Why do we hate this person again?
Why do we hate this person again?
this (((person)))
>child molester.
need i continue ?
nice projection..
Is her entire list of accomplishments. I have no idea who the fuck she is beyond these things.
putting rocks in her sister's cunt
We hate everyone.
Sup Forums hates anything with a vagina, basically.
Which point do you have an issue with?
we fear women
and were not allowed to formulate our own opinions
we are alt right
She's the poster child for Jewish nepotism. Goy girls have to suck Jew cock and be pretty to become famous.
I don’t like child molesters
everything i listed is factual truth.
she is fat, she is ugly , she is annoying, she is a liar , and she molested her little sister when she was a child.
Where'd this info come from though? Sources perhaps?
>There are two passages that have been deemed unsettling. In one, the star remembers discovering her younger sister had put several small rocks in her vagina after Dunham “carefully spread [it] open.” When she told her mother about the rocks, “my mother didn’t bother asking why I had opened Grace’s vagina,” Dunham wrote. “This was within the spectrum of things I did.”
She lied about being raped in college by a Republican known as Mr conservative
how do we solve the jew rapist problem pol?!
Just joogle Lena Dunham lies
I think she was great in ahs . saw her talked about like she was a demon here for the last year and a half . this was the first time I actually saw her act and it was funny as hell people here need to chill out
That's fucked man
I don't because I want to Impregnate her.
She promised to leave.
She didn't leave.
You forgot “unfunny” and “talentless”.
sam hyde made it funny and popular to do so, prove me wrong you cannot
>valet insertion
feel free to think she's a good actress, but she is a piece of shit as a person
Yass yass yasss
sam hyde + lena dunham? pls link !!
Friendly reminder: that fat, ugly, evil "child molester" feminist is richer and more successful than 99.99% of the bitter white men on this board.
Stay mad, boys.
Is that flo?
I saw those in harassing tweets to her. I lol’d
Hates all white males. Literally just your average jew.
She’s definitely a bra burnin feminazi
God she is disgusting. Who would pay to put this thing on camera?
She's a disgusting fatbody
I'm pretty sure she pays photographers to take paparazzi style photo's of her for the sake of her ego.
She’s an admitted sexual offender
Youth violinist
Kiddy fiddler
you only wish you were as smart as this mutant. she obviously knows that being hated is extremely profitable, and has parleyed this knowledge into a fortune. what have you done?
I thouht she was kind if cute at first. Then I saw her body and gouged my eyes out.
Because she's a confident, creative, outspoken woman and Sup Forums hates a woman who has her shit together. Most of all, she reminds Sup Forums of the intractability of being a hate-riddled permavirgin.
I think that, if we're being honest, we have to admit that she's the voice of our generation.
Hated her
Absolutely substandard. Work on it, user, and change that flag if you expect your bait to work
fat, ugly, stupid, obnoxious, liar, degenerate, shall I go on?
it's the embodiment of a liberal democrat
>fat & lazy and claiming it's a legit lifestyle
>unattractive and instead of changing something about it she is """fighting beauty standards"""
>lying yet virtue signalling
>absolutely not funny yet simply annoying
>even though talentless, put on the pedestal by the MSM, because this glorifies her degenerate choices/appearance
Not even bait. I believe that she's the leading creative voice of the millennial generation. She's changed how we think about sex and produced some amazingly good television too. Also, ask her sister Grace about the supposed sexual assault stuff. Her sister, supposedly the victim, says there was no problem with what happened and that it was just kids stuff. Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with this? It's as though Sup Forums has hangups about sexuality or being abused and neglected.
(you) can't make any money hating her, moron. which means she's outsmarted you.
i'll bet she fucks and sucks cock like her life depends on it.
Plenty of decent answers in this thread already, but mightn't I add,
Imagine being rich and this is how you dress. Literally the least you could do is wear flattering clothes but no just fuck your shit all up
Didnt she rape someone? She should be in jail
You wish. Don't fap to your fantasy too much, user.
pic unrelated
She has such a unique body type. Genetics really does have to play SOME portion in this /fit/
it usually does
>this is how you dress.
that's why you're even talking about her or know about her, genius. she's making bank by playing the heel.
This isn't flattering?
Isnt she a lesbian pedophile rapist?
>caption this
'Hurry! Theyre taking picture of me being fat!'
she is a child molester and a kike
pic related
what did he mean about this ???
Coming from the sexual degenerate attracted to things with flat chests that likely got butt pirated in his pre teens I think this takes the cake
that's what she wants everyone to think. this lady is a genius.
Exhibitionist feminazi with HPV and herpes.
She advertises she has STDs.
famous for being uggo and exhibitionist actress.
She looks the best there, but she's still hideous. Apparently she played with her baby sister's vagina until she turned her gay.
Lefty, entitled jewess who's family bought her relevance, which she uses as a bully pulpit to call everyone racapists. She's the voice of a generation, sadly.
Would impregnate
you have low low test if you wouldn't fuck lena dunham or let her suck your dick, user. i've fucked worse than her with 6-7 beers in. a hole is a hole.
stop eating soy, faggot.
How's this?
Is she wearing a diaper. Genuinely feel sorry for her for being so ugly.
this user gets it
because Durrham still didn't move to Canada
She's hated partly because of the ridiculous things she says from false accusations of rape to the most asinine political rants. She's mostly hated because she is a symbol of everything wrong in our social and political discourse. She's a child of privilege who rants about privilege. She symbolizes every great hypocrisy of our time.
I don't know who that is, I haven't followed football in decades.
imagine how ultra jewy her kids will be