How does Kyouko eat so much without getting fat?

How does Kyouko eat so much without getting fat?

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Magical Energy takes a lot of calories.

...I mean, she moves a lot.

She's a corpse who doesn't metabolize the food she eats.

The idea of eating a lot is vastly different between Japan and the US.

She fights monsters on a near daily basis.

She is fat though

Dogs, drugs, and reinforcement.

Why is apple meguca best meguca?

Because she's the gayest redhead on the team

But there are no other redheads on the team.


...Wait a second, that's the joke, isn't it?

if you arent going to wear panties then why are you wearing a top?

She took off her panties because they had been on too long and were getting dirty, and didn't bother putting any new ones on; her top wasn't at that point yet.

but you are supposed to change both the top and bottom at the same time when you bath

She hasn't taken a bath, she just took off her panties because they were getting dirty. She'll probably bathe once her top gets dirty too and she has to take that off.



She's a cartoon.

It's called puking.

>t. ACK

I just don't stand seeing Sayaka sullying Kyouko's image

people usually take their panties off and take a bath if it gets dirty enough.

I mean if you werent bathing for like 3 days or whatever why would you just change your panties and nothng else.

Because she's too lazy to take a bath just yet, maybe? Just taking off your panties doesn't take much effort anyway.
Alternately, maybe she's just more comfortable without them.

Because she does the most most work and lives the most exciting life out of all the magical girls and anybody who disagrees basically has no idea what they're talking about and I'll give you my personal guarantee on that.


>mami at the top

I realize that because I made the list. Thanks for pointing it out.

lurk more

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in these threads who actually cares about this series and its characters. I'm not trying to be rude towards everybody as I'm sure you all care a little bit but I just wish I had somebody to talk with who cared as much as I did the same ammount.

Madoka remix of the day.

I care about the show, but the shitposting in madoka generals is so fucking rampant, that it's impossible to have any kind of discussion

If you truly cared about the series you'd enjoy the thread no matter what as I and many others do. You have got a lot to learn user and it all starts with watching the series again. Maybe this series just isn't for you?

Oh wow, namefag. You're so noble.

Nice edharmon shit, you newcunt nameshit

You, fuck off aswell

>If you truly cared about the series you'd enjoy the thread no matter what
no, it's the other way around. I dislike these cesspools of threads precisely because I like the show so much.
says the tripshitter

You caught me! This is actually my first week on Sup Forums but that doesn't mean you understand what's inside my heart. I believe in this series and nothing you say or do can stop me. Any thoughts on that?


it's called exercise you fat fuck

She's on the incubation diet


>This jealous

Does it hurt? Having that much hate in your hearts? She's obviously the cutest girl.


First post quoted called OP a fatass, not Kyouko.

I want to share something I read the other day with everybody in this thread because I think it's quite related to the subject. This is a quote I happened across the other day. It goes -

>Haters only hate what they cannot have or cannot be.
Hayao Miyazaki

This would explain why a thread like this exists and all the Kyoko hate. It all made sense to me after reading it. Interesting ha?

>Attention whoring tripfaggot gets angry at namefags
like pottery

The only one with a semi-canonical nationality is Mami. The rest are just Japanese.

Thanks for your opinion

I don't know if saying "just Japanese" is very polite sir. Japanese have feelings.

>Madoka on the bottom
Even non god she was pretty strong. I'd put her above Sayaka, personally.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but none to their own facts.

>that Swedish flag

I can see how you'd expect that but I personally think she wouldn't be a very good match against magical girls although she's defiantly the best witch hinder in my opinion. Her weapon seems the most inconvenient for magical girl battles. I think of her bow as a very powerful anti tank rifle. It probably had the best piercing power and ability to do damage but it's the slowest and hardest to use in a close quarters battle.

>being a tripfaggot
>complaining about the cucks' flag

We're not chickens. Talk english around here.

It's not strictly because he's a namefag, it's because of the I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO REALLY CARES WHY CAN'T ANYONE ELSE BE AS GREAT AS ME in the post. jfc you guys are dense. You're never gonna survive in these threads if you're so autistic about the name field.

derp_commander !!SSXdvR3LCoa AKA the biggest troll/newfag on Sup Forums that you're STILL responding to.

>Has been tripping for less than a year
>Has been on Sup Forums less than a year
>visits Sup Forums yet regularly tells people to go back there
>Has only seen 6 series to completion, has only been seen discussing KLK and other Toonami shit
>loves dubs
>loves Toonami
>Contradicts himself more than Sup Forums (which he still uses)
>Name is fucking derp commander
Supports cross boarding

"Not" Toonami threads

Admits to have only seen 6 series in their entirety

Crying on /qa/, admitting to being a newfag on Sup Forums and did his homework on ED to prove his epic oldfag status

In conclusion, don't reply to him, don't tell him to fuck off just filter him and move on

Based user enlightening me once more.

In my opinion, tripshits are way worse, at least this guy has some sense of humour.

Look how sad and pathetic you all look arguing like a bunch of chickens. This is why I'm literally the best Madoka fan here and Kyoko is the best girl and has the best fans on earth. I believe in her power and I believe these threads can eventually get better with my help and the power of magic.
Let me show you all the way.

I actually had to google "toonami" because I didn't know what the fuck it was

You never watched Cartoon Network? That's where I watched a lot of my first anime.

>his country didn't have Adult Swim or Toonami


Nice opinion, newfag. I guess these threads subsist nowadays on posters who have stockholm syndromed themselves into enjoying the shitposting.

>kyouko is best girl
no, that's homu
Yeah I watched cartoon network a lot when I was like 10 years old.
I don't use cable TV and I haven't used it in almost a decade

Shit, you saw right through me

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The requested URL /qa/thread/316518/ was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Fun fact: over sixty percent of Madoka threads in the last couple of months have had more Kyoko pictures than any other girl. Homura can be second best girl.

Use Sup Forums X kidddo. Forums-x/ohnjgmpcibpbafdlkimncjhflgedgpam?hl=en-US

No no no no no, it goes like this:
Homura > Kyouko > Madoka > Nagisa > Mami > Sayaka


that just means kyouko is used goods

Kyouko is pure.


Homura has a heart disease so she can't be better than Kyoko. There! I said it because nobody else would and now I'm the bad guy!

Sore wa chigau yo

She cured herself with Magicâ„¢ in the 10th episode.

Sayaka is pretty cool too

She's still pretty cool though.


HomuHomu is best

Both Kyouko and Homura are pretty fucking cool.

>Kindness sometimes leads to bigger tragedy

Which one said this without using Google.

Based Homu.

You're the best Homura fan in this thread. That was a test.

And you're the best Kyouko fan in this thread.
I'll always be a fan of my cute daughteru. She is my favorite since day one.

Ohh please! You're flattering me user. I know I'm good but surly not the best but I'll accept the compliment because I know how much it means to you.

>best kyouko fan
>preferred kyouko in american dub

The dub was pretty good. Why do you hate it? Check out the cake song.



bretty good :DDD

And now my ears are bleeding.

I think you're being a little over dramatic user. I realize my opinion isn't very popular but I can't lie about what I like just because it's "cool" hopefully you can understand and respect that it's just my opinion although I'm glad my opinion means that much to you in the first place. Have faith in me.

wow this madoka quiz is actually challenging

A juicy Apple must be lurking in this thread. "The fruit" is actually a lecher, but keeps quiet about it. I guess if "it" turned into more juicy at a time when "it" saw OP's picture. I'd like to eat the Apple.


This is some serious autism.

yea, how autistic do you have to be to stalk somet ripfag on Sup Forums lol

She doesn't need her metabolism to work, but it saves magic if she keeps her body in working condition.

They are facultative liches, not obligate.

mami is just most power-efficient, QB hinted at something like that being a side-effect of her wish.

ikr :DDD

>t. derp_commander

Are Kyouko and Sayaka officially a couple in Rebellion?

Intestinal parasites

Officially a couple of big fat losers