JoJo Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Joseph is my inspiration in life
So what would be your reaction if Highway star was well animated
Also what would highway star be localized to?
Killer Queen is the undisputed best stand.
This thread belongs to DIO now
Scary ass death tank
Not naming Giorno's stand "Criminal World" was a missed opportunity.
You'll never stand a chance against my [GANGSTER'S PARADISE]
>golden wind requiem though
>vento aureo= golden wind
>gold experience=golden wind
>sex pistols=intercourse rifles
>sticky fingers= fucking zipperman
23 - Sheer Heart Attack Part 2 (5)
24 - Sheer Heart Attack Part 3 (5)
25 - Atom Heart Father Part 1 (3)
26 - Atom Heart Father Part 2 / Yoshikage Kira's New Life Part 1 (3)
27 - RPS Kid is Coming (6)
28 - Yoshikage Kira's New Life Part 2 / I Am An Alien Part 1 (4.5)
29 - I Am An Alien Part 2 / Highway Star Part 1 (4.5)
30 - Highway Star Part 2 (6)
31 - The Cat Who Loved Kira (6)
32 - The Man on the Tower (6)
33 - Enigma Boy (6)
34 - Cheap Trick (6)
35 - My Dad is Not My Dad / Another One Bites the Dust Part 1 (5)
36 - Another One Bites the Dust Part 2 (5)
37 - Another One Bites the Dust Part 3 / Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable Part 1 (5)
38 - Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable Part 2 (5)
39 - Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable Part 3 / I'll Jog Your Memory / The Guardian Angel of Morioh / Goodbye Morioh; Golden Hearts (4)
What was the name of His stand?
How do you think the next opening look like?
Wouldn't his Stand be the holy spirit?
Stairway to Heaven.
>vento aureo= golden wind
That's the way it should be though. I have no idea why Vento Aureo caught on here when the nips call it Ougon no Kaze.
>Alien episode will happen in September
>mfw this is the ED for that episode
We know that it was Ticket to Ride
>all those six chapter arcs crammed into single episodes
I hate David.
>Atom Hearth Father part 2
>6 chapter Highway Star episode
You know that they're going to rush Highway Star user, don't fight it. It's fast paced anyway so it might fare better than the others but it's bound to happen.
It's just speculation us dingus
[Our God is an Awesome God]
Although I wish they could've gotten a couple more episodes, those 6 chapter episodes would be a pain in the ass regardless since your choices consist of
>Stretching them the fuck out into two-parters and making the part needlessly long with the less interesting episodes
>Have these constant weird episode splits with one or two chapters of the next arc in the middle of the episode
>Make the episodes creditless and speed up the pace
It's a lot easier to deal with arcs that are either shorter or longer than the awkward 6 chapter length.
Thankfully, there's barely any of those in VA.
I know, but it's inevitable for some of the arcs
Idiot, why the hell would they split a 8 chapter arc into one 6 chapter episode, when there's so many better possibilities?
I wish we got an extra 2 or 3 episodes, god damn I'm scared everything after ATF is going to be rushed as fuck
Dame dame dame dame dame dame dame dame
I like to think that adult Gio would incorporate something of Bruno into his style, like Joseph and Caesar.
So did they fix the Killer Queen design or what? He still looks off to me
AHF** i cant ype
It's b e c o m i n g better.
I don't see them doing 2 full episodes for HS considering how much more they have to adapt with so few episodes left. The first chapter of Highway Star still focuses on Mikitaka as well for some reason until the last few pages, there's even a TO BE CONTINUED halfway into the chapter.
Only in very specific shots, it still uses the new design most of the time.
Looking back at SC it really makes me wonder how the hell they managed to make so many two-parters out of short arcs like Judgement, High Priestess and Alessi.
Guess they wanted to milk it a lot more.
Alessi's episodes felt so dragged out.
Waiting for the part where all he does is make this fucking face
>yfw we may live long enough to see King Crimson's sexy legs animated
SC was a fucking torture
>My face when Bruno and the gang in glorious animation.
>glorious animation
Wrong studio m8
> mfw some of us wont
It's been a while. During what point during SHA does Koichi grow his hair back?
Pour out a cup of piss tea for the poor bastards that died waiting for VA to be aninated.
>mfw we may live long enough to see the glorious 8 page muda beatdown
I'm glad they decided to pick up the pace with DiU, but c'mon, it wasn't that bad.
Even if they could've easily shaved off 4-5 episodes, much of it is also owed to SC's inherently tedious nature.
Right around when he decides to stop being a pussy and makes SHA chase itself.
Grows it back just before he makes Kira cry like a little bitch.
You rage you loose
>you loose
What did he mean by this?
>YFW the last minute of an episode is Giorno starting the 8 page Muda fiesta and the next episode starts with him finishing it before it cuts to the OP
Simple, you f
It hurts.
Part _ is the worst part.
Your favorite part is shit.
I spare my rage for those who deserve the attention.
I am victorious today.
Can someone please post the QUALITY Sheer Heart Attack people made after the killer queen reveal? I cant find it.
Why didn't Jotaro just donut Pucci like he did the World? At least with Kira he had the excuse of being weakened.
Also why not bring Josuke along so he could've had him heal his dumb ass daughter and not be distracted about punching Pucci?
A r a k i f o r g o t
Because plot and of all the things araki forgetting to inculde Giorno not showing up at all in Part 6 has to the biggest one.
We were just speaking of Arakis fucking Alzheimers in the last thread
I think we all at least can agree on that we have a really heavy meme user fanbase.
Giorny makes me horny
I like the anime more then the manga, is this bad?
I mean normally i was happy Shigechi died but i actually cried with the anime.
Jotaro consistently underestimated Pucci and got what he deserved.
Animeonlys love memes
Bites za dusto will become the new Za Warudo maymay, screencap this post
he think he slick
I am an anime only and still fucking hate the memes
Isn't it strange. DIO lost because he underestimated Jotaro and believed his The World was the strongest.
Jotaro lost because he underestimated Pucci at every turn and believed Star Platinum was the strongest.
I just find Pucci being "unstoppable" a bit cheap when it's only possible because of plot holes and "muh fate/gravity/Dio's cock" that he didn't die a million times over.
I fight you.
Episode 23 - Sheer Heart Attack, Part 1 (5 chapters)
Episode 24 - Sheer Heart Attack, Part 2 (5 chapters)
Episode 25 - Atom Heart Father // including Kira's new life (6 chapters)
Episode 26 - RPS Kid is coming (6 chapters)
Episode 27 - I am an Alien! (5 chapters)
Episode 28 - Highway Star, Part 1 // including Kira's new life 2 (5 chapters)
Episode 29 - Highway Star, Part 2 // ends with beginning of Stray Cat (5 chapters)
Episode 30 - Stray Cat (5 chapters)
Episode 31 - Superfly (6 chapters)
Episode 32 - Enigma Boy (6 chapters)
Episode 33 - That's Not My Dad! // ends with Cheap Trick (4 chapters)
Episode 34 - Cheap Trick // ends with BtD chapter 1 (5 chapters)
Episode 35 - Another One Bites The Dust, Part 1 (4 chapters)
Episode 36 - Another One Bites The Dust, Part 2 (4 chapters)
Episode 37 - Another One Bites The Dust, Part 3 / or Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable Part 1 (4.5 chapters)
Episode 38 - Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable / or CDiU Part 2 (4.5 chapters)
Episode 39 - Goodbye Morioh, The Golden Hearts // end of CD is unbreakable and the last 3 chapters (4 chapters)
Oh so you just speedread , got it
thats because they: blew up the sad dog, made 30%of its brain leak out through its ear, made it worry about protecting its parents, made the viewer remember that josuke and okuyasu were its only friends, and also the sad dog yelled out in horror the name of the only person that could save it
>manga cant do that
Oh, you don't have a real counterargument, got it.
It's the same thing as DIO's World, just reversed.
>"Man this pucci guy is stronk but I can stop time. Lol"
>Gets stand stolen
>"Boi that sucked. Gettin' my stand stolen and all. But I can stop time so lol"
>"This Pussy feller sure is strong. But there's no way he can get any stronger. I mean I can stop time lol"
>Made in Heaven
So do you guys use Crunchyroll or something else?
I personally use some stuff subs because they use the stands name correctly and also a lot more swearing in it.
You can't speed read the anime.
I love him
honestly fuck whoever commissioned this
Jotaro doesn't know how to stop button mashing. It's to be expected from autistic punch bot.
I love Gappy too, user.
What? It's just the winners of one of the ASB AI tournament brackets from 2013.
why it's nice looking. Plus it has my 2nd favorite jojo and my wife.
He is cool isn't he?
Yeah me too he's a great JoJo
>So do you guys use Crunchyroll
Lurk more before posting
Part 2 is shit.
sorry I just want to fit in..
Just finished Steel Ball Run. pretty good but not better than 5 and 6. do you guys really think it was excellent or it was just memes?
also, valentine was shit but D4C was awesome. It was like an american Sup Forumsack went in cringe mode and sharted it on paper.
>wound and injury marks on his back making american flag.
Jockey Diego was pretty good and menacing villain.
Pucci's not unstoppable at all, do you realize how many mistakes every character made that let Pucci get as far as he did?
>plot holes
There are none
Fate is a real thing in the JoJo universe and it's a driving force of the entire story, every JoJo has had fate on their side
This time it's just that so did the villain.
Nothing feels asspully about Pucci, everything he does was rigged from the beginning.
The only thing I could see you have a problem with is the process of attaining heaven having no real explanation or how DIO got to that conclusion.
Name one thing he said that wasn't true. I'm waiting.
I'll give you that one amigo