New thread.
New Game
First for Nene a shit!
That's a big pudding.
Shh! This tomboy is sleeping.
I bet every time Nenecchi sleeps Umigon is slurping on her smooth, tight, underdeveloped pussy. Nenecchi in her sleep would orgasm as her lips tighten around Umigon's tongue every night. Nenecchi would wake up feeling wet and uncomfortable as she thinks she wet herself while asleep. She would hide it from Aoba but tell Umigon. But Umigon knows the truth.
mound_of_venus maybe?
First for yun being a fat cow
>this whole episode
wait until the old ones falls off the cliff, retard
Reminder that this meme is still funny.
Yes, yes I know.
For you!
>Hifumi gets that whole scene
>Kou only gets this one pan
Wew lad
>Fall in love with Hifumi from episode 1
>Finally, this happens
God bless the people who make this show
>it's a ko and rin episode
I waited all week for this shit? Worst part of the show
What do you think of Yun's tits?
It's the hair flip that makes it art.
Hajime and Hifumi are closer to being cows.
Yun doesn't have the chest for it.
This looks like one of those JAV interviews.
They're just fine the way they are!
What do you think her favourite Super Sentai series is?
All fun-posting aside, it legitimately makes me sad I don't have a Rin in my life.
Be happy for her, she got Kou to feed her.
Which New Gamu has the biggest bush?
I love everything about Yun, I just want to hold hands with her and give her head pats.
Hazuki, of course. Hifumi is also rather hairy when she lets it grow out, but she's shaving at the moment.
Only men could theoretically be able to breed between them, with iPS cells. Women lack the Y chromosome so they can't produce fertile sperm, but men can produce eggs and sperm with iPS cells because they have both chromosomes.
I could listen to Ahagon saying "Sakura-san" all day. Her voice is amazing.
It's great to see that after being locked up for 495 years, she's found a fulfilling career as a 3d modeller.
>this girl is considered fat in Japan
Get your real life out of here. iPS cells are science-magic that lets 2D lesbians breed.
They can have daughters.
What does AD stand for again?
This girl is considered fat by herself because she has a serious eating disorder
She needs help
Hifumi is 28.
Attractive Dyke.
Artistic dyke.
This is all I'm thinking about till next week.
You mean clones, which are prohibited.
>This is considered acceptable working conditions in Japan
The laws of men do not matter to yurikind.
>that casual hair move at the end
By the gods I came.
>disrespects her direct superior by using 'da' instead of 'desu'
>makes everyone stay late just for pantyshots
>spills food at someone else's computer desk
Worst girl somehow getting more worst. 0/10 co-worker. I was thinking she had actually gotten fired in that scene at the end.
W-Wait, where does the baby come from then?
why does aoba get almost no fanservice
it makes me almost want to hurt something
>makes everyone stay late just for panty shots
That's Hazuki though.
If Ahagon got her way she'd just place the black void between the character's legs, and Nene would have been powerless to stop her.
You can rent a womb, in India is really cheap
When I asked a couple weeks back "will this show get any more lewd" everyone said no.
And now this.
My dick.
Who in their right mind would trust an Indian womb?
Me, if it was Ahagon's.
How do they keep getting away with this?
Because she's ugly af.
She saved the pansu shot though!
She's the hero we needed when Kingdom Hearts HD remix was being developed!
You're not in your right mind, though.
Bet Aoba is on some terrible apprenticeship wage as well
user pls
Enough Hifumi worship, let's worship the true goddess
Dogakobo sure know their public.
Needs more bare butt and side-boob.
I want to smell that bra so badly.
Which New Game! would you want to give you a sponge bath and nurse you back to health?
So now that we've had good shots of Aobutt, Hajimass, Koulon and Hifucheeks, which do you prefer?
Absolutely Delicious.
God DAMN Hifumi this episode.
Rin is objectively best for this task.
I NEED Hifumi
Could this show get any more sexual without actually having sexual interactions?
I've never had so many replies!
That WEBM is guaranteed (You) bait gold!
Why are we so dirty?
Yun, so I can tease her about her flatness.
Bigger resolution pls.
Yun's not the only flatness
>each pair has one girl with skirt and one girl with pants
>Could this show get any more sexual without actually having sexual interactions?
I sure hope so, we still have a few episodes left
She didn't do it on purpose
>no buttshot
Hitler rules this universe
I'd rather smell her panties. Probably not what most would consider good smelling but it's fun for perverts like me
People like Nene are saviours in real life work enviroment. They make sure no one else gets in trouble since they drag all the attention and also serve as never running out source of entertaiment.
>Aoba's seiyuu has come down with the Japanese cold
Why are Yun and Nene on the wrong places?
Hayai tomboy and headbanging Yun.
She's nearing her thirties yet has absolutely no social skills?
Hard not to feel bad for her.
At first I thought this would actually be an anime about programming. Then, seeing the cast of characters, I at least thought that they would develop the characters' cuteness in a "cute girls doing cute things" type of anime, but every episode keeps gets lewder and lewder, and the official art is just as lewd if not lewder. By episode 11, at least two of these girls are going to end up having sex with each other.
I just realized this is the first anime without a high school setting I've seen in a long time.
We need more.
Add some music.
Get wellzoi!