Why so many whites are LGBT ?
I've never see a Black/asian/arab who's proud to be LGBT.
Is white the most degenerate race?
It is the end of whites ?
Why so many whites are LGBT ?
I've never see a Black/asian/arab who's proud to be LGBT.
Is white the most degenerate race?
It is the end of whites ?
Maybe you should leave your house once in a while and you might find a few other dark skinned faggots like yourself.
Other races find bragging about your sexual preferences retarded.
As a gay person, I see TONS of gay blacks and hispanics. All gay asians move to California
Most Americans are white so most lgbt people are white. Most lgbt people percentage wise are black. I’m trans and I’m hispanic. I know a good bit of white lgbt people but also A LOT of latinos.
It's an attempt to lower their privilege scores and regain the right to speak among their peers again.
>is white the most degenerate race
our countries are the most subverted, so yes.
>it is the end of whites
because youre arab
Raté j'en suis pas un
Lgbt arent whites and arent people.
Other races probably hide it because their family or neighbors will beat or kill them. I think blacks have a higher percent of being gay than most people
Sûre there're
In the black community gays are looked down upon still because of religious beliefs.
there are no gay black pe-
>I've never see a Black/asian/arab who's proud to be LGBT.
That's why. Whites are statistically the least likely to be gay of all races, but the others are more inclined to be "DL" especially niggers.
Non Whites are actually much more likely to be sodomites than humans
Nigger, you're in France, you're surrounded by literal arab faggots who fuck little boys on the regular. What a bullshit thread, keep that shilling up, soros-drone.
Never? I see lots of brown, black and yellow faggots here in California. Must be due to the fact that most of your immigrants are Muslims who prefer to stay in the closet.
You dont think the insane HIV levels in African Americans is spread through only intravenous drugs do you?
Niggars don't like needles. They're much less likely to use a needle than a white or spic drug addict.
This. OP BTFO. Someone take his baguette before he offs himself with it.
The vast majority of niggers fuck each other. Far more than whites in fact. Why do you think they have more hiv than all races COMBINED? They’re just on the down low.
because when you have all the rights you can have, one resorts to changing the law and identifying as a staircase so you can walk into the ladies' changing room without problems
shut the fuck up, you're fucked by hispanic, and niggers.
AmeriKEKS don't forget that you'll be replaced by them
+ There're more LGBT in US than in the world
Whites are the most susceptible (and most tailored target) of (((their))) propaganda.
True , Magreboi are more into bestiality and pedophelia.
This is an apple.
Some people might tell you that it`s a banana.
They might scream banana, banana, banana, over and over and over again.
They might put BANANA in all caps.
You might even start to believe that this is a banana.
But it`s not.
This is an apple.
Facts First.
It's because white culture values individuality and being true to yourself. Shitskins are gay too, they just remain in the closet
Yes, they are cucks.
That's why we latinos, blacks and the rest of the brown folks are taking over their white women. We are actually saving them from these faggots.
Per capita there are more gay/trans shitskins than whites in the US, but numerically there are more gay whites because herp derp this is a white country where most people are white.
Whites are degenerate.
BUT Turks and Arabs are 100 times more degenerate than Arabs if left without a religion.
kike nigger faggots are real, it's not just a meme
Le grand remplacement n'a pas encore eu lieu.
Il reste une majorité de blancs en France et heureusement
ahmed got rekt
The best of our race died in 2 World Wars and Korea.
There are still a lot of decent Whites, but the vast majority deserve to burn.
"White people are less likely to be gay"
I saw a few when I lived in Japan.
White guilt propels them into it. They've made victimhood into a fetish and want to participate. Being queer is the obvious option. Now they can call themselves minorities and complain about being oppressed.
It's the only celebrated identity whites are allowed to have.