Who is your favorite mangaka?
Who is your favorite mangaka?
Monty Oum
It just might be Raiku Makoto. Gash Bell was one of my childhood favorites, and I loved Animal Country too, but besides that I've always thought his author notes were interesting and "real", compared to the zany nonsense or boring nothingness most authors put in there. It's all pretty subjective, of course.
I'm excited for his new series, three chapters in and the MC is already literally shitting his pants to ward off demonic possession.
Mizukami Satoshi
im glad his body killed him
>implying Inoue can't draw cuter girls than that
Found more variations
Does Kishimoto know that women aren't supposed to have square jaws?
Yusei Matsui since about 2007, but before that it was Rumiko Takahashi.
Wait, Raiku has a new series? *hits google like a train*
This is Kanehara Takumi right? the copycat dude? the artist who used to be a male host
what happened to him? it's been ages since Jump published a oneshot or anything about him
Lurk more, faggot.
Takeshi Obata
Toriyama, Takahashi, and Miyazaki.
I guess I'm a pleb. A lot of them look overdone and just retarded. There's a few that are just not my style, but I get the appeal.
Satoshi Mizukami and Keiji Watarai
Bottom-right is Matsumoto right? Perfect
Araki's and Miura's versions are pretty cool
>google the name
>find twitter account
>born 27/12/1990
a mangaka that's younger than me (by 1 month), well it had to happen sooner or later
It's really difficult for me to accept that people born in 1990 aren't minors any more.
I almost reported you.
I'll gladly eat up anything by Asano Inio, especially his shorter series and oneshots. Oshimi Shuuzou is pretty good too, mostly.
Gosho Aoyama
Yanagida Fumita
Hamada Yoshikazu
Has he done anything of note besides tsugumomo?
can't draw womon
Too much detail on the face
Nico robin with shorter hair
Moyocco's one looks weird but I think it's my favourite, that or Miyazaki's.
Is this fan made? Because Araki hasn't drawn like that since Stone Ocean
>Is this fan made?
Of course it is.
Honestly Komi. He can't write for shit but his girls are as top tier as they come and his art is out of this world tier.
Bottom Left is Go Nagai, Bottom Middle is Tezuka, Upper Left is Doraemon's authors.
Don't know about the last one.
mugenjin is my god
and Amahara too
I love their style so much its just painfull
In two years, people born in 2000 won't be minors anymore.
And that will be the end of Sup Forums.
>No kubo
Why is kubo hated?
Ib4 bleach
>Has he done anything of note besides porn
That's Araki only in his middle peroid from approximately p4 till p6, where all women are ugly as fuck but he gets better later
Looks like late part 4 to me.
Togashi and Obata
Kubo did the background
Takehiko Inoue is just beatiful and Araki coz his is just weird
Guy needs to brush up on his Miura, that looks like a guy from the artist who only does cute girls anymore.
Probably others that I can't remember too.
Where's Monkey Punch? Dowman Seiman and Hanazawa Kengo are my favorites.
Of that list Obata made the cutest girl.
I should look into that
so no junji ito version?
He's been adding to it.
It's Motomiya.
Kengo hanazawa.
Sui Ishida XD
Which is the best at framing?
Jesus Kishi you can do better than that, you lazy fuck.
Went to art school so I can draw women with only one face Samura
what do you expect ? guy likes duded. of course he doesnt put effort in without editor san shitting on him,
All the good art you see in Naruto is just assistants dong their jobs. He had 12 of them at one time. You can see he even credits them for character design input.
Iou Kuroda
Jiro Taniguchi
Yuki Urushibara
From this group? SADAMOTO
>No Hiroyuki Takei
>No Kazuki Takahashi
>No Usui Yoshito
>No Tetsuo Hara
The Miura is cutest.
Asano Inio
Dowman Sayman.
they already make up like 50% of 4chans user base,it wont change much
I can't believe i'm saying this but Rumiko's version of the girl in OP is the one i like the most...
I like her mangas but her drawing style never impressed me.
How about paneling?
It seems like Miura has more work ethic than ability, or something. Strange as it seems. His detail is on fucking point, but as soon as he has to draw a scene with level of detail concerns he just goes flat.
And Nishimori I guess.
I mean, perspective level of detail.
Miyazaki or Sadamoto
He actually can't. Kishimoto is one of the few artist that has gotten worse with time and practice.
I think it's the motivation problem more than anything.
>tfw your coming-of-age ninja story gets too big and you have to hack together a full series out of it
Did you post that as an example of good panelling?
I posted it as a talking point.
this would be my pick if the artist/author were either a duo or a single person, but sadly it was a one time thing miracle.
Tell that to Araki's "she's clearly a man" version.
Sup Forums doesn't know shit about art. They think people like Miura or Araki that try to hard but don't understand the fundamentals belong in the same sentence as genuine geniuses like Samura or Inoue.
All mangaka can only draw one face for attractive women. Look at Urasawa; lots of different varied faces for dudes and older women but all his attractive girls (Yawara, Miyuki, Anna, Kanna) all look the same.
I'm getting into Noda recently.
He's been getting better about that, at least.
Hajime Ueda. I wish he was more prolific.
Kaoru Mori I guess.
Not ALL of them. Miura and Murata occasionally have more than one.
There's going to have to be subtlety just because of the medium.
You know that wasn't actually drawn by Kishimoto, right? This is a fan doing drawings in the styles of different mangaka.
Where's Kubo Tite
In the trash.
Should have used Araki's new art style instead of the old one.
Pixiv shit
Ohta Moare. Have only been able to read Teppu as it's his only manga which has been translated, really want to read the rest of his works.
Araki's current style is the worst. The ultimate single sameface on everything. Guys. Girls. Animals. Furniture.