Mob Psycho 100

Why is he so perfect?

I don't know but I'll take 10 of them, keep the change


Well that scene was for you guys. A lot of Fujos have serious Kopfkino now, i cant blame them.

I don't know what I appreciate the most of this picture, Reigen or his hands

It's always the groin/pelvic area for me.

Why are there so many apologists in these threads?

Reigen probably gives a mean handjob desu


whatever you say reigan-san

Apologists for what?

I was trying to be all sophisticated, but you see right through me user

Could I tell him that I have a crotch-afflicted curse and receive the massage of my life?

This is a christian board, user! Spoiler that shit, at least.

I can't look at it, it's too much


Mob abuse gives me a boner desu senpai.

For being sick, depraved fucks and fujos and ruining the threads from the get-go.

I really disliked how One didn't focus on the Ritsu being afraid of his brother.

That is a really interesting character plot which would make Ritsu a lot better character than what he ultimately becomes after this arc.
Instead its just ignored and sidelined as Ritsu lying and making up with his brother to become another generic teru character.

I can't catch if the fujoshit is ironic or not

No need to try to hide it user. I often think about Aratakaちゃん's crotch and wonder if he dresses to the left.

>Downloading the version I made with ever-so-slightly non-maximized filesize

what a baka

Is this the thread where I get it all out of my sistem once and for all?

just kidding, it will probably take a while before I realize it's a fictional character I am masturbating on like I just discovered my clit

I'm sorry senpai. Please forgive me.

Was animosity supposed to be rage or wrath or something?

...and by filesize I mean maximizing the bitrate to fit into the 3MB limit

Dude are a new here? Just ingore and let them have their fun as long as its positive and not too sexual, who cares. If you have something to say, say it i will reply and question it many others feel the same too i assume.

I read it translated as Hostility.

I've seen Wrath used in other series but they're usually just ones with Deadly Sins motifs.

It was translated as 'hostility' in the manga.

Its all in good fun i hope but some are proably really serious, but arent you quite hypocrite here.


>he thinks 「怒り」 is the same as 「敵意」


Did he pull it off?

What's this guy's name again?

Tekken combo lengths are getting rediculous


You guys are naughty as hell, like the fuck i like it, keep going

rage is to lust what animosity is to love. Rage being blind while animosity is targeted.

I want to tell Reigen I have ghost inside me and the only way to defeat them is to fuck my brains out

>Reigen is so perfect he's starting to turn people gay.
Kek, sasuga best boy.

So how many of the fujos would fuck a guy like reigen if he was real, i cant imagine that many would like that or me wrong here?

White T Poison

>likes dogs
>takes care of plants
>is a good father
>falls asleep to B movies
>didn't settle for being some random salaryman
He's literally perfect.

would you let him ravish your boipucci?

Time to imitate Reigen and get all them grils, ah who am i kidding i aint cute enough.


Ritsu was partially lying, which clearly means part of what he said was true. He loves his brother and wants the best for him but his fear has been shown more than once (less than his envy and inferiority complex, which play a bigger part in the way he percieves and experiences his relationship with his brother, but shown nonetheless).
Even in this week's episode, when Mob started slowly working towards him, which placed us in Ritsu's perspective and was framed in a way that'd lead us to believe he was gonna do something to him (when in fact he was just heading towards the delinquents to apologize). Even way after the end of his character arc, hislittle conversations with Shou do indicate that he still very much considers his brother's powers as fearsome and dangerous, which is why he wanted to witness Shou beating his dad, the main difference now being that he understands Mob's courage and efforts to better himself and is genuinely supportive of him.

I'd agree that he needs or needed more screen time, since imo his character still has a lot of potential for future growth, but I don't think the "fear" angle not being more prominent is a problem, at least in this arc.

>tfw he would probably accept it even though I'm a man
Why is he not real?


Where's the best place to read the manga?

glad we got that settled already

The real question is who wouldn't?

Why is he dressed like this? He wasn't faggy in the manga.


Extreme situations do help to bond people, they were about to get killed or at least brainwashed and had a lot time to sort things out when they met in the cell later on.

in a book

What do you mean user?

That's a cute, manly sweater.


I want to jump on his cock while I hold him by his pink tie, so romantic


Bro he's fa as fuck here. I bet you wear cargo shorts.

Glad I didn't drop this, now it's getting interesting

His shit taste in clothing is canon, user. What did you expect?


I have a smiliar one just not in that colour, whats faggy about that, masculinity isnt that fragile in Europe or Japan when it comes to looks.

stop pushing your ill conceived stereotypes onto characters, you probably dress like shit

I love the little mannerisms the anime is giving him.

nice Sup Forums meme, saved

Someone got a webm of the Yutapon scene. I have to study it for like 30min.

I want to wear his tie so he can choke me with it

I want to pay him to let me choke on his dick.

they fucking loaded this episode with the budget.

Of course

I want the fags and fujos to leave.

nice fights but when does best girl come back?

Stop it.

Not soon

He's got a nice ass.


they put money into this episode.

We should have a thread just for this shit

I'm sorry I didn't want to scare you Reigen, I'll keep my distance

yeah, in /y/

Probably not until episode 12, where they hopefully probably show the Student Council President election.

Quit lying to yourself user
We are all fags for Reigen

Not until episode 12 where she convinces Mob to run for president.

It's not very good but made a render.

how popular is mob psycho in japan?

but /y/ is exclusively homo user, which is more than fine, but I need my hetero stuff too

>mob threads flooded by fujoshitposting

exactly 543 populars.

>Not liking Reigen.

Disgusting, isn't it?

For one short moment when Mob was walking past Ritsu in bold confident strides, he felt for the first time ever like the real older brother he is. This animation really mangaged to convey that via body language, something i didnt feel that at any point of the manga. Well done bONEs after i saw that, i knew they would nail the rest with ease. Fucking Yutapon was there too, holy shit

Can you really blame them tho?

What is this expression trying to convey?

100% love

"i really hope my wig doesn't fall off"

Is he actually going to keep wearing that ridiculous wig for the rest of the show?