Reddit has a point, Sup Forums

Reddit has a point, Sup Forums.

Ever think that maybe the Democrats are the good guys, not you?

But they aren’t faux scandals. They’re real. The problem is nothing is being do e about it. How does that make us the bad guys?

partisans are the bad guys

>New York
>probably a City dweller and not from upstate
>probably not a producer of sustenance, nor maintainer of infrastructure, so society keeps moving on it's fragile wheel
>probably not a property/land owner
>probably hasn't seen the eyes of a fresh kill, instead of buying animal protein from the market
>probably hasn't been through attrition against mother nature
/U/CassiopeiaStillLife is a bearer of truth and I should take their opinion seriously. Xe/Xir/They/whatever probably has more better life experiences than me or my survivalist community, combined. I will take reddit more serious. I can't believe how much of a bigot and ignoramus I was. How will I ever recovery y'all?


The only reason they aren't bombshells is because Jeff Sessions is a faggot.

>reddit has a point
it has never had a point.
it is by definition "pointless".

Trump needs to fire that faggot asap. Sessions is fucking dog shit.

>conservatives dislike hollywood for being degenerate scroundrels
>libs ridicule them for being out of touch
>hollywood turns out to be degenerate scroundrels over and over again
>libs still dont consider maybe changing their position

really activates the almonds

Remember when they swatted that guy they thought was the boston bomber. That made me kek a little. Too bad they werent pretending to be retarded.

seriously, just look at the top comment for the whitefish story. All of them are like the first 10 anti-trump/anti-GOP comments posted in the thread. Any that actually mention the fucking article and look at the facts instead of the headline are downvoted to the bottom. Reddit is a view confirmation hub, not a place for discussion.

They are huge scandals though. Can they not see the pendulum blazing incredibly fast to the right?

yeah guise its just like harry poooter star wars were the rebel wwwyyzzerds and theyre tha empire and def eaters guise

Remember the trump Russia thing? Crooked Hillary accused trump while the election was still going on and there still hasn't been any evidence brought to light

>ever think YOU"RE the bad guy.


>Ever think that maybe the Democrats are the good guys, not you?

Go ask them why the Democrats have lost over 1000 seats nationwide? (on a federal and state level)

Yeah, back when I was one. Then I realized that every single thing the DNC stands for is pure evil, and the organization itself is also evil.

Authoritarians do not turn on their anointed. It would shatter their world to admit someone they disagree with has a point about someone they decided to trust, so they just don't admit that.

You're on the wrong side of history

>if you get caught but not punished your the good guy
Imagine actually being this retarded. I just can't

Oh looks its another "good guys v. bad guys thread"

News flash dumb nigger, its not all black and white. There are people right now, this minute that donate millions to charity that are going to sexually abuse their children. There are people that believe and help research climate change that have murdered someone before. There are people who go help impoverished communities in their free time, that torture animals.

You retard, there is no such thing as good and evil - We all are containers of both good and misdeeds, even you, you self righteous cock gobbler.