Based Tariq Nasheed has literally discovered an entire town that harbors white supremacists called "Whitefish"
Tick tock, nazis.
Sup Forums BTFO
Based Tariq Nasheed has literally discovered an entire town that harbors white supremacists called "Whitefish"
Tick tock, nazis.
Sup Forums BTFO
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>All this is just a coincidence
Man, he can draw the lines there, but any other conspiracy theory is called insane.
I bet it's a nice community for our people to live.
They mostly keep to themselves so what’s the problem? The Muslims won’t allow police in their hoods and many blacks have hoods and Mexicans. If the white supremacists want to live together, I don’t see the problem.
Sanctuary cities are a real problem. White neighborhoods- not so much. White flight is real and I can’t blame them. The black hoods and projects are scary
There's public funded schools in NYC that teach black supremacy.
>Jews have a ethnostate
>"it's our right goy!"
>whites have a ethnostate
I also made the Whitefish connection almost immediately on reading the (non) story about this company doing work in PR
but it might be a coincidence... or a troll
I don't understand, how is this a scandal? I thought people got to choose where they live.
I wonder why that area is such a hotbed of Nazi activity?
>Ben Garrison is an award winning fine artist living in Lakeside, Montana
FUCK YOU OP. This is a crock of shit. Move over a state to IDAHO fucknuts
Anyone else ever visit Whitefish/Kalispell/Columbia falls?
I went this Summer and it was an amazing and beautiful place. Extremely friendly and chill locals, and I did not see anything remotely nazi. Just had a really good time hanging out and met some really cool people who were very hospitable. Kinda reminded me of good old-fashioned southern hospitality. Could definitely live there.
some people just arent happy seeing people happy.
why don't people like spencer start suing people calling him a white supremacist?
>Tanya gersh is still not charged on federal extortion
I didn't really need to get this rustled this early
Milwaukee put a 750K line item in the school budget for Black Lives Matter, whatever that means.
I figured with the rate these specialty high schools spring up and then take the gibs & go out of business that black lives already were being "enriched" by education.
So ?
you won't do shit
Can't have too much white, you see.
Under Obama they were trucking Section 8'ers from Chitown to fucking Des Moines to culturally enrich the area.
Seig Heil Joe, Seig Heil
There's an entire town that harbors Black supremacists called Detroit.
>popular white supremacist RS is from Whitefish MT...
We cannot all come from a cat litter.
So what? Why does this trigger you so bad? Kids need to learn racial tolerance otherwise they will turn into useless NEETs shitposting on an anime forum all day instead
wow it's literally fucking NOTHING
1996 called..
I'm not happy unless you're not happy.
I bet the crime level is non-existant.
is the nigger getting salty because some backwater town secured a 300M government contract will nobody gives a rats ass about his movie?
So confirmed Spencer is a product of WN and not a shill then?
>White people moving out of a black neighborhood is white flight and racist
>White people moving in to a black neighborhood is gentrification and racist
>White people living with white people in some town minding their own business is racist.
What are white people supposed to do, darky? DIE? You'd like that, I bet.
this guy
Ha, this is about the energy contract?
Tariq has Apophenia
>blacks have an ethnostate
Every time.
Meanwhile we have Trans-demons reading to kindergarteners in full bearded drag. Somehow the race-based religion is in the wrong, meanwhile multiculturalist erase history they don't agree with.
2.8% hispanic population according to the 2010 census. Probably all of them are MS-13.
Mr Nasheed appears to be drifting into paranoia, seeing patterns where none exist. Hopefully he'll get help and stop pushing these hate filled conspiracy theories soon.
Lip smackin mac is on the attack
I bet the crime rates are low
Plus freedom of association. If they're not hurting anyone and keep to themselves where's the problem?
I know right. This sounds like profiling.
Why do niggers care? They can stay in Louisiana.
leave montana alone.
whitefish is the most uppity town around that area. 95% are rich californians that like fences. It's a fucking leftest liberal city.
whitefish looks comfy
Goldcrest valley from Farming Simulator 2017
Sign me up.
I've always liked that mountain skyline over American towns. Comfy as fuck.
Hey Rabbi, what you doing?
Even if this was true, could you blame them? I wouldn't want non-whites shitting up that beautiful place either and i don't even live there.
I would say cold is a natural barrier but then the Nordics had to go and fuck that up with their refugees.
>just let the nazis have their own areas so they can thrive and grow until they need more area
Needs at least one mega-mosque.
But police brutality is a lie. Blacks are the ones victimizing whites. You cannot refute this.
Anyone know when Tariq Nasheed's next album is going to drop?
Isn't that the town where the kike real estate agent went after Richard Spencers mom?
It is.
Wow, I am looking into whitefish now..
Need to? Why? How will it benefit them to like people that hate them?
Would it be wrong to teach of them of the white intolerance too?
I can deal with nigs who have been here for years, but to see that we have more spics in the middle of nowhere Montana makes me want to lynch Jews and Big Business CEOs
Make me want to buy a house there, spilt firewood, get a glass of tea and relax in front of a fire.
t. White supremacist
>not counting BLM as a hate group
By even using this word, you have submitted utterly to my Right Wing Will. I didn't read a word of the rest of the post, since you have already surrendered utterly to me.
This looks like paradise, wtf.
lol the state's name is in spanish you fucking retard.
>The most recent survey commissioned by the park service on visitation, released in 2011, found that 22 percent of visitors were minorities, though they make up some 37 percent of the population.
I don't give a shit you moron
Holy shit!!!! They discovered middle America
Cry more faggot.
t. spic
t. le 56% face, quadroon
Sounds like heaven on earth
lol its another spic with inferiority compleex for real americans.
>Not much is known about Garrison's early years, or what inspired him to racial violence. Some argue he was a product of his time and locale in an era of sudden racial progress; others say he's the bastard son of Hitler himself, reincarnated with a vengeance.
Zyklon ben is a mystery...
again proves how dumb this nig is
always wants blacks in good areas
yet they cant create one they're selves
but when white people move to theyr area they cry about being kicked out
this guy just bitches about anything..
Jesus was right
Jews were a mistake
Holy shit. It looks like a white utopia. Compare this to the ghetto in L.A. that I live in. Fuck, they have jobs out there??
> inferiority compleex
I would have thought, a real american would know how to spell words properly, in English. But, that nigger blood probably puts your IQ below 70.
hahahaha yo ucare about typos nigger, you're such a nerd.
I think we're done here.
hahahaha i bullied you out of this thread with barely 80 replies, I am right, you are a nerd or a mexican
A couple of isolated incidents of covert pamphleting vs. the entire education system aimed at leftist indoctrination. I wonder which one is the problem.
Looks expensive.
I guess they should allow nigs to flood in so they can change it into Detroit.
Show me one family of niggers that teaches there niglets to be tolerant of whites and our culture. You fucking nogs are cry babies. Go back to Africa and build your own country then. Here, people can live where they want to , and believe what they want to.
Didn't a jewish lawyer try to get Spencer run out of town?
We're supposed to get tired of their shit, and expel them from our lands. Just one brave billionaire with some shipping contacts is all we need. The rest can be done at the local level. Leave or die niggers. Pick one, and only one.
0 niggers are pictured in this photo, and it looks like paradise.
So because Spencer's mommy lives there and Stormfront set up a hangout in Kalispell it's suddenly a Nazi den?
So is your mom's Paco.
Someone post Tariq Nasheeds rap song "Wash your Ass" cant be assed.
Its the lack of crime and the cleanliness he really is despises. Every word is dripping with venomous jealousy.
reminder that Tariq Nasheed wrote the song "wash yo ass"
>communism is about the surpremacy of a single idea, and it has to be enforced through global revolution on all mankind
>Islam is about a surpremacy of a single religion, that has to be forced upon by all of humanity through whatever method possible.
Just a few bad apples
>Natsional socialism is about surpremacy/self-determination of a single ethnic group in clearly defined borders
Whitefish is home to a major railroad yard, I remember seeing it in Microsoft Train Simulator.
>the nicest parts of the country are always white
I wonder why...