Mob gets beaten up, Ritsu cries
What do you think of the episode?
Mob Psycho 100
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I like Ritsu, but I wish he said something else besides "Nii-san"
Better than the manga.
Amazing episode.
is this BNHA?
why's that?
Episode of the year is in 2 weeks
>he doesn't like Nii-san
Corvettefag detected.
>Master, Leader
I can't contain my hype.
>We'll see based Reigen being based as fuck in our lifetime
oh boy
Can't believe I'll live to see this shit animated.
I cant wait for the point 20 years in the future, where kids talk about Kameda like we do about Yutapon today. This Dude will be a legend, FMA hinted at it and now Mob Psycho cemented that as fucking fact. How lucky i am that he directed one of my favourite manga.
Best shit ever
I think you mean supervised the animation but yeah, Kameda's been on a roll lately. FMA:B brought attention to him as an animator and now he's doing a splendid job as animation supervisor. The episodes that he was AD for in One Punch Man were among the best ones in terms of art and animation, and now his work in Mob continues that trend.
Interesting stuff, thanks user.
Well he is Director in Chief and Episode Director and Character designer, so this show is totally his, from a visual perspective.
The episode was amazing. The series is amazing. I had high hopes going in and it's actually managed to exceed my expectations. I'm waiting until the series is over for my final verdict but I'm basically saving a place in my top 5 for it.
>Director in Chief and Episode Director
No. Kameda is not directing anything. He didn't even want to be chief animation supervisor so the show actually has a lot of visual freedom and changes its look depending on animation supervisor.
Its top 15 favourite anime of all time for me, i think. Just amazing what they are doing with this.
>I had high hopes going in and it's actually managed to exceed my expectations.
This right there. I can't believe they manage to exceed my expectatiosn everytime when they're already so high. At this rate episode 11 is gonna make Mob Psycho AOTY.
Last episode was so hype that I'm not sure if I can stop myself from reading the manga before the next one
I can't believe the animation in this series, i was sure it would have gotten worse after the first episodes. How can it be so consistently good?
How would you react if Mob gets brutally murdered in that episode if not for 100%?
Doesn't ???% kick in, before that happens?
If you're brave enough, dont touch the manga anf try to avoid spoilers for the next three weeks: the payoff will be huge.
Where's the image of Mob, Ritsu, Teru, and Shou kissing, licking, and sucking every inch of Reigen's body?
Fuck off.
On one hand I agree with this, on the other hand, I'm loving experiencing this the same way I did with OPM and seeing how iconic scenes translate from manga to animation. So far, I've been blown away and knowing what's coming down the line probably has more hype than if I went in blind.
The episode had the right amount of everything. Plus that message scene had me itching to get one from Reigen.
In your perverted fantasies.
>And she deliberately made Reigen sexy, and is happy to hear people noticed it!
Good to know I'm not a degenerate.
Oh yea he really isnt chief, thought he was it still even if he didnt like it. He is character designer and was animation director tho in ep 1, 8 and the opening, so i dont know what you mean with didnt direct anything. I am just talking about having influence on the whole prodcution not the role of a Director in the strict sense, also it can get so fluid on what means to be a certain role that i wouldnt state all this as fact. I mean how would you know what really happened and who had input or not.
Why is Reigen so based?
I see where you're coming from: I do admit that knowing what happens next is particularly exciting you have an adaptation of this calibre. Well, in that case you should definitely go ahead and read the manga: you're gonna love it.
I felt like the background music took away from the scene where Mob and Koyama were fighting. I dunno why, but it just seemed overwhelming almost, even with that absolutely crazy fight going on.
Yeah, I was under the impression that ??? kicks in every time he's about to die. or even worse, maybe all those times ??? showed up, Mob actually died but was brought back by ???'s intervention
3 weeks
fuck i love this anime
Different taste i guess, i like the music so its a pleasure to hear it, but there were also scenes of no sound except the punches and kicks during the Mob beatdown which helped to make the sitaution more tense too.
I forgot, how did the poison part of the name get added
Thats something only you know about you, so i guess take the risk. You will never know what would have happended if you didnt do it, for sure.
What did she mean by this?
Its a shame that we'll never justifiable self defense rush animated
I didn't expect that the claw thug would get such an handsome voice.
Holy fuck that was a great episode. I think I like this one more than OPM because we actually see characters who can fight Mob equally.
Mob Psycho vol.1 bluray is now ranked 25th in the anime bluray section at Not bad, I think? Can we dream again for season2?
Bones loves and accepts you Fujos, be happy.
gayposting when?
How was it before, what does this mean and how are other Blu rays ranked. Or just post the link so we can see it.
Anyone else love it when people in the show say "mobbu"? It just gets me, IDK why.
Are we just going to ignore how cool Koyama looked in this shot?
We will. I'll make sure of it
I love Kameda!
Wasn't Koyama's voice Nudisto beachu's?
Is Reigen the only anime boy girls can't cosplay better? It seriously looks so shitty with a feminine face.
It sounds like a cutesy nickname.
It's very cute.
Don't get me wrong, I love the OST as well, and I agree the lack of it during that particular scene really highlighted the seriousness of that situation, but it's hard to explain.
Going back and rewatching it, I will say that I don't dislike the way they used that treack for the 100% Mob v. Koyama scene, rather it was just when they were falling that it seemed a little off. Prior to falling, and the way the soundtrack timed itself perfectly with the impact with the ground was great, but something about the actual descent itself bugs me.
I think the best way I could put it would be that it feels like the emphasis for that scene was on the emotions that the music implies, instead of on the actual physical aspects of a feat such as plummeting from such a height and the whistling of the wind from the speed at which Mob is driving this guy towards the earth, which makes sense given the nature of the show itself and the emphasis on the emotional.
I always thought Mob was a translated nickname like with Dimple or Claw.
Kinda surprised that they actually call him that.
And yes, it's cute.
Reigen shaves so that means he can grow a beard.
Yeah, he was kinda cringy in manga. I can't believe how BONES managed to make him this cool.
It's too cute
Can't wait for the English ver of the ED to be release
Damn, that fight was near Boros tier in quality, it was fucking insane. Can't wait to see the rest of the Claw fights and 1000% Reigen.
It's like the reverse when Reigen tried to sell himself as a highschool girl.
Why was Mob in the 07th branch HQ part that much stronger already than in this fight? What's more he wasn't in 100% wasn't he?
How fucked up the anime industry is that an anime like Mob Psyho isnt the one selling 10K units on the first vol. How can we expect good works if the people doing them dont get rewarded for it. I think like over half of all the animators hate what animation has become. Being forced to almost always include waifus and these Moeblobs into your story just so you can get decent sales or just go the other way and pander to fujos.
Straight up cancer and people complain about hollywood, anime is the worst creative industry on this planet, considering how much money and work gets put into it. Bless Bones and other studios, who despite obvious losses, try to go the extra mile and bring the medium forward. Would have stopped watching anime long time ago if it wasnt for them.
>It would be neat if ONE tries a story featuring an overpowered female MC
He was 99% the whole time. Knowing that there is no choice but to fight, he's no longer going easy on his foes hence he seems stronger.
Then why didn't he just one shot Koyama in this fight like he did in the HQ?
>Posting major spoilers in a thread full of anime only fags
A bold move
His brains were leaking out of his face by the time he realized he had to get serious
For sure. I don't get everyone on this board's obsession with waifushit, it makes zero sense. It's just a conglomeration of the same tired old tropes and excessive fanservice that should've died eons ago.
1000% is comming?
Because he doesn't want to use his powers on people.
But he does in the scar arc because his brothers (and other irrelevant kids) life is on the line
I skipped that
I don't want to know
At least he was like EPISODE 9, 10, etc. That way people can avoid looking. I hate people who casually include spoilers in a normal post.
Shit. I was gonna spoiler everything but I forgot after that wall of text. Hopefully people will skip the post when they read the first lines.
Oh i get where your are coming from, but thats quite subjective so its hard to put in words. You feel like its like a draining exposition scene of things that should have been left to be explainind and told visually instead, is that a right analogy? Not having someone dictate how you are supposed to feel and for you there was disconnect between sound and animation. Is that kinda accurate.
(Posting it again)
So I made this list of the remaining episodes and what could be adapted in each of them if they really follow the 5 chapters per episode rule.
>Claw sends Terada after Mob, but he ends up getting captured and interrogated by Mob and Teru. He takes them to the facility on the flying car and they fight him outside. Dimple possesses the security guard and they get inside.
>Once they're in, Mob one-shots Koyama and they split. Matsuo vs Dimple and Teru vs pyrokinesis dude and Sakurai.
>Scar reunion staff and introduction to Ishiguro. They gather brainwashed awakened espers to fight.
>"Educators" with the kidnapped espers. They make them believe one of the Shiratori brothers is dead. Ritsu has a plan to escape by making them believe they're weak.
>Mob vs puppets and vs woman (I'm so bad with their names).
>Shou and the other kids run into different shit tier espers until they find Shou.
>Mob finds Ritsu on the floor. Creepy dude comes in and Mob uses an attack that results in a double KO. They're both taken to the same room as Teru, where they're being watched by Shou. They wake up and Ritsu apologizes.
>End of Dimple vs Matsuo. (Dimple omake?)
>Rest of kids find the exit and Reigen appears as the boss. He meets with Mob and co. but they're interrupted by Ishiguro.
>Continuation of confrontation vs Ishiguro. Reigen tells Mob not to use his powers on people. Hypnosis punch.
>Teru gets a hair cut (relevant)
>Reigen gets slashed -> Gratitude 1000% + Reigen speech.
>Ishiguro interrupts them, but Shou punches him. He calls Mob a wimp and flirts with Ritsu before leaving.
>Dimple gets out of the pot with some of his power back.
>Shou speaks with his dad on the phone outside.
>Wrapping things up: Reigen can now see Dimple, Shinji fixing issues with family, Ritsu no longer edgy...
>Random case with Mob and Reigen?
I meant after going 100%. Though makes sense.
Many thanks to the translatorbro from the previous thread for the Miyo Sato interview.
I can get behind the reason for it, having cute girls doing cute things, sometimes sexual or not with a few jokes here and there and some drama. Or the appeal of a school harem show and having waifus battle for best girl and who gets to fuck the Self insert MC.
But that should not be the focus of the industry. Its way too over saturated with Moe and waifus. It wont go away anytime soon tho, me not buying anthing doesnt help it either, i kinda hope that the olympic games will shine a bit more light on this shitty industry, cause its the most famous export from Japan apart from cars, games and sushi.
I don't think its so much they can fight Mob equally it's more that it's much more realistic than just shounen super powers. The fight ended with something very mundane because that's how he HAD to do it. There was nothing he could physically do to win so he didn't cheat as much as used his head. I think this is why Reigen has such an easy time "fighting" Espers. They don't realize that there's things, even if everyday random things, that can hurt them and Reigen is so out of the box it takes them by surprise.
Also is someone here purchasing the ED/OP singles? I really want to get my hands on the rips if any kind user is willing to share.
That's part of it, yeah. I feel like the music used in that scene is to emphasize the action/tension/energy of the content, but for the part where Mob and Koyama are in the sky I feel like the music could have been slightly muted, and as they got closer to the ground it would gradually get louder, so that at the height of their ascent it would barely be noticeable but as they crashed towards the ground the wind would whistle fairly loudly but the music would only grow steadily louder, almost as if it was getting closer to reaching a crescendo as they got closer to the ground.
I suppose it's technically just a disagreement with the direction/use of the OST at that particular scene, so it is obviously a very biased opinion and was just me nitpicking about an otherwise perfect episode.
Yeah. There's nothing wrong with moeblob shows, just as there is nothing wrong with fujo pandering. It's good to have variety and it's good to have a wide range of genres that cater to different types of people. The problem is that the anime has been invaded by moeshit, and every other show is a fucking harem with the same exact character archetypes we've already seen a million times and the same soulless generic art style.
I don't understand how waifufags aren't sick of it by now. I'm surprised the anime industry still hasn't collapsed on itself, to be honest.
May Reigen thank you with one of his massages
Holy shit. This full version is amazing and I haven't even finished it.
Ah now i get it. I dont care much for the way music is used as long as its not overly jarring, but its totally valid criticism from you, you explained your thoughts well.
Oh shit that was quicker than expected
>It's real
>It's fucking awesome
Holy shit it's beautiful
Reminder that it took one month to produce the ED.
I like the second track but can't I just get one character song out of this? Sakurai is too beautiful of a singer to not sing again.
I hope they will get sick of it and the whole industry crumbles down so they have to find another source of income like the general public. I mean movies can do it too. We will probably get fewer anime but more high quality ones. The Recent movie from Makoto Shinkai made a ton of money, so the demand is there for more quality than quantity.
I actually dont wish for it, just a exaggeration. A lot of people would lose their Jobs and likely die.
You can root for Mob. You don't root for Saitama because you know he'll win. It's all about seeing how he affects everything around him.
You feel for Mob. I think I've inly felt for Saitama once, and that was due to how excellently the anime handled the Boros fight and its conclusion
>that singing voice
M-my heart
>Reigen song
>we actually see characters who can fight Mob equally.
Not really.
It's more about his internal struggle than anything, Mob will wipe the floor with anyone.