Why do people keep having children while living in crushing poverty?
Why do people keep having children while living in crushing poverty?
Their lives suck so much all they have left is fucking. You can solve this problem by mass dropping video games and anime
They're fucking vermin
nor tv neither condoms
Why don't they just pull out?
Religion forbids it
Looks like my gf but only if she was 4'11. Also
> Hitler did nothing wrong
because muh religion forbids condoms and any anti conception..
because it's a lot more fun to spill the seed deep within the womb (for both). Ask any white woman how satisfying it feels to have a black man spill their african seed deep within them and you will understand.
Western people tend to ignore the huge quantity of cultural assets that they have in the head which actually make them western.
That' why a lot of girls in france think african migrants will stop raping if only we all tell them the good news and show them a poster that says you don't rape here.
this honestly.
ive only started watching anime fairly recently and my interest for women easily decreased by half
more to the point: you'd be surprised of the number of ferals who don't see the link between making mouths and having the slightest responsibility to give them a half-decent life. That's an entirely western concept.
Mine has gone up, just shaved off a whole dimension. UwU
Becuase they think that one of them will grow up to be some "special snowflake" and save them from poverty but at the end they'll end up fucking each other and ruining the world even more before moving to a 1st world country.
High child morality rates forces parents to have more children to ensure some will survive so they will have someone to take care of them when they are old.
Of course Sup Forums will ignore this objective fact and recommend killing all poor people.
>be me
>born in the favela
>5 siblings
>3 dads
>have to lie down together in one floor every night
>ofter had to hear mom and dad doing it hard and stopping us from sleep
>sometimes sister would sleep with little to no clothes to tease us
>reach 14
>take the first bus I see
>find job as street seller selling fake chinese brands
>learn english to better deal fake chinese brands
>stop selling and become owner of warehouse of fake chinese brands
>find how my family is doing on the internet
>stepdad is in jail, two brothers died in the drug war, older sister is a crackhead single mom, one brother developed schizophrenia and the younger one has a job and family
>mom disappeared one year after I left the family
It's pretty much r-selection. My mom had 6 babies because that was the only way that any of the offspring would survive in the favela back in the day.
Things are slightly better now, though. There is active diplomacy dealings, local rules, tariffs and actual designated battlefields between the factions so that people won't just get randomly killed.
Mix of:
>Having 12 kids to pool their money together later is their idea of social security
>Religious texts tell them birth control is evil, so lots of unprotected sex
Besides, having only 1-2 kids is an extremely recent thing
C'mon, it's obvious. Poor people are uneducated and can not reason. They live on hopes that either their god will help them or that there is a chance that breedings kids where one might mutate into a smarter fucker and save his kin. I hate their logic. They don't consider complications, don't read stuff or have the ability to give enough attention to their multiple offsprings. I mean when my parents considered having me, they weighed it out and researched that which they're signing up for. I hate dumb people because they produce even dumber kids..
Couldnt agree more
They want to fuck women but are too stupid to use birth control.
Not kidding, for most people in third world having a child is the biggest life accomplishment.
Maybe in some actual slum
Child mortality isn't as high as you make it to be in your average poor shithole
>Of course Sup Forums will
Where does that retarded strawman come from? Sup Forums isn't one person and even as edgy as it is I have barely seen people talk about killing poor people
The problem is, that there are cultures and people too retarded to realize their R strategies are only making it worse for everyone and there are white people enabling those R strategies with free shit
because is the only solution to get fan is making sex
When you don't have the internet your entertainment options are limited
R type survival strategy.
ITT: no rural and suburban retards
The reason why poor people in Africa and Asia have so many fucking children is because they are an asset, not a liability.
Just go to any of these shitholes rural villages. All you see are children working. When society lacks the means of production to sustain children, they've got to work and be productive members of society; otherwise they'll starve to death. If the government forbids child labour and the law is in fact applied in these countries, mass starvation will follow because these people just can't produce enough without children helping. These are no news. In fact, Bongs would often move to the Thirteen Colonies to marry widows with a lot of children just to leave off the work of the children (Source: Adam Smith First Volume of The Wealth of Nations).
However, when societies become industrialized (yes, industrial revolution did not invent child labor. Cityfags like Marx and Engels are retards), the average production per capita grows and children can actually have a childhood and anti-child labor laws become a thing. Then children become a liability and people stop having them, specially during crisis when the cost of living grows and the laws of the land impede the children from helping with the financing of the family.
Source: wife is daughter to rural and suburban retards who came to São Paulo riding on a Pau de Arara with their 8 children clan
Poor people are also genereally more retarded. Child mortality is not an issue today, even in third world. Having a child is the biggest accomplishment for a man in third world. That is their life goal: to spawn more retards like them. They also believe only way to get out of poverty is to produce babies.
Let me rant about Africa for a bit
Africa's poverty is entirely caused by its population. Those niggers can't stop fucking. My favorite example of this is "Kwashiorkor", pic related. It's not caused by starvation like most think, it's caused by cartoonish protein deficiency. To keep it simple you have so little protein in your diet that your blood plasma literally leaks out of your veins and wells up under your skin. Those big fat bellies? They're actual literal blood plasma balloons.
Do you know what Kwashiorkor means? It translates to "The disease the first child gets when the second child is born". This is referring to the fact that if there is one child the mother can provide enough breast milk, and therefor protein, to easily avoid Kwashiorkor. When a second child is born it gets all the milk and so the first child develops balloon-belly. They have a disease with that name, that is what that name means to them.
So let me ask you Sup Forums, if there was a disease called "The disease in which your mother's skeleton will leak out of her eyes if you are ever to sing twinkle twinkle little star" would you sing twinkle twinkle little star? Probably not, no. So why do they still have a second kid?
They just need to put their dicks away. If they just stopped fucking their problems would all fix themselves. Not just theirs, a lot of ours too. I feel bad for these kids. They were born into this, imagine what that must feel like. Then imagine what kind of savage chooses to still have more kids.
UN should send condoms not food or medicament ,by the way viruses are goods
The idea is to have kids work and give you a comfy life. More kids equal more hands on the farm
I doubt they'd use them. Probably fill them with rocks and hit each other with them. I'm not even memeing when I say I think the best solution is to make the better part of the continent sterile. Contaminate the food you send over, make their balls shrivel and fall off.
Because children are made any time someone sticks a penis in a vagina without a condom, and people often like to do this.
Terrible explanation. You think people would stop fucking because rational choice?
People in modern societies have fewer children because they are alienated from each other, connect less well, and fuck less than a group of baboons who work the field and cattle together each day. Modern society prevents childbirth, not by rational choice, but by alienation.
They wouldn't use the condoms.
Thanks, saved.
I read that women can't bear children if they're too hungry. Basically we should not send them food or send just enough to not starve to death. If anything help them help themselves. Sending food just means more mouths to feed.
They aren't gonna stop breeding any other way.
deportations didnt happen until '42
If you're going to screenshot a man's post then post it so I can feel accomplished.
Nice made up story.
because they are infinitely better people than you will ever be
also no desire to use condoms or no access
so maybe one out of 8 will survive to adulthood and not be a burden or dead criminal.
Blue balls
Because they prefer to spend their money on food instead of contraceptives. If they had the foresight to realize more kids means less food they wouldn't be poor in the first place.
Because you can eat fuck rent and sell them welcome to how the rest of the world works faggot
That's how vermin survive.
>tfw too smart not to read Heinlein
Man is what he is, a wild animal with the will to survive, and (so far) the ability, against all competition. Unless one accepts that, anything one says about morals, war, politics—you name it—is nonsense. Correct morals arise from knowing what man is—not what do-gooders and well-meaning old Aunt Nellies would like him to be. The universe will let us know—later—whether or not Man has any "right" to expand through it. In the meantime the M.I. will be in there, on the bounce and swinging, on the side of our own race.
>eating your own kids
If you're that desperate for calories you're better off just not having them.
Neither of these explanations are mutually exclusive you dipshit. They are both adequate.
Since I started working from home and I went back to playing games and watching anime, stuff that I haven't done since high school.
Since then my interest in my fiancee has dropped about 75%, my waifu is all that matters.
How about a better question OP.
If millions of people are dying of starvation, why don't they just grab about half the population and stick them in a cannibal factory.
Wolla! Now half the country is well fed and can slowly start progressing out the dark ages. ...and don't say ethics, look at the little brown bastards, they're practically animals already.
>Why do people keep having children while living in crushing poverty?
It's because they're animals
It depends, but on of examples i can give you is here in Bosnia and Balkans overall many of our ancestors had like 7,8 or 10+ kids for a simple reason, they made kids so they have someone to work in house, around house, with animals and rest what goes on in rural areas.
Mindless aid is a crime against humanity.