

I totally forgot to look at the chapter objectively. There's basically no redraws, so I should be able to scanlate it super-easy this time. I gave up on 122 after like an hour, that shit really pissed me off. Kinda feel sorry about that, so I guess I'll just post my translation of it with the raws, if anyone cares. It's more true-to-the-script than WF's as always, so there's that. My page 1 is already here (), but whatever.

>Chapter 122: Volcano
>Slicing. I just can't help but love doing it.
>Whenever I get the chance to slice...
>I end up slashing away with totally unnecessary force.

>A bad habit of mine.
>Truth is that I didn't really need to do that.
>A single cut suffices.
>I didn't want to miss this opportunity here.
>The opportunity for lots of cutting.

>In old battles...

>A single slash would be enough to bring my opponent down before me.
>My thoughts were always...
>"Get up..."

Since September is near, what the announcement could be?

>"Just once more, get up and fight me."
>Being cut...
>Being cut again...
>There is no body in this land that can endure it.

Shit, fuck.

>And slashed again...

He sounds like Laius from Dungeon Meshi.

"Monsters, I just can't help but to love them."

>Just revive more legends.
If they start resurrecting more people they're gonna have to bring Retsu back too, or make up an excuse as to why they can't.

>There is no body here that will not fall when cut ten times.
>But this world is so vast...
>So profound...

Retsu's all pride-y, refuses to return from the grave because he accepted the results of his actions.

>He defies one strike, then two.

next arc final boss will likely be retsu resurrected after getting trained by supreme kaioshin in the afterlife

but before that, more clone ancient fighters

>Three strikes...
>How many slashes might he allow me?
>Just how far will he let me take this?


At this time...
Pickle recalled something...

One Cut Man?

>What is this feeling...?


>It is different from them.
>This feeling...

>It does not resemble these people either.
>This feeling...

We already have the translated chapter though,why are you doing this?

>Is it this guy...?

You know damn well why. And if you don't, it's your loss. Even the guy who uploads those videos appreciates what I do.

>He mindlessly threw it into his mouth.
>His mouth became a volcano.
>It's that one!

To clarify this page - what he ate before was a bee thing. That's why the arms surprise him.

>His form has changed.
>Poisonous stingers on both arms.
>What's more,

The parenthetical is the kanji used.

>He's passing through my body.
>Using the that guy's (butterfly's) technique.


litreally JUST the manga

In other words: "Black Hands and Wolvish Poison". Haha, this is real old school martial arts. Very good.

>M: ...Hey!
>P: I...
>P: Don't want to eat him anymore.

JUST stop it already

Your meme is shit,kill yourself.

So did his wounds reopen because he relaxed his muscles? Is that what happened here?

More or less. I think Pickle can't tense up anymore, so the wounds open again. Basically, he gave up - Musashi is poisonous, so Pickle can't eat him, so why bother fighting?

And then Lon Shobun, a certainly memorable character who existed at some point. As is tradition, I dug out a poem. Yeats' "A Dream of Death" this week.

"I dreamed that one had died in a strange place
Near no accustomed hand;
And they had nailed the boards above her face,
The peasants of that land,
Wondering to lay her in that solitude,
And raised above her mound
A cross they had made out of two bits of wood,
And planted cypress round;
And left her to the indifferent stars above
Until I carved these words:
She was more beautiful than thy first love,
But now lies under boards."


whats up with the bodies in this manga?

in baki pre-dou

>lol weapon are shit can't hit anything
>fists and feet are the greatest

in baki dou

>fugg swords actually hurt you when you are hit
>just tank normal hits they are like mosquito bites

You forget the greatest moment in all of Baki, and a few others. Posting those.


Bakiversu no Zenou

No need to sweat it, just the reassurance that it's not scrapped is more than good enough. Keep up the good work hombre.

Flashback Shibukawa getting chopped.

Wait, what, when, how?