>it begins or whatever.
It begins or whatever
Communism and socialism is all over America. Not surprising.
It's more appealing when shit like this happens to people: youtube.com
The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.
Completely illegal
It's hard to enforce. A bunch of Marxists talking in a room or organizing a protest isn't really scary anymore as it as in the 50s.
Good. Hitler only really started gaining power when people realized that the Communists were starting to gain speed.
This will accelerate our cause. National Socialism incoming. I look forward to signing up with the SS and pulling the teeth out of writhing, screaming leftists before we bury them alive. That ivory doesn't belong to you, criminal. It's communal property. Belongs to the people.
Yeah, like the Stasi didn't exist. Commie scum.
Communism beats the shit out of the capitalist pig system in the US where 0.1% has as much wealth as the bottom 90% (not making this up).
>Radical ideas
Just imagine what would happen if this was the slogan for a remotely right wing group. Leftists would lose their minds, yet communism which is way worse gets accepted.
Legislation that shits all over your Constitution and your national ideals.
The communist party was around last election, they're nothing new.
Doesn't mean shit tho, you aren't going to get anywhere unless you run as a Democrat or Republican.
When my knife turns in your belly, which will you try to argue, that your guts don't belong to me, or that the knife doesn't belong to me? And, which do you think is more likely to save you?
Not if they are actively looking to establish a political party.
Not at all. Communism is not a political ideology, it is a criminal enterprise. A group of communists are by definition conspiring to commit theft.
I wish we still hanged thieves.
>looking to establish
it's been established for decades you dumbass
>being THIS autistic
nice digits
get fucked commie
Hasn't it been around since forever? Also all communists are idealistic retards who have trouble deciding what flavor latte they'll get later today
Different country and conditions but I'm keen to know how you think it would start up in the 2010s.
Or why you think it's relevant.
nice strawman
I never said anything about banning anything or being a commie you witless fucking cumdump
>commies calling other statists statists
CPUSA has been around for almost 100 years though
Communism shits all over the constitution and our national ideals.
Freedom of association
Communism is as far from American national ideals as you can get. Not even nazism is that far.
It's literally the antithesis of western civilization, which is ironic since communism is technically a Western invention
I don't know what's so appalling about that. The woman was unlucky. She happened to match the description of someone they were looking for, the moment that the cop got confirmation it wasn't her, he let her go.
>Western invention
Jews were never part of the Western world spiritually. They have always been an alien force
Someone I know personally told me the CPUSA is corrupt. He was part of a breakaway faction cleverly called USACP or something. Turns out the higher ups in this party were using it to siphon funds and they sell the idea of communism without commitment. Oh, and most of the unelected higher ups were merchants for a long while(don't know if that's still the case). Who could've called that?
Yes, but as shitty as the commie ideas are your Constitution gives commies the right to express those ideas, if you abandon that ideal to fight commies your country is repressing people in a way not so unlike commie countries.
I'm not advocating for communism, I'm advocating for a free country where free men may openly exchange of all ideas (no matter how terrible)
Kind of like what commies plan to do once in power
Communism is literally illegal.
If that law were to be enforced you could no more call America a free country than you could China
Well, it technically has roots in the West, although spiritually and morally it has nothing to do with it
You are advocating for the paradox of tolerance. Read Popper
>mfw it's illegal to be a commie
kek has spoken
we've been living in it for at least 50 years now
Fuck off leaf, go misgender someone.
People don't know what it will be a lot more strict and corrupted if the country is ruled by a communistic government.
>muh Popper
ideals are not things you can put on and take off like a hat, wachiauczsky
How come this fucking communist party has been around for 98 years now?
>Completely illegal
The US government has being doing completely illegal shit far before it such as the banning of alcohol and after this the restrictions of firearms.
are you honestly this dumb?
someone already posted that amigo
you honestly think that's not blatantly unconstitutional? think it's being enforced today?
>If you enforced plant law you could no longer call America a free country, because as we all know absolute freedom to do whatever you want is right
>claims to be in favor of a free country
>allows for ideologies that would seek to end such freedom
How do you justfy this? "muh Popper" is not an argument. I'm willing to bet he was a greater thinker than some random leaf on the internet
not plant.
you don't have a free country if you ban ideologies that is including dangerous ones like communism, fascism, or whatever else
you cannot have your cake and eat it too, either people may express their ideas freely or the government may control their expression of ideas - which will you choose? if it is the latter you are no better than a communist
>academic and political freedom is the same as freedom to do "whatever you want"
you are dumb as a fucking brick m8
Pure freedom doesn't exist as long as governments exists.
>the same faggots that think banning ideologies is intolerant want to ban any nazi imagery, associations, or parties
>if you ban communist parties, you're basically the same as the commies who ban free speech, free expression, free religion,opposing political parties, property, markets, or any labor union that isn't the state,the right to arms, and much more
Well that's what you're saying. It's against the law therefor it should be enforced. You don't have absolute freedom to do whatever you want cuz murrica.
You don't have a free country if you allow people who are against it being a free country applying their ideology. They can't preach all they want, yet they can never be allowed into power. Otherwise you are not willing to stand up for freedom, you are just a doormat.
Freedom has its rules.
I'm not pro freedom btw, since I'm as authoritarian as you can get, but just making you realize the paradox of what you advocate: you can have freedom without rules which will be crushed at first occasion, or freedom with rules to protect itself, which grants the existance of freedom in an of itself. You must defend a concept from itself to ensure it thrives in the long run
I honestly hope somebody burns down their headquarters will all party leadership locked inside.
Communism is treason. No matter your nation.
but for decades people in the USA have had freedom as far as academic and political expression goes, enforcing this ban on commies now would go against the ideal America is best known for
>the same faggots that think banning ideologies is intolerant want to ban any nazi imagery, associations, or parties
sorry you're late, someone already put that strawman to me
no need to reply to my posts if you fags are just mentally shadowboxing other fags opinions that I dont advocate
>if you ban communist parties, you're basically the same as the commies
yes, you either allow people to express their ideas freely or you don't... what is so hard to understand? if you want to be fascist and not have a free country then just own it you little bitch
the legislation is so obviously unconstitutional though, it would never hold up in any modern yankee court
>Communists appealing to rights they despise and would destroy in power
Get fucked. Communists use any tactic they can for their advantage (as do Democrats). Their appeal to morality is a joke. The only solution is physical removal from society.
>yes, you either allow people to express their ideas freely or you don't... what is so hard to understand? if you want to be fascist and not have a free country then just own it you little bitch
If this is going to be a battle between fascism and communism-yes fascism is far freer than communism. Fascism defeating communism is like a bystander shooting a serial killer in the face. Yeah, he committed violence-to end unspeakably more violence.
>another American calling me a Communist for defending his Constitutional right to express stupid ideas
imagine my shock
so we can beat the shit out of all the commies and not get arrested is what you're saying?
I'm not talking about a "Battle" you autistic fucking human garbage
Do you want to live in a free country yes or no
this country is not as free as it seems leaf
>The only solution is physical removal from society.
This, bring back the red scare.
Yes, and if I want to keep it free we have to take every measure applicable to stop communism. There's no reason to tolerate such intolerance. I'm not an ancap user. I'm not a lolbertarian, and I'm definitely not a cuck leaf that'll fall for whatever comfortable idealistic notions you wish to posit.
We need national socialism boys.
You're just a hypocrite. You sacrifice the political and academic freedom of other citizens, you ultimately sacrifice your own, because you believe in nothing. You're no better than a commie. Government exists to protect freedom.
>yeah, be a sucker and just sit back while we undermine your society and government
Not gonna happen commie faggot. We're tired of playing by the rules while you don't.
If they had gone through academia properly we wouldn't be in this mess today.
>hrr drr, yrr commie if I say so!
neck yourself m8
Yeah it was never enforced and if it was it would immediately be challenged in supreme court and overturned
still buttblasted from epic asspounding faggot.
Anything you say is invalid.
Sorry but a "communist party" is literally illegal in the. It's in the books
Like I said, it's shooting a serial killer in the face. It's violence-but it prevents far more obscene violence. Banning one political ideology that seeks the dissolution of all freedoms is not hypocritical. It's integral. If you care about freedom, then you would defend it from those who wish to destroy it. You are the hypocrite here.
You can't protect people's freedom to ideas by taking that freedom away you wacko burger
>Indoctrinate university students
>Send uni students to brainwash children in schools
>Turn the press into a propaganda machine
Seems reasonable. No reason to be concerned here!
You are a communist or a communist sympathizer. There is absolutely no reason to defend communism outside of empty platitudes like 'muh freedom of expression'. Being a communist is equivalent to advocating for violence, as the ideology is built on violent revolution.
>empty platitudes like 'muh freedom of expression'
confirmed for being just as bad as a commie
you don't care about freedom, you sneer at the ideal of a right to expression
It's funny because there is a leftist cartoon saying the exact same thing for Nazis. However, they resist when this standard is applied to them. Just shows that a communist can never be trusted.
>taking away the freedom to be prop up a tyrannical government which dissolves all natural rights up to an including anything you say,do, or claim
>is equivalent to the same tyrannical government that does those things
You talk about freedom as if it's an absolute. If the government says you get fined for wearing a seatbelt, can it still be free? Of course it can. You're stretching like mr fantastic here
Wrong, under communism people won't call the police because a woman new in the neighborhood is "looking at people's driveways". That only happens in late stage capitalist individualist "culture".
communists should be arrested on sight
Bullshit. Would you like it to be legal for me to shout 'everyone kill user!' to a crowd of people? No, you wouldn't. Communism is illegal for this same reason.
Laws on automobile safety are another matter, honestly the seatbelt thing does piss me off, but it's not unconstitutional
Academic and political freedom MUST be absolute or every ideology is threatened
Fun fact, you can! Citizen's arrest per , the police will have to book them.
Of course they do. I think we're all aware of this gestalt. It's even more of a stretch it seems. He doesn't out himself as a commie because then he'd really have to defend his ideas, and he just wants the safety of the attack. He's a brainlet and a coward.
Is OP that pedo shill spreading his dumb pasta everyfuckingwhere? Sure is active. How much are you guys paid? Is it 15/hour?
nice deviant art pic
reminder that soros doesn't want communism. he's a fucking investment banker for christ's sake. he wants to crash the largest country in the world because he knows our economy can recover and he'll be able to take advantage of it.
>all capitalist cultures are the same
Well, we do generally prefer market goods over dried horse meat
0.75 per (you)
We know what (((Commies))) want in the end.
id rather some people have some of the wealth than everyone be fucking poor and starving with the exception of "THE PARTY". Who never lives by the policy's they force upon the people.
funny aint it. the party lives in luxury and everyone elses job is to support that luxury.
sounds like a fine system you have there
at least in capitalism if i want to be unproductive i can choose to be. and if i want to make money, i can. rather than being forced to have only what is allowed to me by my fucking government.
bunch of fucking kids wanting to structure the world this way and having no fucking idea what it means in practice.
once more based Yuri was right
Thought it was .02 per (You)?
That's some historical ignorance right there.
>Communism and socialism is all over America.
No, it's extremely rare, rarer than libertarians or white nationalists. Identity politics are anti-Marxist. Communism is not a thing outside of /leftypol/.
History has left them behind.
Reductive materialism has no answer for existential quandaries and thus has no use to the first world at this point.
The natural progression Marx outlined didn't happen and is not happening in the third world.
A third way has been synthesized and those holding power are pushing us toward it.
Feels bad man.
Feels real fucking bad man
>Identity politics are anti-Marxist
This is simply not true
Identity politics divide the workers against eachother. Especially anti-white identity politics which make you an enemy of the vast majority of workers in the west.
It's actually against the law to have a communist party in the US
Communism is illegal under federal law in the USA. They'll start enforcing it when it becomes a real issue. I'm not concerned.
You are the kind of person who will have "it was MY right of way!" as an epitaph. You think you are being principled, but you are simply naive and are pointlessly grandstanding.
You must have heard the quote by Nietzsche about fighting monsters and the abyss. We of course must be careful not to turn into that which we despise, but you cannot allow evil to act openly while you are paralyzed by a set of rules that your enemies do not follow. To do so is to surrender the very system the rules ostensibly are designed to maintain.
being this fascist
every democratic country in the world have at least one communist party