>when we say "good morning" to kakeru, it doesn't make him happy
>but when you tell him "good morning", it does make him happy
>get it?
Is this autist for fucking real?
>when we say "good morning" to kakeru, it doesn't make him happy
>but when you tell him "good morning", it does make him happy
>get it?
Is this autist for fucking real?
Don't expect too much from shoujo targeted at 14-15 yo girls
This episode was filled with so much QUALITY that it actually ruined my immersion.
She's so dumb it's not even funny.
She's so dense its infuriating. Her failing to realize what the fuck Kakeru means when he holds out his hand last ep was ridiculous
Is she really more retarded than Subaru?
What the hell did he mean by this?
It's meant to be a deconstruction of magic/time travel shojo romance. Those touches are meant to remind you of similar stories, where the entire plot can only happen because of an easily cleared up misunderstanding, or someone just not saying something directly, or whatever. It's probably less interesting when you haven't read or watched the stuff it's referring to.
Again, this is a visual joke, it's both about other similar shows with poor budgets doing similar things to cut corners, and a broader criticism of the way the industry treats material aimed at girls, as even more disposable and excusable to do badly than other shows.
It's actually pretty funny and cute.
Suwa best bro.
I don't get it either
What did they mean by this?
>It's meant to be a deconstruction
Get the fuck out, i hate when people try use that word to excuse shitty writing.
Get out of Sup Forums Naho.
>tfw only watching it for glasses-kun to start dating bakery girl
>gotta cover our faces to hide QUALITY
You are watching for the right reasons
pls send doctor
Why can't they be the MCs?
This poor guy, his son must be a complete failure.
The CG background characters were the best looking parts of this episode.
>yfw Naho is a being dumb bitch
My sides.
>dude holds out his hand so he can hold hands with her
>what's wrong Kakeru?
I thought I was used to dense MCs but this made me mad as fuck.
The previous episode was a disaster, too.
They don't give a shit anymore.
This show has fallen really low. At the beginning it was cute, but now her autism has become insufferable.
>It's probably less interesting when you haven't read or watched the stuff it's referring to.
If the story depends on other work to be good, then it means that it is not good. I don't need to read two hundred superhero comics to enjoy Watchmen.
Orange is a typical shoujo. Full of cliches and tropes, but because of the theme "suicide" people tend to overrate it.
She is the female version of Subaru. Stupid for the sake of the plot.
This, pretty much.
What the hell went wrong? It started out with a promising artstyle, too.
It feels like they outsourced 60% of the episode to some low budget hentai studio.
The slideshow montages didn't tip you off?
So let me get this straight. They wrote in dialogue to specifically tell the girl something she should already know but she still doesnt get it
Literally whats the point?
who did this?
stop it
All of the key animation this episode was outsourced entirely to Koreans.
The chief animation director and character designer mentioned being on a tight schedule (as did the director) and he had to supervise the animation of both the OP and the first episode on the day it aired.
I think the studio has just been completely overworked. Now the show's production has just collapsed completely and barely anything is being corrected or fixed.
A real shame.
In hindsight, yeah, they should have. I guess I was just enjoying the way they worked them in.
QUALITY of the season so far, hands down.
>supervise the animation of both the OP and the first episode on the day it aired.
I meant week, whoops.
Cute imouto.
Takako looks mean as fuck.
I am 100% sure they knew exactly what they were doing.
>say something any other person would say
>they all laugh together for 2 minutes
I'm glad someone else noticed
Literally why are people still watching this?
for the orange sh*t
You weren't kidding. The sports festival part was awful, this section even more. And why did he remove his shirt?
So is this show like so bad its entertaining or just a lukewarm kind of "eh why did they make this" or is it actually good and its just easy to shitpost about?
It's "I watched too many episodes to drop it".
I haven't seen the anime so how does this compare to the movie adaptation? Better or worse?
I thought