What are the biggest shitstorms anime and manga ever have seen?

What are the biggest shitstorms anime and manga ever have seen?

Naruto ships

Madoka TV airing delay.

When Toriko's mangaka paid a 16 year old girl to fuck him and got arrested for violating child prostitution laws

And to a lesser extent when Log Horizon's mangaka was put under house arrest for tax evasion


I know that shit was only implied, but, holy shit, some nips went so far as to send death threats to the author to change the story.

Japanese readers are just pampered.

Damn is that Seiken no Blacksmith?

The sad part is that he did change the shit.

Btw that manga ended or just no tl

Yes, the heroine was folded a million times.


IIRC it's on hiatus.


What about that shit with Kannagi?

What did he expect given the typical LN reader? If he started this series as a seinen manga series, then I doubt he would get the same blowback he got from this implied rape. He was force to clear it up afterwards by saying that the villain was a Eunuch. Reminds me of what happened with Kannagi.

my boner was hardcore on that scene

>she got raped by a guy with no dick

>raping so hard your wiener falls off

>tragic rape-scene
>presents us this backside
What does he wants from us? To feel bad for the girl or us to feel bad for masturbating to this? Someone please post the page of him ripping off her shirt and those great tits popping out. It's the same dilemma.

Here you go.

Thanks, i should save those.

I thought the author was a girl

That girl was a retard who kept getting in over her head. Rape was inevitable.

I honestly loved kannagi. I think it's one of the funniest anime I've watched shame that it got the hate that it did.

Not everyone that draws rape is a girl.

What started all the hate?

She had a boyfriend.

The author or the seiyuu?

She stated she had a boyfriend previously. Which means she definitely had sex already because it's automatically assumed that if you've been with someone, you've fucked them.

So she's used goods. Instant trash series.

used goods
more like
more like used GODS LOL

Man purityfags are cancer


I feel so fucking sorry for that character
Love is conditional in Japan it seems ;_;

A raped girl is useless.

It was casually mentioned in the manga that Nagi had had a boyfriend previously.


>I feel so fucking sorry for that character

Don't read Wolf Guy then. Main girl gets graphically gangbanged for an entire volume. And to top it off, halfway through the rape she gets drugged and starts enjoying it. And if that wasn't bad enough, the entire rape is broadcasted online where millions of people are watching it including the MC.

Except for the fact that you're wrong
Raped girls are for gentle healing and tender love.


Oh, how that manga ended? Or its still ongoing?

Something relevant happened since the rant?

>comparing a cereal to women that can't control themselves

It was only suggested that she had a previous boyfriend and later on in the manga she confirms that she never had a boyfriend.

what series is that? Looks like Cecily from sacred blacksmith

man that just became funny after 30 fucking chapters of nonstop rape

Panty & Stocking

I think the implication was that she was into her ex and the MC was just a cuck.

It is. Also she doesn't get raped in the LN or manga. She just gets beaten and groped. I wish the author didn't pussy out though.



>women that can't control themselves
That's not the same as having been raped.

It baffles me that they put this kind of hentai-logic in non-h mangas. Are they so detached from real sex or why do they do this? Is this a parody?

Yeah, it is. Simply just don't get raped.

Believe it or not, the guy in the picture didn't make this comment after reading that manga so it's not about being raped. It's like the picture was posted out of context or something.

You are now imagining celt and aria being manually fucked by goblins

Did you miss the part where it said that she got drugged?

Raped or not, Cecily is just too cute.

Don't forget about the guy on the right in pic related who started the rape in the first place by penetrating her and cumming inside then letting the yakuza gangbang her for 30 chapters. The fact that he's 15 years old despite looking like Akuma form Street Fighter makes it even more hilarious.


Do you mean like in so many other hentais?

As apposed to automatically fucked?

Yep, those tits are fucking fantastic, rape or not.

Was the ending to Negima a shitstorm?

I was actually a demon all along.

The character.

Drugs exist outside hentais. Do you know nothing about drugs or something?

>he he just a prank bro
Fuck the author

>later on in the manga she confirms that she never had a boyfriend.
That was a retcon, added after the scandal

I know that they don't make me do ahegao faces.

The otaku disconnect from reality is fucking pathetic.

You have been gangbanged while on drugs? Please do tell me more.

Have you?

women who have lost their virginity are no longer people in my eyes.

I miss Valvrave.

Even your mom?

That was nips fault, the author was a pussy too though.

You are the one claiming that you know what drugs can and can not do so you are the one who needs to answer. I am just saying that you can't know that it is not possible.

>I am just saying that you can't know that it is not possible
What a lame opinion, how boring. No, I want you to argue until you scream at me, make gay stories up about you getting raped by a bunch of burly man until you made silly faces or even pretending to be a cute japanese girl that gets fucked by balding fat business men every day, which makes you an expert on this topic.

It's irrelevant. Im ony talking about women who i could have a relationship with, but who are not virgins.

Use saucenao next time you want to go down the rabbit hole.

I do too. And not just because of rape.

Dude, did you just become retarded? Sorry if I triggered you.

How does it feel to be a (at least half-)monster, m80?

There aren't nearly enough rape scandals these days

Wow that's quite detailed. You sure you dont have anything you want to let out? I wont judge if your mom hated you and your dad was gay and pedophilic.

Those are some finely drawn tits, damn

Dude fuck that fucking bear and fuck that nigger who wrote that ending.

witnessed buddy

I never watched that anime and have no idea what's it about, but this is such a terrible thing to say. No wonder people jumped on the hate train.

Picked up.

It's a pity that you lack the fine taste to appreciate a series about a yandere bear mindbreaking a little girl.

The bear was just worried that he would end up all alone if she left and was admitting his true feelings. He felt really bad about how he felt.


What a clusterfuck that was. Though it's pretty rare that an author lets a main female lead get raped. One that I remember is Chisa x Pon. Starts off as a cute romance story, but she gets raped pretty early on and halfway through the rape she goes along with the guy. The best part is the main couple ends up becoming friends with the rapist.

No show has made me madder, what a boring anticlimactic pile of shit the second half was.


I don't think anything has beaten it still

I like the term 'rape namek' for that manga.

It was pretty bad.

Usagi Drop ending
Free! announcement
The last episode of Attack on Titan
Homo Dake Ga Aru Machi ending

Did she become an hero after rape namek?

That was a nice fap.