Why blame the jew, when it's YOU who gave him power

White people enabled the jew, gave him power all over it's country.

There are more white peoples supporting jews than there are jews on the planet.

You created this degenerate world, YOU go hand in hand with the jew. YOU give them power in the world.

So who is responsable? The virus or the one who has the vaccine but doesn't want to use it?

Other urls found in this thread:


The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

I demanded 1 trillion shekels my demands where not taken seriously nor was I , deal with the consequences.


I don't blame the Jew at all.
At least he's better than the muzzie, at least they aren't brown.


nice try, rabbi

Why blame anyone instead of killing the jews ?
Let's just kill the jews.

I might be, but can you prove that what I said is incorrect?

>born in the 90s

nigger what the fuck?

this tbqh


These shills have gone too far, it's time for the kikes to be butchered once and for all

yeh because of the holocaust. And no one in the civilised world will be anti-semitic again, get over it. There was a thread in tv where a jew kicked off at some anti-semites and dumped like 5 posts in caps expressing the agony and suffering of him and his living relatives. That shut everybody in the thread the fuck up because it confronted them with the reality and and they all stopped posting, one guy went and deleted all his posts. All those posts by the jewish guy were then deleted because of how disturbing they were, presumably.

>And no one in the civilised world will be anti-semitic again, get over it
i love this shit
>WW3 will never happen
>Muslims will conquer the world
>India - super power 2025
so many fucking prophets on this website.

You know jews have a high verbal IQ? Higher than whites? Verbal IQ is liar IQ. Jews are good liars.
They disguise as white, infiltrate white society, lie and steal, and promote other jews into power positions.
How do you think jews wiggle themself into big universities? The jewish directors let them in regardless of scores. How do you think jews get positions in banking? The jewish banks let them in regardless of morals.

Muslims aren't the civilised world and indians will never be anti-semitic. And in future anyone who threatens or pisses of the jews too much will be gonezo, they're making sure they will never be put in the same position as WW2 again.

all you need is an economic crisis,hunger,riots and a scapegoat.
>Jews brought all those muslim fanatics who raped and murdered your families!!!
you know it's true.

Fuck off Jew.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

and jews have ensured they will be safe from such evils from now on. If you willingly let in muslims because you want your population replaced, and then when the inevitable happens you suddenly blame jews, then there is no hope for you people. Thats the actions and thought process of a severely retarded person. This is why you're supposed to read just like you're supposed to breathe air and drink water, eat food and so on. You end up an aimless pack of barbarian retards if you don't. There's no fucking excuse not to educate yourselves and your children properly, if you're a white racialist why aren't you working hard to change your culture and your institutions to advance white people. Look at all you people here on Sup Forums, you could be exchanging info and networking on linked in, but since you choose to be hateful and crazy, even if you had the sense to try and do that, you wouldn't be allowed to. Why are you wasting your time hating jews and not advancing your own people, could it be that nazi anti-semitism doesn't advance people, ever? Germans willingly giving up their lands to muslims comes as a direct result of their nazism. Why don't white gentiles read outside of compulsory commitments like schooling and uni? Why aren't more white gentiles legitimately interested in learning, not just in getting a degree over and done with to get a job so they can hurr durr consume more and be more like chad and stacy? You should be continually educating yourselves throughout your lives. You're far better off using all or some or most of your time spent on lifting weights to become a big stronk boy and hurr durr get muh attention from stacy, actually learning productive shit. If you could see what you look like from our pserpective you'd be embarassed, you're so switched off and oblivious


You ain't kidding.

The Jew is a verbal magician

The jew was given power long before any of us were around and long after all of us will be dead. We blame the jew to correct things, it's up to us to educate the masses on the eternal jew and shift the overton window.

it must have been puzzling to the one who made this observation, why a jew would behave in such a manner. To civilised people, this behaviour is known as compassion, apparently unknown to the hardy and cruel barbarians who unwittingly embarassed themselves by passing this phrase around an immortalising it. Now we can all see how absurdly thick and repugnantly brutish they were

Right OP, we should all just kys, without us the Jew would starve.

thats called literacy and education. Even to this day most whites shrink away from it as much as they can

oh and forgot, stop drinking so much. Such a waste of money and brain cells. Its so unbecoming of you and all the nastiest white regimes were putting away plenty of booze while they went about their crimes. They even passed that nasty habit on to indigenous people whose bodies don't even have the constitution to handle and it consumes their lives entirely. But lets not kid ourselves, it was done intentionally to ruin them. One of many very repugnant examples of europeans cowardly preying on weakness of others