Okay so i found some discrepancies in the documents and will be posting what i found.
Here is the 3 page Executive summary of the shooting non-redacted.
Okay so i found some discrepancies in the documents and will be posting what i found.
Here is the 3 page Executive summary of the shooting non-redacted.
Other urls found in this thread:
I forgot there was a 4th
So it says that nobody knew or was involved BUT it clearly states that an unknown person had known and was threatened by lanza that he would be framed to look like he was involved ill post that info next.
Oops these 2 are the same but interesting stuff. Thoughts?
It also says that there was no known motive BUT it says he hated his mother and targeted the school because she worked there and loved her students more than him.
have a bump
It is all crazy! I found this old facebook post from Ryan Lanza. Here you can see him mourning his dead brother, but he uses a picture of himself! I'm still not even sure Ryan had a brother named Adam. Adan is like a Stephen Paddock
Nancy is another Mystery. Barely any photos of her, and the ones they do have lead to more questions. Like Why she was travelling all over the world. She was taking trips all over the place before the shooting.
I think his brother knew about it and fled out of state. Adam threatened to make him look like an accomplice which explains why Adam had his brothers ID.
Thought final word was that his mom DID NOT work at the school...
>roastie has autistic child
>reads Eat Pray Love and travels the world in search of cock
If this is a mystery, you haven't been here long.
according to the stories, Ryan was at work in NY when it all went down. Makes no sense. Then he says he takes a bus to Newtown and shows up and that's where you see him getting arrested. The whole thing is weird as hell.
Read the end of this page
Yeah, wasnt there a document specifically saying she never worked there?
Dec 15, 2012
Not according to school employees..
so nancy lanza loves guns, leaves adam alone for long periods of time, even though the adam lanza character can barely function WITH his mother at home. yea makes perfect sense.
Oh true true. The info on these pages is redacted but it implies somebody knew about it and was threatened by the NPD
Which i dont get
Roastie is a horrible parent. What's the part that doesn't make sense?
Way back in some old sandy hook thread, there was someone from sandy hook. Posted ID's and proof. He talked about the shady shit the NPD were up to with drugs. Apparently lots of kooky stuff going on in that neck of the woods.
The FBI doc implies she did so theres definitely a discrepancy they missed
Nancy is another Stephen Paddock. Did she work at the school? WHO KNOWS! I've even seen mainstream news stories calling her a prepper. She travel all over the place that is for sure.
also found this is an old story
>Nancy Lanza had previously worked as a stock broker at John Hancock in Boston and her husband was a successful executive.
it was israel.
They also provide no info on the "unknown male" they encountered outside the school in the woods
More info
here is a bit more Nancy.
>John Bergquist, who got to know Nancy Lanza at a neighborhood bar where both were regulars, described her as a New Hampshire farm girl turned sophisticate, a Red Sox fan with season tickets who traveled to ride hot air balloons, attend jazz concerts in New Orleans, and visit friends in London, New York and San Francisco, sometimes taking her older son Ryan along.
so now we have nancy as a regular at the bar lol. Sounded like a real struggle living with adam the autist.
She didn't work there.
No one knew her.
is this the guy they chased through the woods and they said it was some off duty police from another district or something?
go to the sandy hook vid, has all kinds of footage that proves it was a hoax
Just like Vegas. Sandy Hook had all the timeline updates and rewrites.
The chopper vid of the 'yellow jacket' just making circles around the fire station...just wandering...
Crazy stuff..
There were 2 reporters found in the woods too which is odd.
I find it weird that it says the shotgun was found in the trunk then it backtracks and says a police officer moved it to the trunk. Isnt that kind of strange? And Lanza brought 2 jackets and left them outside his car? He was either trying to make it look like there were 2 shooters or somebody is lying
Anyone who thinks it happened has the mind of a child, but maybe that's denigrating to children.
yep that chopper stuff was crazy. Also CNN live footage of the events would cut to St. Rose of Lima, where I think they had some drill going on. Lots of pre recorded stuff mixed in
that's crazy I never heard about the reporters in the woods. I wonder if there was lots of misdirection on purpose.
Interesting room set up he did
Did you see the pix of his room?
Doesn't seem like they tried too hard on that setup..
>3 photographs of what appear to be a dead human covered in blood and wrapped in plastic
what was on his computer he smashed??
I’m also curious about this picture I’m sure it’s something findable if someone wanted to be autistic enough
Government had this planned since obama was elected. Just another government hit where they did the dirty deed and set up some patsies.
>a number
Which the government is unsure about despite their strict record keeping and super spying on citizens.
I could have sworn i heard the news say they found adam lanzas father hiding out in the woods.
For reference
That's what I am thinking.
So, was it a hoax or not? I'm asking for a friend.
Not true read Adams emails to his mom
Gtfo nigger with ur screens and no links fuck off sage
>Meme flag
Some info on his mother
that room looks like no one was using it. They put trashbags over the windows for quick isolation. Looks like unused storage room with all the books in boxes.
Its in the FBI docs you mook
Im on doc 2
so here you see the Nancy Lanza who needs to take care of her son all the time, which is totally opposite to the one that is gallivanting all around the globe
Your flag is meme, nigger..
Yall choose to believe what you want but im providing everything you need
here is a picture of Peter and Ryan hiking years ago. You go search for the name adam lanza and they use this photo of little ryan & pass it off as adam
Here another one. It's Ryan Lanza in both pictures.
forget the picture
Lol hed play DDR for 4-10 hours wtf
I always want to know
If it is fake what was their point of making this intricate inside job for mere gun control that really doesnt do much other than restrict some ppl from buying it
I dont get it
How do they benefit
With las vegas yes there are suspection that security company is gonna benefit but who benefits with sandy hook?
I am not shilling i just want to know
they honestly want gun control that badly
it's one of the biggest things standing in their way of a tyrannical dictatorship
My great grandmother died in the Sandy Holocaust gassed by NAZI Autist Adam Landza personally stop spread your conspiracy over tragedies!
It wasn't just about gun control. There was so much more going on beneath the surface. Another obvious angle is mental health. Another favorite topic of certain group of people.
I bet no one remembers this story
why is fbi releasing this?
why now?
Bump bump
>6 y/o
>hiding among the corpses
>waited until she believed it was safe
>covered with blood from head to toe
6 y/o girl is more brave than +25 y/o soldiers with extensive combat training
this reminds me of this post
They closed the investigation is why
You are correct! She didnt work at the fake school, the building hasnt been used since like 2008 i believe. Look at internet and phone records.
Clue is the father. High position in company you will know and was said to be blackmailed and pressured would be an understatement. Look at the Dad!
>Sup Forums
sort yourself out
The FBI contacted the father recent to the shooting as well
yea the dad was a big wig at GE. I think it was tax director or something
Its on page 322 of the 2nd Sandy Hook docs
Hoax , drill, false flag to the ninth Degree! You have to ask us? Faggot. Do your own research with your brain on everything! Question everything and turn your fucken TV off! 1/2 hr or less should be enough for high IQ person to see through the lies. Jeeeese!!!?!!!
shit happened but it wasnt lanza doing it
>Nancy is another Stephen Paddock
Exactly. Another nothing. Another character in a fairy tale. OP should have posted the Northwood document, the only relevant document to understand how governments operate.
You better watch out when youre trolling the end of the document shows any body who supported it is in a file now
>Dunblane massacre in England.
>Documents sealed for 100 years
Yeah explain that. British guns were banned shortly after that fake event.
>Port Arthur shooting in Australia
May have involved real killing and real dead victims. Guns quickly banned in Australia after this staged event (Staged, as in government professionals carry out the shooting, government/media collude to provide 'narrative' spinning the event)
Las Vegas is no different, but it was gun control on defensive. We were 'about' , About, to get some positive pro gun laws in the US in Senate. They are now dead, and Las Vegas sets the state for gun-control in the Trump presidency. Which means Trump will just do nothing positive, but not much or nothing negative against guns, they will wait meanwhile until the next Obama is in office to go after guns again. The Vegas staged event was a huge success for the gun grabbers, and the deep state Profiteer$ like Michael Chertoff, set to make more billions on "fighting terrorism"
I think they killed adults in the school. Something was going on inside the school that they needed to take care of. They were using that old school for something. This is the only photo that shows them moving possible body out during the midnight hours.
I think they killed kids as well might not be the ones that were on TV but Im pretty fucking sure they did.
Nobody died at Sandy Hoax lad. It was the fakest event ever staged, until the Pulse nightclub farce. The "grieving" parents were all obvious crisis actors just hamming it up for the cameras. Smiling, laughing, and dropping crafted gun-confiscation talking points. Not things that devastated, actual grieving parents ever do after their child dies.
>Oh my child died I'm so sad!!
>But what's more important is my well-thought out talking points for gun control here listen to this././....
yea that also crossed my mind. Like the principle that was shot & the kids they use are nothing but photos. Some of the class photos where they show the kids, look really old.
Lanza knew that people in power manipulated children and he hated pedos
I knew there was a pedophile angle in there. If you look for Lanza online handle Smiggles. Lots of weird stuff.
Although I think smiggles is either someone pretending to be Lanza or it is Ryan Lanza
Some of his dreams seem way too specific
lmao that guy just summed up this whole rotten board and every faggot on it from around the planet
When did they populate Sandy Hook Elementary School with fake families? How far in advance of the attack?