>Orihime is the 25th most hated Shonen Jump heroine
Sup Forums confirmed to have shit taste?
Orihime is the 25th most hated Shonen Jump heroine
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what, wait who are the top 3?
Chitoge rukia and some irrelevant bitch
Sup Forums is just trying to spite Rukiafags, before the pairing was confirmed people here were rooting for Rukia as much as the nips.
Nah, Sup Forums has never shipped Rukia with Ichigo. Anons don't find her attractive enough to be with the MC.
>erina 3rd
lol what
Stop making these threads
False. Click the link. Rukia isn't on there at all.
I know, that's exactly why I posted that..
So, why does Sup Forums love Orihime so much? If it's because she's a titcow, the manga has better ones.
>5. kagura
Because Sup Forums is contrarian.
Just a few dudes from Sup Forums who like her because she creates shitposting and arguments.
Orihime is objectively shit, so no.
Only a handful like her, the rest are just shitposting because they wanted another ebin NaruSaku shitstorm that never really happened
She got 4 vote out of 500. This is a shit poll.
because shitting on Ichiruki is fun
>love Orihime
What kind of Twilight zone Sup Forums have you been lurking?
Shit taste confirmed the list.
>Ochako is the number one most hated
This poll must be shit.
Her and many others surprised me
but seriously orihime is ONLY 25th?
Orihime was the choice since day 1
Dafuq? Translations failure anyone?
Nope people were shitting on Ichirukicucks from tumblr
Wait, so it's a most hated 1-50 list with 1 being the absolutely most despised?
More like Japan once again have shit taste. Orihime is fucking terrible, she's by far one of the worst female heroine ever matched by the worst type of personality.
So, they hate when they are boring, cunty and are mismatched with the lead or have no actual chemistry with the lead beyond the need for author/editor to match the mc up with a girlfriend out of the gate.
Is that it?
People love Orihime on here now.
I see you, tumblr
Good joke for the 1% crowd.
you know the term 'chemistry' is older then the ibm compatible computer correct?
Fuck off already
No, and you can eat several dicks.
Orihime has been constantly shit on and made a joke over the years. She didn't start getting talked about until the month or two leading to Bleach's end, and it was mostly to cause arguments with people who liked Rukia.
It's not really. Rukiashitters have been hiding in cave for a while.
Stop replying to Sup Forums you retarded cunts. When will you learn.
>Anna #42
>Anzu #45
Fuck off Japan Anzu was a shit-tier character
>Chitoge #2
>Kusodera nowhere to be seen
Literally kill yourself Japan
here comes the tumblr buzzwords
liking shit tsundere #5594709796
Still posting. Fuck off.
>Nami is 13th
Oh. Poor girl
>Japan confirmed for shit taste
Seriously Orihime is best waifu.
Chitoge is a tsundere done right
>wrong since #1
Yeah,nips suck.
>Sup Forums love Orihime
Shitposting was already unbearable in the threads, but after the final chapter it became insufferable and people flounced the threads, leaving the Orihimefags/Ichihimefags and other few to gloat in the threads. Look at how many IP adresses Bleach threads get nowdays.
That's not thread worthy news
Honestly her having a hobby would've given her some depth
It's so fucking easy yet its like Kubo insisted on making the worst female protag possible, at least she's not ugly I guess
Well, Kubo did a good job since her popularity has skyrocketed since the last chapter.
That's Erina.
Chitoge is shit through and through.
>Ichirukia fags this BTFO
feels good
>recognize almost none of these girls because I don't watch popular shounenshit anymore
Is this bad?
>suddenly people think japs have good taste
No. Stick to moe.
no one likes a sore winner user
She never left the top 3 in the popularity polls for Bleach too
Chitoge also never left top three in popularity poll. Doesn't make her less shit.
ochako? first? really? weird.
Op confirmed for a butthurt faggot? Just let it go.
But Japan loves Orihime.
...does Orihime pass the Plinkett test?
She likes to cook, draw, and climb trees. Kubo gave her hobbies, it doesn't matter because he's a fucking terrible author.
Why is this one IchiRukia shitter so obessed with the word "chemistry"? It's mean literally nothing. You could say "I subjectively like how these two characters interact" and it would amount to the exact same thing.
The term being older than tumblr doesn't change the fact it has no meaning in the context you are trying to use it in.
this is a terrible poll
dicks out for Chitoge
How many people actually voted on this?
I don't really see how anyone could dislike her. She's a pretty cool character. Np pun intended.
So ten years later and people hate Misa that much
>Sup Forums
>Loving Orihime
You mean some bleach shitposters? Aside of the four of five who genuinely like her?
I dropped this series and even I knew that she was pretty popular. It seems more like Japan's salt levels at who won popularity than anything.
Kek, you sound analblasted Tits McGee is on any kind of the same level as Harambe.
Most of the Bleach threads on here are about Orihime. Especially after Kubo updated her character design.
Poll is Shit.
Hating YukiOnna and Kagura?
Fucks wrong with these people.
Japan has a range of emotions that vary from dislike to ok when it comes to Orihime, but most of them love Rukia.
user, I've seen those.
Count the number of IP, those are just Inoue (with a side of RenRuki) circlejerking threads.
It's completely unlike the regular Bleach theads before the ending announcement.
The only ones that shouldn't be there are Kagura, Sanae (From Captain Tsubasa) and Tokiko (and possibly that Mago Yuki-Onna). The rest are solid Worst Heroine material.
I'd be surprised if even that many liked her.
Those threads are a graveyard for the 10 people left that actually genuinely care about Bleach, and the rest is just the same tired shitposting as always.
Is this shitposting or genuine stupidity
We may never know
naive, insightful, friendly, weird, kind, insecure, doubful.
thats all i got
Orihime is a girl that is in love with Ichigo. She loves him a lot, we're told. She has magic bugs that do things but don't ask about them too much because she never bothered to figure it out.
She eats food and enjoys it.
>2. Chitoge
Are the Nips really that salty?
>become popular
>more people hate you
such is life
>no one likes a sore winner user
But I was rooting for Rukia and for Renji. And they both won.
I was meh about Orihime and Ichigo.
I love the irony in this post. Because you are trying to call other people stupid when you're too stupid to even type correctly.
It's like you want to announce how new you are.
I'm also laughing hysterically at how the go-to example used right there on google for "chemistry" is two people cheating.
>user, I've seen those.
>Count the number of IP, those are just Inoue (with a side of RenRuki) circlejerking threads.
>It's completely unlike the regular Bleach theads before the ending announcement.
I think a lot of you people need to realize that "most hated" and "least popular" are not even remotely the same thing. There's too many fundamental flaws in the nature of the questions for it to actually be an accurate picture of a characters overall popularity.
First of all you're going to be drawing from different pools of voters. And angry people are almost always more likely to make decisions in biased and unfair ways than happy or neutral people. And there's always going to be tons of hipsters that only hate something because it's the most popular in a "favorite character" poll.
How else can the so many of the same characters somehow show up so highly in both favorite and hated polls? Cause you're asking different people different things. The only real indication is going off one kind of poll done for 1 specific series.
>Is this shitposting or genuine stupidity
Try both.
It's no secret Kubo always favored Inoue, but I find it fascinating how Rukia as a character ended up being the better written one out of the two. It's strange, funny and sad at the same time.
Hell, Rukia even has chemistry with Renji, probably not at the same level as Ichigo, but she does. That's why in retrospective is not really THAT weird of them to hook up, despite them not being a romantic pair.
Rukia has more chemistry with any given character than most of the cast because she actually had a developed personality to work with.
See The word chemistry means nothing. You mean "interact".
Inoue is a decent character(or would have been)
Kubo is just a shit
b-but user, rukia wasn't even on the poll!
She was a decent character for like 2 arcs when Kubo still had a cartoony style and could use her for visual gags. Somehow he thought that was enough to base an entire rehashed arc around her, as if anyone cared about her even 1/100th as much as Rukia to want to endure that.
This is where most of the Orihime hate comes from.
Interacting is that, interacting.
You have Renji interacting with Mayuri, Karin with Jinta or Ichigo interacting with Ukitake, That doesn't mean they have chemistry.
On the other hand, Urahara and Yoruichi interact, but those interactions have chemistry.
Despite of whatever one would think of their background, Nanao and Shunsui have chemistry.
Lilinette amd Stark had chemistry.
Even Matsumoto and the Icefag have some sort of chemistry.
Literally why is the perfect girl on there?
Yea, it's pretty sad. I hope I never turn into someone as despicable as a Rukia shipp
Yep, that's it. It's a shame Kubo sidelined her, since she could have improved Bleach.
I'm still laughing at how you can't even type correctly. And you double space everything like you're writing a middle school essay.
You being in middle school would explain how stupid you are, though. What makes it even more funny is that you whole argument amounts to "they have chemistry because because I put the word chemistry in my post".