If President Donald Trump legalized marijuana at the federal level, he would be guaranteed 2020 and would help Republicans for years to come.

Why doesn't he start tweeting about legalizing weed?

he needs to get rid of jeff sessions first

Kill yourself, waster. The moment Trump even considers legalization of marihuana is the day he loses my vote.

Because potsmoking is degenerate as hell and it fucking stinks everywhere long after the stoner is gone, like nigger stench.

Go /SIG/ HEIL or neck yourself faggot.

On mobile so can't shop a spliff into pic related

It's the thought that counts, potato friend

It may be degenerate, but that doesn't mean it should be illegal. alcohol is legal, opiates are legal and forced on the population by greedy doctors and pharma reps. Also the smell doesn't last as long as the smell from a tobacco product would, and obviously it would be illegal to smaoke it in public anyway

He is already gaurenteed to win. Also, stop being a degenerate. I saw a poll a few years ago that said over 75% ( I don't remember the exact number) of people who wanted weed to be made legal supported open borders and many other leftist policies like medicare for all. Trump could cure cancer, and drop a trillion dollars worth of food in Africa and the people that hate him would still hate him, and then complain about how he did it wrong or claim he did it because he wants votes.

Fuck off, if you want to smoke weed, smoke it, at home. We do not need to legalize it.


>spends all day posting shit on Sup Forums

Not happening while Sessions is there.

I agree by the way, if he did legalize it most of his critics would fall silent overnight. There would be some blowback from the bible thumpers but libertarians would be happy.


keeping brick weed out is half the battle.

This is literally the most autistic thing I have seen today. His support of Israel is kosher with you but legalizing pot is a step too far.

OP here, checkin em

Cigs are 100x worse in that regard.

real bible thumpers know jesus said smoke the best weed first

Let's breathe in burning plant matter, overloading respiratory filtration and tarring up our lungs, all for the chemical high!

Understood, still degenerate anyways.

>keeping brick weed out is half the battle
It's good to live in Colorado
pic related

Did you read the picture moron? Inviting people here to further drive up taxes, when we are full, is the point of the picture. Idiot.

this tbqh

I wonder who stands to benefit from an epidemic of chronic intoxication amoung otherwise productive, engaged, successful and “red-pilled” young adults?

Why tf would you post such a shitty attempt at memeing. Have a little pride

He can't get anything that big, he is not good at his job.

Shit post deserve shit response.

Prohibition makes America shit. Its why the mobbed up lefties have so much power and money.

Sessions has ordered more research into this.. surprisingly.

This. This. This.

I didn't invite fags to move here.

If he did this, stoners and hippies would quit. It would be the end of the drug war on the marijuana front.

This is one of the most fucking stupid diagrams I see posted. Cannabis is not a company, the companies it is supposedly 'competing' with could use it as a material themselves, they stand to make money through legalisation of it's use.

I'm already /SIG/ and smoking weed is a perfectly fine vice, granted you have the self control to keep every other aspect of your life running smoothly.

i remember when legalizing weeed would have been re election suicide for republicans/conservatives like it was common knowledge

2019 he will on the ramp up for re-election.

I'm sorry you're too retarded to understand

Who gives a shit what the ag says. He should at least tweet about it

It's either more cost effective to use cannabis as a material for those companies, or it's not and they don't need to change a damn thing. Either way they have nothing to worry about and at worst they stand to make money.

the Last 3 US presidents have been confirmed pot and cocaine users.

Trump was for single payer. Of course, the Republicans opposed this because it's socialism. What's surprising is that the Democrats opposed single payer as well, because the Jews told them Trump must fail.

Trump will do no better on getting the government out of the pot prosecution business.

BTW, I agree with the constitution - the laws regarding Pot are up to the states.

Those corporate giants would suffer massive competition from every Tom, Dick, and Harry farmers. They would no long control the means of production of their products. Cannabis legalization will trigger massive entrepreneurial activity in America. Hemp made us great before and will do so again.

All Mr. Trump needs to do is say, "It's a states issue." and federally remove cannabis from scheduling as a drug.

no need to legalize unless the state wants some money...just stop throwing people in jail for it.

I'm gonna have to side with the leaf on this burn sorry

Small goverment for billionares and large goverment for pot smokers.

True. But then again, it’s legal in some form in over half the states anyway. If it’s that big of a deal to some, they can move.

Yes! Can’t we meme into existence?

I'm a one issue voter with marijuana being my issue. That's why I vote Rand, Ron, and Dem all the time.


Hey wastoid, you're not blazing up in here...

Because legalizing weed on a federal level is a multi year project with so many questions you can't solve it quick without creating a complete mess.

>where is it legal?
Of course you have to determine no weed zones where selling and consume is forbidden like around schools, playgrounds... but how far? ...
>it involves state rights
Can a state still ban the sale/growing/consuming of weed?
Can a state extend the no weed zones or even have their own weed law just like smoking laws?
>Federal tax? State tax?
>legal to carry weed over state lines? limitations?
>the what kind of weed question and where are the limits
all weed? legalize cbd and only low THC weed? set some CBD/THC limits? What about hash/blubber/cannabis oil legal illegal? Only grown in the US weed or is it legal to import weed?
>legalization, quality control and taxation question
Who can grow? How much? Who can sell it and where? who makes sure the product has a national quality standard and enforces this? tax free for own use limits?
>the regulating body
how much can you grow for personal use? can you give away/sell for personal use weed to friends? who and where can you get grower/seller licenses?what kind of paperwork is required to make the grower - reseller transfer legal and give both of them legal certainty? What about the the reseller - client relationship? any max per consumer per week/month purchase restrictions? How much weed can you carry without a license or is it free for all?
>The criminal part
piss tests are unreliable driving while stoned is afaik against the law yet the used test can't say "yes you're stoned" only "this person consumed weed in the last 3-4 days" what do? What is acceptable what is still you're fucked?
What about all the pending weed cases? consume, possession, growing, selling...? A amnesty? void felonis?
What about people going over the new legal limitations? How far can they be stretched?
legal certainty on all levels

And thats just 5min..

>Lets legalize weed!
>lose all conservative votes
>Liberals still dont vote for Trump because Fuck Kurplumf
How is this supposed to help him?

>implying no conservatives smoke weed
c'mon, user


Lmao it's legal in like 5 states with medical taking 55% of all states. Get fucked you backwards retard. If anything alcohol needs to be banned.

So sick of fuckers like you. I'd like nothing banned, but it'd be funny watching the faggots who want weed banned, then bitch they cant get drunk everyday

Agree to disagree.

Reefer madness ain't even the worst thing about Sessions.

Dude, I smoke pot, but even I don't want weed legalized and commercialized and promoted. I would rather Trump just form deportation squads, expel the foreign invaders and occupiers, seize back the media from subversive kikes and traitorous shabbos goyim, build wall and enact protectionist trade policies and generally do shit to improve the quality of life in this dying country so I and others don't have a need to smoke pot to numb away all the bad feels and hopelessness.

lol, kys home-school fag.

You shouldnt believe everything you read on the internet. Most stoners are too lazy to participate in a pointless survey like that. Everyone I know smokes weed, supports trump, and believes in a closed door policy. Neck yourself you fuckin alcoholic virgin

Legalize it at the federal level?

Make it a State's Rights issue.
Cite that the majority of states are decriminalizing possession, and just make it a state's right issue.

easy win.

weed will be legalized under the premise of helping those who are currently addicted and dying due to opioid addiction. watch


Even tho youre right life, youre still wrong because youre a leaf

legalized weed = not as strong weed.

That's Trump victory wild card legalize dope a week or a few days before the election. Libbers too high to go vote or maybe they get so high they vote Trump. Easy reelection. The multideminisional chess master and commander.

I'm waiting for medicinal cocaine. Already in the medicinal cannabis industry. Best job I have ever had. Getting paid to grow herb. I have a love hate relationship with commiefornia

I respect the leaf more than the shithead American he was replying to

once the illegals start getin tf outa here it will be so gudd brooooo

trump is calling a state of emergency on the opioid epidemic

he also supports research on things like marijuana

what about researching whether or not marijuana can help fight opioid dependency/addictions?

it may not legalize it outright, but it could help decriminalize and make it a state's issue rather than a federal one

>smoking weed
fuck off degenerate

Sessions has ordered research into this. He's also said he's simply enforcing weed laws and if the federal laws changed he would stop going after pot.

dont you see, calling the state of emergency is going to put pressure on those who are extremely antiweed. Legalizing would let them off the hook.

How about none of that shit. Deregulate it. This isn't like alcohol where if you make it wrong people go blind. Honestly alcohol and most other things are overregulated anyway.

fuck you i cant stand this jew nigger reality without weed to silence my mind. its not like my genetics are effected. Still having white babies.

Trump supporting legalization would actually be the best way to kill stoner culture. If Trump came out in support of something they wanted, they would have a complete meltdown on how to react.
Chances are at least a sizable portion of them would stop smoking cause its now associated with EBUL RAYCISS DRUMPF

>he says wasting his time posting on an anonymous Sudanese yodeling forum

And those saying pot heads are lazy? Pssshhhh. Let's see u come work at our facility. You normies would not last a week. I work 6 to 7 days a week 9 to 12 hrs a day. Harvest day and transplant days are back breaking work. Feels good to make more than doctors and lawyers.

this is a deep state friend simulator

You arent seeing the big picture.

>Implying this isnt a CIA datamining operation thinly veiled as an anime themed message board.

reminder that drugs are a tool to control minorities

Me too thats why I said he was right. But hes still a leaf so hes still wrong. Im sorry, i dont make the rules.

and big pharma makes drugs to control the majority? fuck off nigger, everything is a drug, food, coffee, cigarettes etc. it's up to each individual to decide what they want to put in their shitty bodies. some niggers consume 5,000 grams of sugar per day and become diabetics does that mean sugar is meant to control fatfuck niggers? no it just means those fat fuck niggers are too dumb to control their own impulses. only dumb niggers fall for dumb nigger conspiracies. it's all about marketing and making money. there's no bigger agenda than the greed of each individual.

You have to regulate it in some way as as soon as there's money to be made some company will come up with a shitty idea to meddle with weed to max their profits.
Mass use of pesticides, strange fertilizers, quick dry process used chemicals and those are just the more harmless...
What about 50% pollen 50% sawdust hash? Some way to prop your weed up in weight, use of food dye to cover up mold...
You have to define standards and guarantee them in a way that protects the producer and the consumer.

So it's either you hand the "basics" down or give the states at least 3 years to define their own laws while having the entire thing hanging in the state of legal uncertainty for everyone.

because stoners should be shot

lmao. like thats going to fucking change anything
just fucking legalize it. it was 99999999999999x's easier to get weed in highschool than it was alcohol. ive no doubt thats still the case

>dude weed isn't addictive i can stop whenever i want
>would instantly vote for any candidate no matter their other policies given that he or she will legalize weed

He's hanging onto his
>Trump card

Once the DNC falls to pieces, he needs something to grab the disenfranchised's attention (MJ decriminalization), and get them to realize they'd support most of Trump's policies if they weren't otherwise his.

>dude cuckoldry isn't addictive i can stop whenever i want
>would instantly vote for any candidate no matter their other policies given that he or she will bring in more rapefugees

I use a wax atomizer for wax so it doesn't smell. I can do it indoors just fine, no smell on clothes. Pretty good.

I'm down to muscle out niggers and cartels for more money for the states. It can still be publicly discouraged from a social stance. Acceptance and legality are two different things.

just do it already so we can move to more pressing matters

Bumping OP's post that was made 4 hours and 20 minutes ago


just wanna get home from work a down an edible is that so much to ask for

>Trump pushes for legal weed
>The left instantaneously drops all support of DUDE WEED LMAO and starts screaming about how legal weed will ruin america
>New """""""Scientific Studies""""""" by shitlibs come out that claim weed is suddenly turbocancer 9000
>College kids start lynching people found with weed paraphenalia
>Marijuana continues to be outlawed forever



Oh shit, I just reaklized- this would help or could be done under the guise of his Opiate policy to get Americans off pharam;s, or to bolster pharma, fuck it- use it


After a while you cant be happy without it. It's like crack but takes longer.

it makes some people more productive. A lot of programmers use it.