That time of the week again
Tsuredure Children
can't hardly wait
Thanks user-kun.
Spoiler, love master dies.
Spoiler, it's a rap chapter so I'm gonna be spending more time thinking about how to make these work
That girl has some great eyes.
[TN: Title is 'Fireworks']
Yamada Sawa
Year 2 Class 7 Girl's basketball team [TN: Actually Class 1, but Waka fucked up again]
She began listening to rap songs recently. Her favorite ones are exclusively online rappers.
YO!! YO!! I'm the broken down rapper! MC Onimusha!!
Today I'm going with my class to some poppers [TN: Fireworks]
But honestly, I'm just shy of strangers.
[Chiba] Is that Ogiue-kun's?
[Toujou] Y...yeah...
They're all folks I don't normally talk to by the lockers [TN: I took a liberty to catch the rhyme, but basically he doesn't talk to them that often]
But I'm losing face thanks to getting called by these guys
And one of them's Yamada, my love at first sight
[Yamada] Did someone buy Maru's share?
Could she also be keeping her feelings locked tight...?
That's some delusion with your cotton candy, alright.
"Taking some"
The lack of thought boxes and bubbles make things look kind of confusing.
"Oh, does Onimusha hate this sorta thing?"
" he's completely okay with it, alright?"
She's suddenly flying into my range
Could she really be in... my mistake [TN: Half rhyne in original]
If I'm happy just with this, I'll be a virgin until I age!!
"What's up with you!? You're not reacting to anything"
"So you thought I was mad or something!!"
This is real insinuating. She's touching my body.
[Yamada] I... I'm not mad!!
[Y] I'm not, okay!?
But there's no meaning.
I'm aware of this fully!!
"Hey, why're you Onimusha, Onizuka-kun?"
My rapping's all kept behind closed doors!!
I'm usually just a bore...
If they find out, the class'll laugh at me forever more!!
It sure does. Yay for Waka internal monologues. And lots of retconning.
do YO best
Is it just me, or did she cut her hair?
Class 1 or Class 4?
It seems different, but maybe I just can't recall what it looked like.
"Onimusha, your goal to be a rapper is better kept secret, right? Whisper whisper"
"Well... yeah..."
Don't misunderstand, she's an airhead!!
She's not enticing me at all, it's in my head!
She's just a kind girl who can show concern instead,
To someone like her, this is her daily bread!!
"Let's make this"
"A secret between you and me, Onimusha!!"
That's how she is!! (That's how she is!!)
That's how she is!! (That's how she is!!)
"Uh... Are you and Onizuka-kun dating, Sawa?"
"No way, Asuu!! We're just friends!!"
"Th... that's right!! That's not the case at all!!"
"I don't really think anything of Yamada as..."
"It's just... don't say it so bluntly!!"
"You'll hurt my feelings, okay!?"
this is the best girl
I can't get a read on her.
Class 1 has Sushi-girl but Class 4 has based Gouda, I don't know which one choose
"What... so you're the one on the attack, Sawa?"
"That's not it!! I just wanna be seen as a woman normally, okay!?"
I really really see her as a girl who's hot
Can I say that as I'm staring on the spot?
I'll put aside whether she clearly like me or not,
It depends on the situation, but could she be on the dot...
"Oh, the fireworks are gonna start soon right?"
"Uh... we gotta go back to the spot or..."
"Let's hurry!!"
"You're slow, Onimusha!!"
"No... uh... huh...!?"
So that's how she's approaching me, Is she a merely just a girl who acts freely?
If she's interested, if she's interested...
"It star..."
fuck are we getting confession in this chapter already!?
"What's up, Onimusha? You not gonna go? Asu went already, okay?"
"N.. no... uh..."
"Yamada-san, do you have someone you like!?"
"Whaaaat? I can't hear you!!"
"Yamada-san, are you alright"
"With holding the hands of someone you don't like!?"
"But Onimusha"
"I do like you!!"
"Like I said!! I like you, Onimusha!!"
"I... is that... in a romantic sense!?"
"But of course right!?"
"As a rapper!!"
>as a rapper
"You're not reliable as a romantic interest, Onimusha!!"
"I... I see..."
I see she's really just completely spontaneous
She's just locked in eternal non interest...
"So be quick"
"And become a cool rapper!!"
"If you can make some cool raps, you'll definitely hit it off!!"
"Uh... oh... so that's it..."
My momentary hopes got painfully dashed
Even if I can rap, my future's all gashed...
"I see you can't let go of my hand"
"So you're getting connected with the moment!! Onimusha, if you make it big, be proud of yourself!!"
"Uh... yeah..."
"If you get a girlfriend, tell me about it!!"
"Uh... sure"
Man, this nigga is being strung along hard.
Yup. Poor guy.
Anyways, I'm gonna go through this and see if anything's wrong before I put it up.
I'm impressed that he avoided the fireworks meme only to run into another dead end though. Good job Waka
i have no words for this
Thanks TL user.
I think you could make a good rapper some day
I tried to make it as accurate as I could, but in the end, I just went with the rhymes
God dammit.
Much thanks.
Did the shindo rei story end?
Any epilogue or extras?
Volume's out late September. But I'll check the magazine again later
I feel laughter and sadness
He needs a wingman. He needs to seek the LOVE MASTER.
Right now I think he needs a nap and maybe some junk food he likes.
>tfw he'll never be a cool rapper
He'll make it.
You hope
Thx tl user
You got anything else today?
Still looking for someone to typeset Michiru sadly
Have you tried batoto? I think they might have typesetters.
Probably. I also have some other groups I can give it to if they're interested. Let's see