I dont really understand the appeal of these shows. I dont think that i an a self inserter, but i dont find these shows relatable without at least one male lead. I know Sup Forums generally loves them, so could somebody explain why?
All female shows
Because you're a newfag. Next question.
1- NNB has male characters
2- Fuck off
They are shit, Sup Forums just likes to be hipsters about it.
I want to insert Hotaru.
Your project yourself onto male characters and you lie to yourself claiming that you don't self-insert when you inadvertently do.
Also this.
they heal my broken soul etc
but jokes on you, on me they have the opposite effect because i only think about how i could have cute daughters, but instead only sits home alone ;_;
because you are underage and newfag
>she relates to males
Although I understand that this piece of information is meant to be ironic, I actually think that it's closer to the truth every passing day.
Sup Forums is really not what it used to be. I'm not really certain if i'm sad or happy about that.
The only male character I can remember is Koma-chan's brother
You just aren't into clam bakes, user.
The ones that target the male demographic target boys who like cute girls. The ones that target girls want to make their characters more relatable to girls.
Although there is some crossover in the demographics. There are boys who watch things like magical girl shows for the cute girls, and there are girls like me who like cute girls too.
Non Non Biyori is a fucking miracle and if you can't see why you should just end yourself.
You don't like watching cute girls be happy or awesome? Maybe you're bad at vicarious happiness.
Yeah it might be because you're retarded OP
Sup Forums has shit taste.
>not liking a show exclusively with cute girls instead of autistic male dweebs to insert into
It's like porn. Would you rather watch a porn with all female making you 0% gay, or a show with 1 guy and 3 girls, making you 25% gay.
I think most people on Sup Forums would choose the latter because of cucks like OP
Second U
>I can't empathize with people unless they are the same gender as me.
This is some new form of autism.
Personally, and I know I'm in the minority, I don't care about their genders. I find concerns like that superficial. NNB was good because it had a healthy amount of character, its quirky style of humor was effective, and it was really well directed. Genders don't really enter into it, to me at least.
You're not the only one.
>i dont find these shows relatable
I know what you mean, I can't enjoy any media unless there's at least one character who's intelligent and nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humour
I've never understood people who feel that they relate to characters based on age, gender or race. I'm more likely to relate to a character on a personality level than anything physical. Then again, I don't really feel a need to relate to them at all, all I need is to enjoy a show are characters that are entertaining to watch. They could be completely my opposite and it'd be fine if it's interesting.
but what about futa?
Cute little girl shows are ok (unless they're shit like Kinmoza/Gochiusa), but I want a show with only cute animal mascot characters (male).
Haha. Nice bait mate.
Is there even a show with only female characters?
The mouse in Neptunia is male, and so is the robot guy
Strawberry Panic has a male character drawing in one of their history books in one frame
Yuru Yuri and New Game has male characters in the background walking around on the street
What was his name? Did he even speak?
Off the top of my head
Love Lab
Yuru Yuri
>Yuru Yuri
There has been a few males walking around in the park episode during Christmas.
No male characters even background, now that be hard. I think best you can do is non speaking.
GG = shovel girl's crush + all those zombie males
LL = you must have skipped the second half of the show
YY = background males
>has male characters in the background walking around on the street
Why would that count? ESPECIALLY when OP made the distinction of a "male lead".
Why do you feel it necessary to relate to a character? There's enjoyment in just immersing yourself in the world. That's pretty much what it's about.
I don't care what OP thinks, his thread sucks anyways
This is for trivia purposes
>needing to self-insert into a male character just to enjoy a show
Jesus christ, I wish people like you would just fuck off. It's like feminists whining that every movie should have a strong-women-that-needs-no-man so they can self-insert themselves into.
I got it
Sakura Trick
I can't imagine a way you could feel this way and not be a self-inserter, so the verdict is that you're wrong, and are a huge self-insert fag.
People don't love purely all-female casts, they like to see cute girls doing cute things regardless of a male's presence because a character for them to self-insert into the situation is unnecessary. This demographic is however more drawn toward mostly- or all-female cast shows, because that means more screentime spent on cute girls doing cute things than a show with a more even gender split, like say Haruhi, which sometimes has to also focus on the male characters which is not what these people want to watch.
>his thread sucks anyways
Then let it die.
>This is for trivia purposes
Good to know.
Been a long time since I watched it, Yuyushiki maybe?
>the strong silent type
>i dont find these shows relatable without at least one male lead.
Why? I thought we were all little girls here.
Some anons here want to be men