Onee-san Thread

Have you told your onee-san you love her?

Other urls found in this thread:

I did it once.
She hugged me.
I get an erection.
She noticed and was disgusted.

I don't make a habit of lying to my family.

My sister is dead from drug overdose.

That's not very nice


>talking about 3D in the very first post
Thread already ruined, good job. Talk about 2D nee-sans only unless you want to go to /soc/.

What about 2.5D Japanese ones?


What the hell is this?


They're not 2.5D, you're stupid. Seiyuus are maybe 2.5D but that's debatable because most of just hide their 3DPDness for the sake of their anime sales.

Going by the chaos and reaction images, my guess is Sup Forums.

Blogshit about an user who tried to get with his sister. Got kicked off the last oneechan thread but since it's over I thought I'd just post the screencaps here.

That's it pls no ban I'm just dumping a few caps here
It should be fine if ringpop caps are fine right?

Ziploc-kun did.

Who K/a/nonfag here?

When the fug will we get more typeset chapters of Danchigai
I need more mutsuki and I need it now

>Who K/a/nonfag here?
I was a Hanafag until he fucked up with that kiss

/u/ get out
Does she even count as blood related
I forget the details of the story but wasn't the MC some string being or some shit

All of them are 3DPD. Fuck your memes.

I wish I had a sister...

You could always fug your mom

>/u/ get out
>Does she even count as blood related
user pic was unrelated to my comment.

That was a fun thread.

I know but it's an oneechan thread so I can only assume your picture referenced that.

Can anyone explain to me how Sup Forums work? Do you guys hate blogging? Do you guys hate 3DPD? I don't know anymore.

Is this sarcastic or not
Your picture basically says it all doesn't it?
Blogging is bad.
3DPD is bad
imouto and oneechan threads are the unfortunate exception because of some strange tradition of blogging in these threads
It's usually tolerated in those threads if it's kept to manageable levels

I want to be a space imouto.

Im not being sarcastic at all im just confused and think you guys are just playing pretend most of the times.

Sup Forums is not an individual entity. Blog threads are hated by a majority but supported by a minority. Some blog threads are created with the express purpose of being deleted so they can be continued in the archive outside of the sphere of influence of the moderation team.

Sup Forums's relationship to 3DPD is not the topic of Sup Forums, so while there are certain memes going around, the best way to approach the topic is to bring it to a different board and discuss it where it belongs. Sibling relationships have always had a special place with Sup Forums, but while they have more support than other kinds of 3DPD and blogging, they are by no means supported by a majority OR by the mods.

There's literally nothing wrong with blogging about your own blood related older sister.

So long as you do it on or .

imoutos out

No shit you're on a board for make-believe cartoons. Most of Sup Forums detests blogs, as does most of Sup Forums actually outside of pure hilarity type shit like tilefucker on Sup Forums or ellie on /tg/
"3dpd" is another way of saying 'fuck off, this is the anime board not the real-person board'. Seiyuu threads and discussion are usually considered okay here because they're directly involved in making anime and to justify this the meme of '2.5d' was created - they're not 3dpd so it's alright.

Sibling blogs are usually okay as long as it isn't the 380+ / 505 posts that it was last thread
People usually manage to discuss around it, since imouto and oneechan threads are passably slow most of the time anyway

There is if it consumes the entire fucking thread

Does anybody want to be my sister?

Is there an RP board or something
Not /soc/, like an actual erp board defacto or dejure
Either way I wish I could be an older sister but this is not Sup Forums material

>Onee-chan thread
>Post story where childhood friend wins

Well then

/trash/ is kind of an rp board. Are you implying that you want to older sister ERP or something?

Hypocrite as always. Just fucking admit it that you guys lust for ''3DPD'' and you all want to hear juicy stories of anons getting laid.

That shit reminded me of oriemo, I think im going to go rewatch that garbage again

Sup Forums and /adv/ senpai

>all these not anime images

Whoever made this was obviously a cancerous crossboarder.

No, I'm implicitly telling you to go there instead because an ERP request is all I can glean from that post.

it was a thread on Sup Forums user

Would be okay without all the retarded meme reactions and meme enlarged text.

I just want a sister, even if it's somebody I'll never meet over the internet. Not to lust over, but to have as a close friend and somebody I can look after and be looked after by. I realize it's kind of gross and pathetic, but I've never had a sibling.

Sup Forums tell me stories of your siblings, I need to live vicariously through you.

Sorry to hear that. Rip, man.

Good thing that's the only one I didn't make then

Yeah I know that.

That doesn't change a thing about the nature of the crossboarder adding all those reaction images.



>actually requesting blogs
M8 I get that life can be miserable and not what you want but come on you know better

>all these deleted post

You guys blame the mods and janitor everytime but I think they are doing a good job.

You normalfags 3DPD lovers asking for more blogging are part of the fucking problem not the mods.

That probably was a janitor though. The mod was asleep or busy eating and the janitor had to do what he could with his limited powers.

I don't think anyone is blaming the janitors, most of the thread seemed fairly happy about it getting nuked not least because it made the thread go from 500+ to under 180 or some other insane shit
At any rate are you sure you aren't new, because I don't remember this much hostility towards ringpop and such

Not new at all. Im just sick of Sup Forums going from ''FUCK NORMALFAGS FUCK 3DPD'' to ''OH GOD I WANT A GF I WANT TO GET LAID PLEASE LISTEN TO MY BLOG''. Make up your mind already.

>inb4 Sup Forums is not one person!!!

How is this not a blog thread though? The OP post is "Have you told your Onee-san you love her?" There's no discussion of anime, no discussion of sisters in anime or manga, it's blatantly referring to actual family. Just hide the thread if you don't like it, and if janny doesn't like it, he can close it or delete posts.

But it literally isn't though
And anyway you just sound incredibly new just for complaining about this.

Because imouto threads that start off with the same aren't legit imouto threads now? Really?
Is this some end-of-summer newfaggotry or what?

You're still here, and you haven't hidden the thread. It's okay user, I'll listen to your stories. No need to feel like a faggot.

>see an oneechan thread
>go in because I'm an oneechan fan
>"but this is my blogging grounds because of the OP!!" shitposting
Nice epic I like it. Last thread was right, why do we get not love?

Because we don't have a meme anime in the same way imoutofags do.

>no onee-san
Time for 2D.

What's the meme anime for them this season
I admittedly haven't been following that much. Are you talking about Illya 3?

Nee-sans and childhood friends are both god tier so this is alright. Still fucking fake though.

hey faggots
I have an onee-chan
and guess what
I've seen her naked
plenty of times
and you know what?
she's pretty hot as well

This doujin was amazing, bath oneechan made me fucking beyond diamonds

It might be but who cares. Like the people in that thread were saying, it's a damn good story. I wish someone would make a manga out of it

What is a meme anime? I don't understand this reddit speak.


>why do we get not love?
Onee-sans and Onee fans are doomed to suffer. I don't know why or what we did to deserve it but that's the way it is.

The MC was kind of a dick here desu, as much as I love the oneechan end

God's oneechan probably teased him too much as a kid
It's also why Lilith got booted, because seeing cowgirl triggered YHWH-kun and reminded him of his oneechan.

I wasn't referring to seasonal anime; I was specifically referencing Oreimo.

Keit-ai. It's a really good upcoming movie.

Oh ok.

Does she even get dumped that much in imouto threads
I [am] realizing how few pictures of oneechans I have in comparison to imoutos though. Why does every harem have a token imouto but only rarely have the token neechan? How bad can the elevens' taste be

If it's not a bunch of doujin links, she's the de facto poster girl for imouto threads.

Haremshit can fuck off. Oneechans deserve better otoutos who appreciate their support and show it by returning their affections.

>still not translated

Fuck this gay Earth.

Right but haremshit doesn't necessarily end in a harem or open end. I mean even Oreimo is technically haremshit.

>still not translated either

Fuck this gay universe.

Fuck, I was getting excited but this is so obviously fake and gay I'm not even going to bother looking for the spaghetti and dinosaur walking in the end


She knows I love her very much

When will gene engineering be a thing so we can have childlers 100% safely with oneechans, meaning we shut the SJWs up, meaning more oneechans can win in manga?

That art looks to shiny for my taste

True, but they should also win in a good genre.

"Do not plead for the town when you do not have a house" - some Chinese dude probably

It's not happening anytime soon outside of hentai because of that Tokyo Law or whatever it's called.

I just have older brothers. I have some older cousins though, but I don't keep in touch with them.

>Tokyo Law
Hold up what now, what does this have to do with oneechans

Basically a few years ago they passed a law that forbids companies to sell products which "glorify" incest (among other things) to people under 18. This law only applies to the Tokyo territory, but since most companies are based there, it effectively killed all non-hentai products about incest. That's why in Oreimo they couldn't openly show that Kirino and Kyousuke are still secretly together.

Wow okay epic
I thought it was just about lolicon or some shit
So when will moralfags be obliterated from the face of the earth?

I have an imouto but have wanted a cute and lazy onee-chan to take care of for a long time now.

I'm aware I probably only feel that way because I don't actually have one.

It's one of those things you'd never want to get rid of but you also probably don't understand until you have one. More or less yeah, it's probably because you don't have one - I'd never 'swap' my sister for someone else but I sure as fuck wish she'd learn to clean her room.

>What about 2.5D Japanese ones?

made me laugh

Lurk you fucking faggot.