Not gonna lie, former capitalist here. This is fucking hilarious watching capitalism crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let the 1% get all the money
Not gonna lie, former capitalist here. This is fucking hilarious watching capitalism crash and burn...
Capitalism is an economic system whereby those with the most resources get more resources just because they have the most resources. Down with capitalism.
You mean let the jews get money?
no 1% with all of the money = no economy = everyone starves = communism every fucking time.
those are the facts, nobody can deny them anymore no matter how many times you try to say "that wasn't real communism though!"
true that but communism isn't a solution either, people just get less motivated, i may work super hard for something but i know i won't be able to make good money of what i'm doing which will make people less motivated to achieve stuff.
capitalism isn't perfect, but it's the best solution we have so far
thing is that if you don't incentivize labor, you get no labor. surprise surprise. capitalism incentivizes labor, that's why it produces so much abundance.
a communist only plants a seed because he wants to. because he "feels like it"
so guess what? most people actually DONT plant seeds.
a capitalist plans a seed because his economic system incentivizes him to. the
so guess what? everyone and their mother goes out to plant seeds.
good literally springs from seeds. planted and tended. ergo, capitalism produces very much food and abundance.
it's REALLY not that difficult of a concept. it's REALLY like the most basic thing and that's why most communists are either 1) just totally retarded or 2) actually people who are just pissed and insecure about their own lives and can't deal with others doing well so they try to use state power to oppress them in order to satisfy their own sick, shortman, napoleon complexes.
and it's funny because if you read their literature, esp the frankfurt school cultural marxists, but really all of them, it really reflects this.
communists are an ugly breed man, that's the reality.
>capitalism is an economic system whereby those with the most resources are incentivized to use those resources to produce more resources for the people in the social castes beneath them, therefore everybody has plenty and nobody is starving. UP with capitalism.
fixed it for you.
why dont we just do a far right and far left alliance already. we could take over easily
what do you have against jews?
>no ones starving
funniest shit i've seen in a while
But in all seriousness, my grandfather tortured and killed dozens of Communists. He had a box of wedding rings taken off of the corpses of disgusting Leftists. It weighed more than I did when I was born.
He always used to joke that "ya stayuz" was how you said "shoot me in the belly" in Russian, because in Poland, he and his men would always, ALWAYS shoot surrendering communists low, so that they suffered. He used to tell me long stories about collecting those rings. They used to get the rings off by sucking on the dead man's fingers, but that was disgusting so eventually they started chopping them off. You can still see the shovel marks on some of the rings.
I like to imagine all those disgusting communist mothers seeing the mangled bodies of their perforated thief children coming back in boxes, with their fingers chopped off. It makes my very full, very satisfied Capitalist belly feel warm, and grateful. What an act of justice, it is, to kill a communist. What a delicious triumph of divine will it is, to shoot one in the belly, and watch him writhe and scream and die!
I will get my chance soon, but I will bring a pair of bolt cutters. I look forward to hearing you scream as I clip off your little digits while you're still alive. Please, please get an expensive ring. Get a good one. None of that silver shit. Don't get something gay, get something pricey so that I can buy something with it.
You misspelled corporatism.
How would this alliance work. I mean, social policies are on opposite ends.
oh really? who is starving here? not a serious demographic of people. here in the US even those living in so-called "poverty" literally have iPhones.
even the homeless are able to eat with constant donations given to them on the street.
tell me who under this system is starving? pls? want to tell me?
>inb4 capitalists are evil because they eat well while foreigners starve
most of those foreigners who starve don't have capitalism, or at the very least live in nations with extremely low levels of economic freedom that strangle their economies.
pls bro, tell me a real answer of who is starving because of capitalism, the answer is nobody.
Back to your containment subreddit
The people you are referring to helped that guy in the picture destroy Russia.
Go away demon
compromise. we care much more about fixing society and degeneracy and they care much more about the economy
so i say we take care of degenerates and they take care of porky
The alliance would never work. Far right considers far left degeneracy.
people in the west world and in america and such aren't starving because of capitalism, but in 3rd world why are the starvation such a huge problem, i'm not a communist and personally think that capitalism is our best option, but explain that for me please?
>why are the starvation such a huge problem
Niggers lack the intellectual capacity to sustain civilization and living standards
Communists should be shot in the street and left where they are found.
I agree with this user, atleast the people there don't have the resources to sustain an organised civilization, but with the help from the west world that could probably be fixed
>in the third world
Want to take a guess at what form of government those shitty third world countries have?
Zimbabwe is literally run my Communists. So was Somalia before it collapsed into total anarchy. Africa and most of the third world are a direct result of Socialism.
that would smell no ?
All for ourselves and nothing for other people, seems, through all ages, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.
>but with the help from the west world that could probably be fixed
Not really they are unable to even maintain infrastructure built by Westerners. At the end of the day it doesn't matter Africans have a much higher living standards than they did even 50 years ago thanks to imported White innovations but they will never be able to take full advantage of them
that is true, they are such different from the west world and probably don't have the intellectual capacity (i can't really say this, because the education there is literally shit if there are any education at all) to know how to structure and manage an originised society like the west.
Really makes you think.
>Not gonna lie, former capitalist here.
I call bullshit!
>This is fucking hilarious watching socialism crash and burn.
Ftfy, if you think that all the problems in the world are caused by free market capitalism and not government intervention, then you're not a capitalist.
>But in all seriousness we can't let the 1% get all the money
Muh! Equality!.. Larping fucker!
No less than their ideology.
I like you.
< former capitalist
top kek. you would be the first. that does not exist you dity commie rat.
>>>>>>>>>>> fuck
i guess so, they have atleast advanced in the way of living.
but what if a white/westerner organisations would take control over the country wouldn't that result in a better/more civilized way of living.
this ofcourse don't mean that they can keep on handling this society, but with the right education and training i believe it wouldn't be totally impossible
Im going hungry right now because I can't find a job, can't get any kind of assistance without one, so somedays I go a day or two without eating. People starve man, its just no ones dying from it.
>in a better/more civilized way of living.
No. Institutions cannot be imported if the population doesn't have the capacity to support them. Somalia will never be a democracy no matter how many billions Western donors waste trying to establish it
this isn't a result of capitalism is it, that you cana't find a job?
isn't that due of your possible lack of education or what type of area you're living at
yes, but the reason the population doesn't have the capacity to support it is because of the lack of advanced educartion, if that got changed and all kids went to school and learned about typical stuff, i'm sure the situartion would be very different
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand communism. The ideology is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of statistics most of the genius will go over a typical capitalists head. There's also Lenin's collectivistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Karl Marx literature, for instance. True communists understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this ideology, to realise that its not just a regular ideology- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike communism truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Lenin's existential catchphrase "Seize the means of production" which itself is a cryptic reference to Marx's Russian epic Communist Manifesto. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Mao's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
Maybe you should innovate, start a business, and try to make a product that will compete in the competitive market as well as indirectly employ people in the process. Then you will become rich and all of your employees will make enough to live.
Oh wait, we live in communistan so there's no reason to start a business, create new products for affordable prices, and employ people.
finally somebody gets it
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
rick and morty pasta but instead it's commmunism
Pic related kys faggot.
It's just war. Now if you want to hear something funny, three of Karl Marx's six children starved to death in their infancy. It is no wonder the communists were so good at starving to death, their illustrious founder had practice murdering children.
Are you so dumb you even answer rhetorical questions?
you dumb nigger communism breeds upper classes, because greed and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
you cheered me up after a 10 hour shift burger, thanks
This is so good seeing all these variants of baby's first meme tier copypastas being taken serious so the newfags get weeded out
>thinking that the US is capitalist
This country hasnt been capitalist for a hundred years.
>we can't let the 1% get all the money
hey there buddy, couls you cool it with your anti-semetic remarks there a little?
you have your free speech and all, but don't you think that's a bit offensive?
if the "white power" movement was able to organize half as good as black resistors fighters like the old Black Panthers Party perhaps even i would join them.
but we all know that white supremacist are not about helping poor white folks resist the scourges of Capitalism but about dividing the proletariat along racial lines as to prevent any insurrectionary possibility in America against the people who own me and you and run this shit show.
The Black Panther concept of "revolutionary intercommunalism" involved the strategy of building community service programs or "survival programs", programs meant to develop positive institutions within the community to help individuals meet their needs. The Panthers developed over 60 such community programs.
Black Panther Survival Programs:
>Free Ambulance
>Free Breakfast for Children
>Free Busing to Prisons
>Free Clothing
>Free Commissary for Prisoners
>Free Dental
>Free Employment
>Free Food
>Sickle Cell Anemia Research
>Seniors Against a Fearful
>The concept centered on Black self-determination, Black people getting themselves organized together so that they could survive outside the municipal, state or federal systems, which were already under-servicing the Black community. It was not a new idea: minority communities across America had done this in previous decades to support new immigrants through communal associations and political machines.
>>Free Busing to Prisons
so much this