I know you Gotenfags are so sure that Black is Goten, even though Goten was never born in Future Trunks timeline.
Anyway, here it is.
Black isn't Goten because Goku doesn't recognize him as his son. Maybe us as the viewer can't really tell the difference between Goku and Goten's looks, but Goku would be able to recognize his son. Goten and Goku look different, just not to us.
Ryan Phillips
>Black is Goten
Do people actually believe this? I thought it was just a meme.
Mason Murphy
No fucking shit. He's called GOKU Black. Don't take these stupid retards seriously.
Adrian Miller
>Goku would be able to recognize his son Just like he did when they first met in dbz right?
Christian Richardson
It's goten's son
Named after grandfather
Grayson Thompson
I see there conspiracy theorists all over DB super threads after the Zamasu reveal.
I don't know why the meme won't die. There's no logic to it, just grasping straws.
Remember when Magetta was Broly in a robot suit? WTF
Brandon James
Your theory has a huge flaw, Gowasu and Beerus are not linked, Beerus is not the god of destruction of universe 10 and thus killing Gowasu wouldn't affect Beerus at all
Henry Powell
Black is obviously Puar in disguise
Ethan Price
You're right. But regardless, I think someone mentioned Beerus no longer being alive in the future, so that implies not only he is dead, but so is the Supreme Kai, maybe even Whis. So, assuming Gowasu is still dead by Zamasu's hand, Goku Black could also easily be the god of destruction from that universe. Which would then make for even more bullshit. Like what the fuck are they doing in a different universe. Are they going from universe to universe wiping shit out?
Nolan Jenkins
It's gonna be something really, really stupid.
I hope you're all braced for disappointment.
Camden Morris
What if Black is Naruto after using the Ninjutsu to transform bodies?
Mason Sanchez
Why can't Toei do anything apart from 2fast2furious punching spam and constantly reused frames of animation?
Jonathan James
Latest meme is Black is Hit x Goku. Get with the times, grampa.
Blake Adams
I think Zamasu deliberately looked for a universe with no supreme kai and god of destruction so he and Black could takeover as the gods of that universe. Zamsu as supreme kai and Black as a god of destruction.
Alexander Powell
Calling it now, he just created another Goku. He knew he couldn't defeat him, so he just made his own Goku clone using god magic.
Brandon Ramirez
This actually looked good you faggot. There wasn't one fast punching scene in Z even close to 0:08.
Zachary Gonzalez
>This actually looked good you faggot. No it didn't dumbass
Jacob Clark
I actually like 2fast4u punch spams
Michael Nguyen
Calling it now. Black is the original Super Saiyan God.
Nolan Garcia
I actually thought it looked pretty cool. For a second it showed Vegeta as a badass blocking a punch from a much stronger opponent.
Aaron Nguyen
But this looks great
>Finally fast punches that aren't only paint lines spammed everywhere on the frame
Matthew Perez
Black is just Goku hypnotised
Ayden Lopez
Hunter Murphy
So is this arc ending soon or goku is going to lose so we get more training and a power up?
Andrew Myers
I thought Gotenfags didn't exist. Why would people love Goten you retard.
Charles Baker
Black is Cell >wants to attain perfection >smug as fuck >fabulous >Magnificent villainy I can't understand why you people can't see
Evan Phillips
Because, I don't know... it's a week to week program where there isn't as much focus on the details than getting it out of it's near month of development? There will be shortcuts taken on a Week to week TV series just to get it released. Dragon Ball is far from the first to be subject to that (through with the Olympics hijacking the time slot for a month, the team got a bit of a break).
Brody Foster
Oh they exist. Just look at any DB super thread and Goten is the most prevalent Black theory for some stupid reason.
Mason Lewis
If he was Cell, he would have immediately announced himself to be Cell. He loved attention
Jaxon Lee
Cell > Black > Frieza > Vegeta > Piccolo Daimao > Buu > Pilaf
We all agree right?
Ryan Gomez
Man can you think of the asspain if Sup Forums (or really any DB/anime forum) was around in 1989?
I can see it
>What the fuck is this shit why are fucking aliens here >Goku a fucking alien? Lmao what an asspull this will be shit >Did you see that shit animation when goku attacked Raditz? Fucking cheap ass Toei, it looks worse than the first series! >Where the fuck are the adventures? >Nobody cares about Dragon balls in fucking Dragon ball? >Super Sayian? What the actual fuck? >Blonde hair lmao faggot >SSj ultra and 2? Ok thats enough Z is dead >a fucking pink faggot as the main villain? >Oh shit guys! Did you see GT? It goes back to the roots! Finally a true sequel, not this failure Z
Faggots, all of you.
Aiden Brown
I actually considered this.
Seems unlikely though. Black's personality seems different from Cell.
Isaac Stewart
What better way to announce it magnificently
Samuel Jackson
there are legitimate gotenfags that exists as I am one of the few but I suspect that most of them here right now are falseflagging gohan/broly faggots who just wants to shitpost or whatnot.
Brody Smith
Yes. But I would put Cooler better than freezer but he's not canon so that's excusable.
Nicholas Evans
Samuel Reed
>it's a week to week program Nah even the Naruto and Pokemon anime have better fights than the Dragon Ball Super anime.
Leo Rivera
Don't you guys think they're overdoing with Vegeta? I appreciate the character, but they can't give him a good fight without a humiliation at the end, if they absolutely want him to lose then it's ok, but why do they need to trash him everytime?Sometimes it's funny but there, I really expected a decent fight against Black.
Luke Collins
>Cell > *
Luis Hall
>Cell >First >We all agree right? No you have shit taste.
Mason Reyes
Cherry picking episodes won't help user. Both had their share of QUALITY.
Brandon Bailey
In Vegeta's defense. Goku hasn't beaten anyone in the entire run of Super.
Except Botamo.
Anthony Gonzalez
>Black above anything
Worst villain so far
Michael Long
Every animation can look great when its slow as fuck.
Also the colors are all fucked up and it makes it look like shit
Jaxon Diaz
>the vegetafag appears Fuck off. Everyone got jobbed this episode.
Juan Davis
Aiden Taylor
Yeah but Goku don't get his ass blasted like that, he can pull up a good fight and maybe lose after
Xavier Smith
>Both had their share of QUALITY. Not as bad as DBS
Kayden Walker
Kek, no.
First villain in like forever that didn't have everything revelaed about him in the first episode he appears
Josiah Jackson
Samuel Rodriguez
I really hate this kind of hipster bait animation. Sure it flows well, but it looks like crap and at that point I'd rather watch live animation than this shit.
Luis Kelly
>not as bad as Not an argument
Julian Moore
>Every animation can look great when its slow as fuck. Explain pic related then.
Connor Davis
>Pokemon is still going on.
How can you watch this garbage. Its literally the same for thousands of episodes.
Even fucking Ash dosn't grow up.
Brayden Bell
>Not an argument Yeah it's true. Also neither is >C-cherry picking and moving the goal post.
Connor Ross
Looks beatiful. Pinnacle of animation.
Now fuck off
Brayden Hughes
Because they are lazy and can't into choreography. Its Toei what else did you expected?
Jaxon Wood
Are you fucking serious you're in a dragonball thread
Jonathan Lewis
Jason Reed
absolutely. only plebs with shit taste won't appreciate the beauty that it is.
Asher Reed
Yes cherry picking episodes is not an argument,I already said that. >moving goal post What was the goal in the first place
Thomas Sanders
Atleast time flows normally kinda.
Camden Bennett
its actually gohan
Julian Williams
I agree. Black is one of my favorite villains so far. He's without a doubt the most interesting antagonist.
Parker Gonzalez
>yfw Hit's timeskip is basically King Crimson from Jojo but done and executed better
Brody Miller
The kakashi and obito fight had months of filler before it so they actually took some time to animate it
Charles Howard
Have you seen cell saga
Oliver Gonzalez
So wait
If Beerus and Kaioshin are linked, does that mean that Beerus could have died when Buu kicked Kaioshin's shit in?
Also why this particular Kaioshin? Buu killed 4 others, one of them being technically the most superior and the one that would make sense to have a link with Beerus. Also what about the old Kaioshin?
I can only imagine that the link can be passed on between Kaioshins, and if not then TORIYAMAAAAAAAAAAA
David Sanders
Cell>Frieza>King Piccolo>Buu>everything in DBS
Brody Walker
>Hey i am Cell when i eat androids and people i become strong
All in the span of like one episode.
Carter Rogers
Black is literally the first villain in the whole franchise that actually has a cause that isn't ''I'm evil and I want power''
Granted his motivations are delusional but still, he and Zamasu are the first villains who think they are actually doing the right thing
Nolan Jones
I think all the Supreme Kais would have to die. Gowasu and Zamasu would probably both have to die for the U10 god of destruction to die.
Or they just fucked up. Who knows haha
Christian Phillips
>If Beerus and Kaioshin are linked, does that mean that Beerus could have died when Buu kicked Kaioshin's shit in?
>Also why this particular Kaioshin? Buu killed 4 others, one of them being technically the most superior and the one that would make sense to have a link with Beerus. Also what about the old Kaioshin?
If all Kaioshins die, Beerus dies, that particular Kaioshin is just the last one left
Jordan Martin
You are retarded There should be atleast one Supreme It didn't say how he originated or what his endgoal is or how he knows Kamehameha and makawhatever >I am son goku and i am going to kill you all
Jacob King
Ahahah! Mhahaha!
Utsukushii, daro~?
Wyatt Martin
Someone needs to drop his nostalgia goggles
Robert Cook
>cherry picking I picked a well aniamted episode of Naruto and compared it to a well animated episode DBS. That wasn't cherry picking dumbass and saying c-cherry picking in desperation doesn't mean you're right and is not an argument.
>What was the goal in the first place No it wasn't you said DBS sucks because is a long running week to week anime I picked an example that fits under that and then you tried dismiss it c-cherry picking.
Isaiah Richardson
A ching chong saiyajin to you too Pink Goku
Jeremiah Edwards
ESL Mexican detected Do not reply to him
I repeat: do not reply to him
Justin Fisher
>First villain in like forever that didn't have everything revelaed about him in the first episode he appears Confimed not remembering shit about the series
Matthew Morgan
>well animated episode episode of dbs And that's where cherrypicking comes Don't move the goal posts fagboy
Bentley Fisher
To be fair, even now plenty of people are of the opinion that Goku being revealed to be an alien all along and everything which was added as a consequence dilluted dragonball's story's charm and personality and they are correct.