>monster girls are finally real
>you apply to get a homestay
>application rejected
Monster Musume
Well there's always one option.
But OP said they were real so this wouldn't work
I'm going to marry Draco!
so she will be the one slipping me the roofie?
>Smith arrives at your house anyway and dumps a monster girl on you because she's too lazy to go to the real address
>Love at first sight
>The next day Smith is forced to come and pick her back up and deliver her to her correct home
>You never see each other again
Mero pls
All it takes is one bite.
Fishlovers, how will you deal with Mero's long stringy white shits?
This brings up a good question. What would you need to qualify to house a monster girl? I don't intent to starts some blog post shit or anything. But would you need a certain sized house? No criminal record? Would you need to be a virgin for experimental reasons?
She should have done that with Miia. Kimihito would be free from the yandere.
I reckon the government would supply you with a temporary new house if the girl in question is big, or your old place was inadequate.
How do horsefags deal with the huge shits she takes daily?
Not my problem, I ain't gonna watch her shit.
The only one that would be an issue is Cerea, since it's certain she will need a shit pile out in the yard. But she will probably be embarrassed about it and clean it up herself. Probably could sell it to a farm for a few bucks every now and then
Quit being faggots. Everybody knows that girls don't poop.
Doubt house matters since Smith just summons contractors on the spot to remodel Darlings place whenever it's needed.
Other than that you probably just have to be a semi well adjusted person who can afford to spend lots of time with your girl
It doesn't matter if you watch them or not, they'll fill up her pool and you'll have to deal with them sooner or later. That said, it'll be hanging out of her ass for a while if regular fish are any indication.
Also I'm no horse fan.
Mero has her own bathroom.
Unlike fish, she has 2 hands, so it's easy for her to sift her own pool and yank remnants out of her fish ass
She can just make a donation to Kii when nature calls.
When word of this event is heard all around your so-called world, I shall issue an ultimatum which will bring it to it's knees, subject to the rule... of Draco!
Someone draw Mouth Parasite-chan hanging herself on Mero's ropeshit
Welp lads, I'm off to sleep. Sweet spooder dreams.
>make Monster Musume thread
>someone else already made one
Why am I so slow?
Check your family tree. You might be part snailgirl.
Sweet tarantula dreams
Fuck off.
Have good 3rd best fanfiction girl dreams
first monmusu I fapped to was a snailgirl actually.
Stupid gecko slut that top will never fit you will never be pretty
Well that's kind of what I was planning on.
Calm down. What's got you so angry?
well, there's always another option
besides, trying to get into the first monstergirl you'll homestay the first time you'll see her will put you in jail and show everybody how desesperate you are
So, MC's childhood friend when?
Also, MC's friends when? Would be weird that with his personality he doesn't have any friend, male or female.
Or if we get to see his beauty female cousing, it will be all Smith chapter again.
Rapist kidnapper misandrist tumblr piece of shit.
But she's cutes
If that top won't fit then there's really only one option. She's going to have to take it off and put on this wedding dress.
>About to get in your car
>See Harpy flying above
>Suddenly, liquid white mass hits your windshield, covering almost the entire driver's side and getting on your clothes
Deport Harpies
Darling alienated everyone in highschool with his Chuuni behaviour and never recovered. That's why he can only befriend people from other countries.
Deporting something over ice cream sounds a bit harsh, user.
Shit is not cute.
It's not ice cream, it's birdshit
But she's cute when she gets flustered
Try again. And this time, try not to look like the only reason you're offering to take in a couple monster girls because you want to fuck them.
Riddle me this: I think that Papi is objectively the least well developed character of the main harem, yet I love her to bits. Why?!
That sounds like a whole lot of horse shit, user
The more developed a girl gets, the shittier she gets because crab is a hack
It's why secondary characters are the best
But Sup Forumsmon, how can only achieve true love by eating da poopoo.
>his childhood friend was Zombina
>she remembers but he doesn't
where are her extra pairs of nipples?
>Letting you eat her
that would be beign a dick
reminds me of yesterday's aphid girl posts.
Did I stutter?
Sup Forumsnon*
remove the how*
Jesus Christ I'm tired.
I mean, with Miia it's easy, you just have to give her a lick and you're done tasting the love.
I want to lick Tio's horn.
How would you motivate this chubby hoss to loose weight?
Does hori ever show up in these threads anymore?
I always wish that he'll take my request one day
My fucking sides
Why would Hulk has more than 2?
>wanna take Cerea on a nice car ride
>fat horse ass won't fit in the car
What do?
Get a better waifu
livestock trailer.
straight to the glue factory
Cut her in half.
Kobold hulk still a kobold and kobolds have more than 1 pair of nipples.
Actually I probably got rejected because the garbage piles in my house almost touch the ceiling
You don't.
You just put them down like you do with all other equine beings that are injured/useless
*pounces ur post*
*notices pic*
owo what's this?
Why the hate brother? She's quite tasty!
>tfw gutted racecar
>only 1 seat
>probably just enough room for horse
They laughed at me but not anymore
>t. snekfags
one of these two
You bully her
Why are horsetards so dumb?
is that an ascii horsecock on the door?
I can believe this
>You will never amaze Polt with your skills at mounting the pommel horse
>tfw a futa Cerea will never rearrange your boitunnel
>from Mom
Who else would it be from?
Then clean your house before you try again.
dad gave up long ago
If I knew how to clean I wouldn't be in this situation
Where's my _.male Dragonwrought Kobold, Crab?
>not knowing how to clean
It's literally as simple as getting a trash bag, putting all of your doritos bags and mountain dew cans in it, and throwing it in the trash bin outside
Or even getting rid of trash as you make it, and not let it build up so bad, you disgusting piece of human waste.
>he doesn't know how to clean his own house
How are you expected to take care of monster girls if you can't even take care of your house??? I live in a 3 story house and yet I'm still able to clean it every month.
>Or even getting rid of trash as you make it, and not let it build up so bad, you disgusting piece of human waste
He can't get rid of trash because he was the trash all along
Doujins when?
>ywn throw yourself way
Its because she's sassy as hell. Just the right amount of spunk and tsun, in a tight chocolate wrapper. Plus, she knows all about having a good time.
>tfw no chocolate mummy empress to rub lotion on every day
those limbs are just the worst.
Is this you?
>that filename
Doppel is the Superior Condom
>yfw doppel goes around your dick like a condom while you fuck your waifu
What the shit
She could hug you from behind, or even just chill in a chair across the room, and send one tendril of hair to your dick to form a condom.
When you cum, she could even form her own womb onto the end of it, and steal the load from your waifu.