As Japanese Prime minister Abe heads into a third term in office Japan is increasingly becoming to resemble its prewar self.

Its leaders offhandedly praise Hitler and the Nazis, its government has been caught red-handed supplying funds to ultra-natalionalist schools which teach worship of the Emperor, the purity of race and that Japan, Germany and the other Axis powers were the morally correct nations in the second world war. Abe's government has introduced books into the school system which glorify the Japanese Empire and its allies, including Mein Kampf.

What is more Abe intends to use his newfound power to redraft the constitution, what people normally focus on in this is that he wants to revise the articles relating to pacifism, but the LDP also wants to revise a host of other laws. They want to strip non-ethnic Japanese of citizenship such as the Korean-Japanese who the USA gave citizenship to during occupation and who prior to this were slave labor, reinstate state shintoism, restore the position of the Emperor as head of state and not simply a symbol of the nation and restore the pledge of allegiance and self sacrifice, meaning all Japanese children would be expected to pledge to die in the defence of the nation and race. Abe himself has links to groups which still consider the Imperial family to be Gods on Earth. On top of this Abe has already begun a crackdown on leftwing groups using part of the Armed Forces and under-burdened police, as crime has fallen so low in Japan that the police are having to make up things to do, with the excuse that Communists in these groups have sympathies with North Korea.

Other urls found in this thread:


The LDP also wants to redraft Japan's already harsh immigration laws, to make them even stricter. As far as the faction of the LDP which Abe belongs to is concerned the only people worth living in Japan are the Japanese and Westerners who agree to live by its norms. Black people, muslims, Jews, Koreans, Chinese and anyone else are simply not welcome in the modern Japan. In Japanese kindergardens the cult of the Emperor has begun to return.

we will finally have an end to anime.

>end to anime.

Google "legends of the galactic heroes" and then watch it to realize why you are wrong

Japanese communists gaining power. Nice.

>Japanese communists gaining power.

No, they lost retard, by more than last election

Kimi ga yo wa


I wonder if this means we'll start seeing more anime with right-wing views?

>Japan is literally a Reich ethno-state
>Dicky Spencer wants you to embrace Israel and not Japan


>finally get to have payback

>Japan is looking better and better to move to.
If England declines slowly, instead of crashing and being able to be possibly come back better then I’m off

Well, good for them. The west is lost. The jews extracted all the wealth and power and made the womenfolk and shitskins uppity. We will forever be wounded by our blackening much like Brazil.

>when a country is going a little TOO well for (((their))) liking

Eradicate gaijin abe plz.

There's something comforting about knowing that we're on track for re-emergence of nazism and a third world war. If I had that "fear but also an erection" pic I would have posted it.

Wonder if I'm gonna be feeling the same as I shit my bowels out in a trench after having caught those crazy grays.

No dont I love Japan and work really hard.

Are you a nigger ? Stay in your own country and strive to improve it you leech.

>Keep your own nation racially homogeneous
>Remove left wing groups
>No crime

Why is this every immigrants defense? "I work really hard". That isn't the fucking point, idiot. Work hard where you are.

What? If it doesn't get better? Where would you go? I don't think our country has much of a chance, went down to London and felt very much a foreigner in my own country, can't see it improving from the dump it is

Korean Japanese don't have citizenship though unless they go through the naturalization process like other foreigners. Please cite your sources.

I guess I'm in while its still good, gonna pick me up some Nip puss while I still can


japs are literally singing Za Dom

>worship of the Emperor, the purity of race and that Japan, Germany and the other Axis powers were the morally correct nations in the second world war.
I guess another nuke is in order to remind them

Why endanger an ally by drawing attention to it?

Sounds pretty based, especially if it's true that they accept the aryan race. Maybe I do need to move there after all....

Nukes made them this way, no more nukes. To be fair I'd rather live under a Japanese government than be surrounded by shit rags and their stench. At least they hold their heritage and culture above others

Europe/America requires an example of an ethno-state to hush the claims ethno-nationalism is racist. We can either side with Jews or Nips.

This is why the West is crumbling. Apathetic, defeatist attitude. Kill yourself.

We can only hope that Japan will nuke USA

This is the exact opposite of what is occurring.

Get in here:
Actual evidence of exploitation of children in Hollywood.
Brooke Shields done a nude photoshoot for Playboy when she was TEN years old. Photos regarded as legal despite being blatant CP.

The moment the general western public catches something in their bulls-eye it will be ruined.

And which of those countries has the added protection of several keywords to shut down any criticism?
Also, don't most of your cuckservatives support Israel? It traps them.

Holy fuck that videos was hard to watch, 2:24

>every single thread

shut up we have the right to defend our country's culture. just because you didn't doesn't mean we can't either

showa restoration was based af

good for them

Japan should be encouraged to demilitarize. Let the Chinese have something besides the US to worry about.

I’d rather have Japan go back to imperialism if it mean saving their population.

You will never be a jap, mehreen nigger.

your culture used to be samurais and shoguns, now its drawing underage catgirls so beta males can jerk off to legal cp. where did you go wrong?

That's why he flew to Japan and explicitly said Japan is a superior country because of ethnocentrism and a monoculture?

>were the morally correct nations
I don't think big governments can be morally correct

>several keywords to shut down any criticism?
yeah youre right but people are starting to not care at least in America. starting to see Israel's role in things thanks to MOSSAD shooting up Las Vegas.
>don't most of your cuckservatives support Israel?
yes. luckily the majority have turned against them tho. people are beginning to see israel and the liberal jews are the same thanks to hollywood pedophilia + jewish pedophilia redpills. trump is apparently anti-israel to

The breadbasket of the world is of no value?
Also stop being a jap apologizer when they terrorized and slaughtered millions in the Asian Peninsula for centuries.

Says Indonesia. Literally the only thing I know about your country is the existence of dick girls.

>Japan goes back to pre-war
>Also inceases his diplomatic relations with Turks
Westerners btfo

Fat Man and Little Boy.

what he says in japan and what he says in america are two different things. spencer promotes zionism because of "based israel." if he dropped the zionism and stuck with japan then no problems

thread theme

>breadbasket of the world
lol what gave you this idea?



Poos cant find the loo and they have shit tier reading comprehension. Nice.

God we should be like japan.

Can someone please explain the niggers in harajuku/Shinjuku? Why is Tokyo tolerating that ?

You think I dont? Not being funny but there's barely anything I can do, I vote I criticise and debate and challenge other People's ideas but the mainstream is that anyone that thinks like I do is a racist and I have no morals. Decent working class Brits are pandered to by the middle class who believe they are working class and they are morally superior, I'm not sure how it is in Australia but I can imagine it's better from what I know of immigration laws. Mass immigration has ruined Europe and I find it hard to see it fixing itself.

Considering what is happening in the Western World, I don't blame them.

>Prime minister Abe

Is Japan the only country that actually thinks rationally and wants to preserve its people?

Based nips. Carry on

You are the opposite of Japan.

I don't here much about Lithuania being BLACKED

>the Japs getting a better backbone
>this is considered bad

>Japan re-emerges as Imperial Ethnostate ruled by a divine Emperor

>Austria elects far right kid to lead them they're so sick of refugees

>Czechs like Trump so much they elect their own homemade version

>Poland and Hungary telling Germany to fuck off and sliding further right

>Putin is a Russian Czar now in everything but title

>Trump is accomplishing his goals despite all the bitching and moaning from the media and his party

Globalism seems to have few bastions left outside of Brussels, California, and Angela Merkels head

Anime will rule the world.

>They want to strip non-ethnic Japanese of citizenship
>moving to Japan

Enjoy being permanent denizen in the country without any proper rights.

Hence why we should be that way norddude

When will the Japanese censorship laws will be revised? I want my goddamned hentai non-censored.

We're the highest single nation next to Russia in wheat exports and 25% of international exports for grain in general.

Better yet, watch it.


>No crime
This is clearly racist
This means you aren't diverse enough

Oy veeeeeey, someone stop these samurai!!!!

Even after the war Japan still fight on when the rest of us have given in.
Truly the best ally we could've ever hoped for.

>worship of the Emperor

Kek, beta throne-slaves

Based nips

So then Russia is the breadbasket of the world you fuckwit

I'm so fucking sick of globalism. I really hope this is a sign of the times, and people stop shitting their pants at the idea of nationalism.

Get rid of English teachers too. Maybe they wouldn't hate vacationers if every Gaijin wasn't an English teacher obnoxiously trying to score a nip wife and "assimilate."

I don't give a shit what Japan does with their government, as long as they keep turning out big boobied cute anime girls for me to stroke my dick to.

Literally the only thing that matters to me at this point.

Shill-poster confirmed. He made a youtube video while in Japan, so no, there wasn't two different messages being delivered. You obviously didn't watch the recent speech where he annihilated a Jew for "ethnocentrism for me, none for thee" via Israel. You clearly don't know what he's doing when he uses Israel as a shield for his own ideas. All arguments about him being controlled OP were laid to rest.

>Only Besties' Can Take On The World

Just lookup 'Richard Spencer in Japan'. There's tons of twitter videos and youtube shit. He even went to a fucking anime convention, that weeb

The rising sun is coming back

Does that make us the udder of the world?

Based Nip

Japanese men can barely talk to women, why do you think they can shoot somebody?

Japanese men and swedes are the most submissive men in the world.

They can't fight cockroaches.

If that's true then based as fuck and much respect. They should kick out all the white faggots who're leeching off their country and polluting their gene pool with their cuck-genes, the whites must be sent back to the west to recieve their punishment from mother nature. They should kick out all of the (((American))) soldiers too.

Well it would make sense from Abe's perspective. Even though he won the elections now at some point he'll have to step down from being PM. But if he collaborates with the imperial family and restores them into power then he'll still have a lot of authority within their courts.

>Japan, Germany and the other Axis powers were the morally correct nations in the second world war

Sounds like a fearmongering article from huffpost desu.

Make Their honor senses tingle.

Being extrocerted does not make you a good soldier. IT makes you quite the opposite

Hello Brits, how is in these days?

Wasn't censored hentai the jews fault?

Also Abe is Babe

>resembling pre-war Japan
They are aware that pre-war Japan was controlled by a military that couldn't even control itself right?

As long as it doesn't limit the export of Anime, I'm down to boogie with the Empire of the rising sun.