Started red pilling my crush on gender roles and here I am, I don't want to insult her directly, is there any way to enlighten her without going down the slippery slope?
Wat do Sup Forums?
>I am retarded Sup Forums please answer my 3rd grade tinder test
fuck off
She's way out there already. Id quit honestly. But if you rly still want it then go at it slow. Date her first. Then redpill her. If u guys are not even dating do you honestly think she will feel she has he moral duty of talking to you if she doesnt like/agree with what ur saying?
Women can't give birth without getting knocked up by a guy first. A lesbian who wishes they had a dick can't do it. No matter what your crush is pretending to think, she's wrong. Just ask questions about her beliefs until she's all twisted an her answers make no sense. She'll eventually embarrass herself and rethink life.
This, you did it wrong
First youre supposed to ignore their politics and give them the D...THEN you redpill
Just tell her father she's started spewing western bullshit.
she's using false equivalency.
because I can do X, I can also do Y.. therefore Z
First shes a woman second shes wrong so you really cannot do anything else here.
Tell her if she wants to learn about wood so bad that you can show her for a price
You've already failed unfortunately
>what is estrogen
>what is testosterone
>what is avg female iq
>what is avg male iq
>what is male dominated fields
>what is female dominated fields
you write like a fucking kindergartener right off the boat from india.
You will never redpill her if you dont learn how to fucking speak.
Hey dude in all seriousness tell her to watch the gender inequality paradox on youtube. Some other user can link it. Its basically a norwegian documentary (w english subtitles) that breaks down the nature vs nurture debate and really shows how foolish people like this girl you are talking to are.
Not only that, she's saying other than being able to raise children everything else is biologically the same, and that's incorrect.
Different skeletal structure, slightly different musculature, different hormone composition, different brain function... there are a lot of biological differences between men and women.
Yes, women CAN do the same things men can and vice versa (minus child birth). Typically men and women don't because of biological and psychological differences between the sexes.
>men never got the training to cook food and women never got the training to cut woods
Not raise, give birth to children.
How can be ANYONE be so retarded to believe men and women are the same in everything but reproduction?
Ask her why housewives are the happiest demographic group among women and it's not true for men
Ask her to show vegane
>still emotionally investing in women
>expecting good results
when will you dweebs learn
There is a sub-mediocre man in every woman.
Men are actually better cooks than women. Women also cannot cut wood as well as men due to being weaker.
Gender roles are chosen, and biological sex makes you more inclined to make certain choices. So she's almost completely right. She doesn't have to take certain roles, just on the basis of her XX chromosomes. Sure, she has to give birth, and it would make a lot of sense to feed her milk to her child, but if she wants a relationship, in which the dynamics are in a specific way, respect that, and find someone else with views on gender roles that harmonize with yours.
Thats where we are in modern academia man. And you were to suggest otherwise you could face at the very least being socially ostracized, and at worst getting expelled from uni / fired from job
you're not even dating yet and you're trying to do that? you're autistic
>men never got training to cook food
Historically, the most skilled and accomplished Chefs have been men. Eugenie Brazier being the one exception to this.
> that pic
Yeah just ask her to do a single pullup.
Givin birth ain't free, the tree of nativity gotta be watered with the lack of bone density and upper body strength.
Division of labour always leads to specialisation and I would imagine 99% of the differences between men and women can be justified by women's specialisation: the womb.
>minus child birth
two she/he/xhe fags will never impregnate one another
ask for bob and vagene pics
>biology influences our decisions
>therefore she is correct in saying nurture is everything
Are you retarded or just Swedish diaspora?
If someone else shows you how to red pill your girlfriend that means you're mind cucked.
Are you a mind cuck?
Don't be a mind cuck.
rare flag
I've managed to red pill my formerly liberal fiance to a certain degree... with that being said it took several years and a solid relationship to begin doing so.
Also if you want to talk about gender roles don't go with the "bitch get in the kitchen" cooking convo... you are cringy as fuck.
A better way to approach the gender discussion is..
There were studies done that women are much better at spatial recognition than men. They tested the ability to find items scattered in a garage at random and women conclusively won. They aren't sure why but feel this ability is due to women's superiority in organisation.
On the same token you don't need to prove men are stronger.. it is simply a biological reality women notice every day.
Point being... point out the positive differences to build your basis on gender differentiation not "women traditionally cook"
Wow this just skyrocketted, I want to be specific and I don't want to piss her off.
>illiterate crush
Start a project that requires intense labor and have her do the heavy lifting
>Gender roles are chosen
It depends what you mean with it. Is girls playing with dolls a gender role thing? Then it's biology. Is women crying 4 times more than men a gender role thing? Then it's biology.
See but now you've mind cucked OP
This cunt is retarded.
The bitch version of any aninal is weaker.
>There were studies done that women are much better at spatial recognition than men
You do know it's actually the opposite though?
holy shit the way that text was written
>it's our believes
>to cut woods
beyond saving
Hahaha, god I feel sorry for all you fags having to go through this.
Luckily any guy that wants me already has a pre-redpilled vagina holder. I am such a catch hahahaha
Can't its full of olive oil.
We can ask for advice in here? Ok. I want to out an old con artist bitch who's all about her reputation but I don't want to jeopordize people's jobs because she takes money from "the help" who are not supposed to talk to tenants in the building.
based pajeet
I read studies that said women vastly perform better than men with the scatter test in the garage.
Men however are vastly superior seeing things at distances.
Historically this would make sense... women are gatherers men hunters.
wow, shes so sexist saying woman cant chop wood or man cant cook.
Can't believe I had to scroll this far to find this.
Op cucked themselves... I'm just doing damage control.
Guys play with dolls too. Some girls don't play with dolls.
Some boys cry a lot, some girls don't.
I'm not denying that biology plays a major role, in the choices and behavior of humans; I'm saying that men and women CAN choose the role they wish. If a woman wants a man that stays at home to take care of the family, while she works, so be it. It's her choice.
>The bitch version of any animal is weaker.
there doesn't even need to be studies beyond watching the dumb cunts trying to park a car
>Bladder rocks are more painful then giving birth
>having a crush
she is a worthless whore and will break your heart
She's a virgin but a feminist.
As far as I know men are FAR better than women on average in spatial recognition. And it's confirmed by IQ tests
It's probably why there are separate gender competitions for chess.
Don't know about finding stuff, but the spatial recognition advantage for men is a scientific fact
Your "crush" tits or gtfo
shes a virgin, its the marxist propaganda
Do you choose to cry or do you just feel the need to?
Do you think that great majority of male 9 months old who prefer toys with tool functions to dolls can make what we would call a choice?
Yeah, that's right. As I said, some things are choice, and some aren't.
Fuck off.
How can you even get lonely as a woman?
Don't you have a fair amount of beta orbiters on facebook or shit like that?
Biology major here and I can assure you that there is a lot of difference between a male and a female, starting from the proportion of some blood you have to the growing speed of your hair.
People who don't know shit about biology should not be allowed to talk about biology to prove their belief
>20 bones braking meme
This bitch is as dumb as a brick.
I love how 60% of her sentence is just regurgitated bullshit heard somewhere and rest is just gibberish. Are women really that corrupted by marxism and unfixable at this point or women were always so shit.
Take her to a designated shitting street.
This is really funny because men used to cook and women used to chop wood.
It's shifted around a lot over time, especially in activities that can be labeled in both sets, but women have always been for providing comfort and men for providing sustenance and safety
This is more what I meant maybe special recognition was a bad term. Essentially (looking for study) they had men and women look all over a garage for various random items in a giant mess and women were statistically much better.
Not exactly the same thing
She would see it as me virtually signaling her that men are superior that would set the c4 off, I just don't want the situation to go worse.
Tits or gtfo whore.
That's the only choice I have she's around 6, I am 6'3",she's a virgin too,all I have to do is pull the Marxist crap out of her, and she will be Eva braun tier.
I don't have a lot of tits, mostly because I am a fucking man, you dumb burger
Yeah, a real joke, if you manage it tell us how you did it, I am curious too.
Redpilling is a gentle process Pajeet. Begin by talking to her about the disadvantages of pooing outside of designated streets and slowly start talking to her about the benefits of using a toilet.
use a meme flag if you want to be taken seriously, poo
Show her this