Wanted to get into this show, but I've heard everything from "It's the best show ever" to "It's overrated trash".
Plus I'm a filthy casual who's only seen less than a dozen different anime series.
Wanted to get into this show, but I've heard everything from "It's the best show ever" to "It's overrated trash".
Plus I'm a filthy casual who's only seen less than a dozen different anime series.
>I'm a filthy casual
If you watch it now you will think it's the best thing ever, if you watch it after you've seen at least a hundred shows you will think it's overrated trash.
This. Watch the TV series and then End of Evangelion now while you can get some enjoyment out of it. Then move on to something better than babby's first existential crisis.
See the original first, the new stuff are more mainstreem.. And I suggest to see as musch as possible in one row
Only because every other anime copies so many things from Eva that you'll feel like you've seen these things before.
>eva invented everything
I fucking love the shit out of it. But it's pretty much overrated trash. Watch it.
what are better existiential crisis in anime?
>filthy casual
Why do you call yourself that? The only people who use the word "filthy casual" are the dumbest of gamers (Sup Forums and most obnoxious "GAMERS" you see on the internet, as well as people who try to pander to them).
Just say you're new to fucking anime next time, for fuck's sake.
Serial Experiments Lain
Space Runaway Ideon
watch the show then eoe
avoid the rebuilds unless you're a tasteless fucker
Just don't get in with high hopes and you will enjoy the ride.
Episodes 5-15 are complete shit
You can skip the original anime; Watch the Rebuilds, it is the same as the anime but with a lot of the useless scenes removed.
keep in mind that the sequel to the the 3.33 is yet to come, though
>Space runaway Ideon
THe other two are great also but that doesn't make eva bad. Eva is also a lot more engaging than sel or texhnolyze episode by episode.
should i watch this if i want to watch a deep psychological show?
Read manga if you want psychological.
Don't let shitters like these meme you into losing on experiencing one of the best series the medium has put out overall.
Watch the fucking show, If you don't like it you should drop anime altogether as we are full of bad tasted shitters such as the one I'm quoting and they do the medium a diservice.
yeah go ahead, but you and op should either marathon the show, or watch the rebuilds only.
Havn't read the manga but everyone says it's so so and you'd be losing on one of the best visual durecting in any anime ever.
Why would you need to push your obviously shitty advice like this?
I tried this show but couldn't into it because I hated how beta the protagonist was. Does he ever get better?
because you either watch it all at once, or just watch the rebuilds
You can watch the entire series and EoE in a weekend
I wouldn't give this advice to my worst enemy, let alone a stranger.
the rebuilds are the short cut if you dont want the series so either way is perfectly fine.
In all seriousness though, if you use categories such as beta to describe a character you should just considering killing yourself.
The Rebuilds are trash that are nothing like NGE.
Found the beta!
wot its the entire series, if you watch all of them, its basically the entire series hd rebooted
Everything about this. Watch the TV show for, admittedly, one of the most influential anime series of all time as well as context into EoE. Watch EoE for really top notch animation then come back to Sup Forums, realize all of the discussion revolves around Reifags vs. Asukafags and proceed to watch other things. Only watch the Rebuilds if you thoroughly enjoyed the series and know that it will disappoint you on multiple levels.
>needing Sup Forums (or ANYONE)'s approval for watching fucking Evangelion
Stop posting, go back to your own board and kill yourself.
Except for ruining everyone's character especially Shinji
bang nails into your asshole, the rebuilds are the series.
You're an idiot.
The first one, yes. The second one, yes, save for the first scene and last act. The third one, fuck no and that's what propels Rebuild from "not muh eva" to irredeemable garbage.
i bet you havent even seen the fucking rebuilds both are the same fucking thing, 1.0 basically showed the beginning story, the only difference is faggot shinji got in the robot easily.
everyone knows the first one is a copy
even then it's still worse
No go watch Gunbuster and Diebuster.
Have you seen the final of 2.22 and the whole 3.33 movie? NOTHING like that happened in the original series.
Zeruel NEVER merged with Rei, and the whole end with Shinji extracting Rei from the core NEVER happened in the series.
Also, 3.33 is a completely different thing. Wille? Never happened. Shinji almost causing the third impact and killing the majority of the world? No. Kaworu preventing the impact? No! He did not even appear until the last episode of the series.
Eva01 in space, and all those weird angel-things? NO. Asuka and Shinji's "Curse of the Eva", which leaves them eternally 14? FUCKING NO.
The double EVA? No. Mari? A completely new character!
Fucking hell. The first movie had a couple of subtle differences, but with the second it's obvious that the story is taking a different direction than the original series. 3.33 proved this.
FFS, yes. Watch NGE, then watch EoE, and if you want more (you will) then watch the Rebuilds.
Hideaki Anno is a brilliant anime director, and NGE is his magnus opus.
You honestly can't really underatand a lot of anime culture (especially on Sup Forums) if you've never seen NGE and EoE.
Eva is personally my all time favorite anime.
Ignore this OP. Do not start with the Rebuilds.
Now you're just being a fucking idiot. 2.22 was dramatically different and 3.33 was completely removed from anything in the original plot.
As much as I want to see Shin Godzilla I wish Anno had just made 4.44 so he could just go ahead and reveal that it's an alternate universe already. It's probably the most obvious plot twist ever.
>realize all of the discussion revolves around Reifags vs. Asukafags
I was under the impression that's because any discussion to be made has been done already.
>Only watch the Rebuilds if you thoroughly enjoyed the series
They were made for people who didn't get the series.
It's another "Should I watch Eva?" thread. Watch it or don't.
>Only watch the Rebuilds if you thoroughly enjoyed the series
>They were made for people who didn't get the series.
You're absolutely correct. They were for idiot waifufags, hence why they're so disappointing.
I meant that in the sense of being a completionist. It's why I said that the only thing waiting for you at the other ends of those films is complete disappointment.
ah, I see
Best guess I've heard yet is that Lilith was among the four Adams and that's where she landed after being launched from Antarctica by Second Impact. This doesn't make any sense since it doesn't account for the city-sized spaceship already buried there, but bless their hearts for trying.
Whatever the answer is I'm sure it'll be incredibly disappointing for everyone.
I set my expectations too high for this show when I watched it.
Evangelion was as engaging as a rock. The only good thing about eva was EoE, which was a masterpiece and makes the whole show worth watching.
I don't understand how you can like texhnolyze and lain but dislike eva.
Are those two all the anime you enjoy?
>only a handful of images of Asuka in a buster suit
It's inferior in every way though.