>crapitalists will defend this
Crapitalists will defend this
how was work today ?
What do you care what people do with their own companies?
Government keep getting bigger
More taxation, printing and debt
Income inequality rises
your just salty that commies will never be able to get numbers like that.. they just want a flat line at 0
>I should get the same amount as someone who has spent their entire career building themselves up! MUH GREEDY CORPORATSHUNS
And you wonder why people view this argument as a legitimate one.
>Government keep getting bigger
Wrong, government got smaller since Reagan. Anyway, "big government" isn't the same thing as socialism.
>More taxation, printing and debt
Taxation for the super-rich used to be 90% under the "communist" Dwight Eisenhower.
>someone who has spent their entire career building themselves up!
These people are a small % of capitalists in general. Most capitalists are like pic related (Lord Rothschild) - just born into extreme wealth. They don't work, they just live off their inheritance.
I'm guessing your solution would be:
1. Punish people for putting effort or maintaining their wealth who possess some talent and are rewarded for such talent.
2. Take their money and give the money to those who are poor, thus magically allowing them the means to make themselves talented.
3. Equally established!
In reality:
Give the poor money for free, and you know what a vast majority do with it? Go down to the liquor store, buy a keg and 12 pizzas and party on the govt dime.
Theory and reality just don't align.
Except that 90% of inherited wealth is lost by the 3rd generation, so your full of shit.
You're complaining about how high the CEO pay is. That's a moot point. Who cares what the CEO is paid as long as the workers are paid to their satisfaction? If the workers aren't being paid to their satisfaction, then why are they agreeing to do the work anyway?
Nothing I say will change you into a capitalist, so I'm just gonna let you know, that the difference between capitalism and socialism the difference between Vietnam and Singapore. The USSR and the USA. Switzerland and Poland. West Germany and East Germany.
One just gives enables a civilization to propel itself towards success and prosperity. One shackles it under the oppression of the ultimate monopoly of a master class, and fails.
That's not how it works anymore. That's an outdated stereotype from many decades ago. But look at lists of billionaires today - clans like the Walton family are actually a lot wealthier in 2017, as they proceed into their 3rd and 4th-generations as Walmart heirs than they were when their dad was still alive.
Modern investment strategies and professional money-management has changed the game. And in the modern environment, the easiest way to generate capital is to start with a bunch of capital. The S&P 500 index is up 15% this year - but unless you had lots of invested capital to begin with in the market, you didn't realize those gains.
It's not anyone's fault you are a dumb nigger.
There is no incentive towards making lucrative businesses if the government is just going to take it all you dumb nigger. Either the company will never be or go somewhere else, taking their jobs away and what little sustance you had as a low skilled worker. Want more pay? Don't be a dumb nigger. Be a smart business man or climb up the ranks in corporate America, something which dumb leftist negros don't want to as well with all their affirmative action BS and their PC agendas, just so they can get there without having to put in the effort.
And yet not a single working example of socialism to date.
so if you have to survive on 75$ a month you're not poor?
>implying my region needs any modern conveniences
>implying we can't survive a economic collapse, via hunting and gathering
God I hate y'all cityfags. Y'all extreme comfort will come to a halt. Cities are unsustainable.
See graph. The higher a CEO gets paid, the lower the workers' wages.
Look at these graphs, and compare them to how they were in the '40s, under FDR. You had very high taxes on the rich (90%), huge government investment in social programs, and in general a (relatively) left-wing social policy.
Ever since taxes were lowered and more industries were privatized, wages began decreasing.
Now, the control capital has over government is overwhelming. Trump can't do anything to change things even though he seemingly wants to, because when it comes to things like bringing back factories, opposing him is trillions of dollars worth of capital.
>See graph. The higher a CEO gets paid, the lower the workers' wages.
Whoops meant to post this graph
Check out pic related
You completely missed the point. The workers agreed upon their wages to begin with so why would they complain after the fact?
Even if you were to take all of the CEO's salary, and distribute it evenly between all the workers, they would only see an increase in their earnings in cents. That doesn't even acknowledge the fact that the job of a CEO is much more stressful, and requires much more intelligence and conscientiousness than that of the average worker.
A nation reliant on donations from their capitalist neighbor to survive. How typical.
You'd have to be a cuck to defend a billionare making extra millions in self-given raises, while his workers have to work 2 jobs to survive and to feed their family.
Look at all the problems the First World countries are dealing with right now. Low wages, mass unemployment in huge areas, mass immigration (designed to decrease wages even further), cultural nihilism and hedonism (pushed by capitalists).
Things are even worse in the 3rd world, where most people are barely able to survive
>socialist party looks like it might win
>workers start looking like they might actually have some options on where to work
>want a higher wage
>quickly flood the job market with migrant labor to destroy worker's bargaining power
>wages were agreed upon :^)
Sick ad hom bro, but you didn't answer the question. Why is it wrong for the CEO to pay the workers what the workers agreed to be paid?
I want to see the last decade first
If there are more workers than jobs, the workers have zero ZERO 0 bargaining power. Whatever "agreement" they make is made under duress by default.
Apparently the NSA, TSA, Patriot Act, and a laundry list of other regulations and acts that curb freedom is a smaller government.
its true, my family and I are poor, and we do nothing to save money.
Slap a chart of population growth on top of that and look at it logarithmically
I bet you would support a candidate with positions of an open border, NAFTA and TPP being good. Am I wrong?
In a world where correlation equals causation. I agree, though. We should close the borders and drive out all illegal immigrants.
>commies thinking their system works outside of sub 1000 population village communities
Smaller government = power to the corporations anyway.
Yeah, that's called supply and demand. But why should a company be forced to pay someone more than what their labour is valued?
lol no
The workers always have the ability to turn down a payment offer. That's how high wages exist in the first place. Do you think that any employer could get away with paying doctors minimum wage?
>Communists only arguments are biased graphs and erroneous epistemology
Same shit, different day
>Shit my argument was just factually rebutted
>What can I do?
>Wait! I know! Ad hominem!
in africa probably not
Not him, but I voted for Bernie in the primary and Trump in the general election. Trump has shown himself to be a fuckhead though, his shit with DPRK proves he's just a puppet of the military industrial complex.
>pay workers substandard wage
>capitalism is a system so natural that kids are a massive financial burden
>people stop having kids
>worker force declines
>import workers to keep wages low
>why should a company be forced to pay someone more than what their labour is valued?
You're so far from reality that it's amazing. Why do you think that people in the ghetto have so many children? It's because they're meal tickets. They get handouts like nothing else for pumping out babies. This society actively incentivizes reproduction only in the demographics too stupid to consider the expenses of raising a child.
So Shill you agree with the Wall?
Before, government had some independence from capital, owing to a tradition going back to Teddy Roosovelt's anti-trust busting.
Ever since Reagan, that tradition has been buried. Now the government is a total tool of the capitalist class. All those acts, when you get down to it, serve the purpose of furthering the interests of the capitalist class.
>why should a company be forced to pay someone more than what their labour is valued?
Because money does not grow on trees. If you pay someone more than they earn you, you will run out of money. If you make it a government service, then you have to tax people to fund it, which means you are taxing the people who are making more than they produce in order to pay them more than they produce, meaning you are actively removing wealth from the economy.
Yeah the Dindus can live pretty well with a welfare check for 6 kids.
I agree that our mega corps need to broken up. Regulated capitalism is the way, not communism though.
>invade countries to get cheap bananas
>traffic drugs
Gutting USA's imperialism and fixing the damage it has done to the Americas is a better solution to curbing people having no other option but to come to USA to make a living.
>regulating capitalism
>implying regulatory state won't be corrupted
You're an idiot.
Nothing the US has done is to blame for South America's incompetence. Those people should remain in their own countries so that they can dedicate their lives to fixing the mess of their ancestors.
The average minimum wage worker has gotten more stupid and useless in the past decade alone, it's no wonder their wages are falling. For fuck's sake go to any wal-mart or mcdonalds, they can barely press buttons and act like it's back-breaking to carry a fucking hamburger to a tray 8 feet away from where they picked it up. If you're unintelligent and useless enough to have to rely on minimum wage, you deserve every bit of shit that comes along with it. Try some upward mobility and personal responsibility for your life choices, they both still exist.
USA should've been nuked for Operation Condor, you stupid fucking shitheel.
You guys are doing it wrong. Feeding people and educating them will make them retarded and decadent, most problems of western civilization are due to comfort. Bad wages are a good thing and are the only reason working class doesn't vote democrat. Every single raise in quality of life should be compensated by culture, mandatory military service etc., if you just hand out people iphones because you can, they will sit at home or riot because they can.
Communism wouldn't be any better. Heres the truth, OP. No political and economic system is perfect, none! Humans are just a bunch hairy bags of meat on a small rock thinking we're fucking intelligent species when in reality we're not. Do you honestly believe your fucking utopian society will work, no, it's never going to happen, ever! you want to know why? Because we are fucking human beings. Capatalism, Socialism, Communism - the're all shit. Humans are going to become extinct, we wont even be a spec on the cosmic timescale, and every war, every accomplishment, every historical event that has ever occurred will become nothing, just a complete void. Then, if there is another species after us somehow, they will look back and view us the same way we view chimps.
Your'e revolution is never going to happen. You will die one day, stop complaining about shit, read books, better yourself with knowledge, be creative and innovative, and most of all live you're life. Good day to you.
why less than 1,90$ ? seem arbitrary
>If you pay someone more than they earn you, you will run out of money.
But capitalists aren't paying anywhere near to more than their workers earn them. They're paying them way less. Despite total profits going up by a large percentage, workers' wages are completely stagnant, while CEO pay goes up by by a higher percentage than the percentage of profit growth!
South America having a permanent chip on its shoulder is not going to do anything to bolster its smoldering economy. The weak should fear the strong. If their poverty becomes too great then the world should let us annex them and expel their native populations to Africa. The world would be a far better place.
Low cost of food for a day, I believe. But yes, it's arbitrary. Also prone to data fudging fuckery. So, it's actually a complete lie, and poverty is actually increasing.
I don't dispute that, but your post (sarcastically) claimed that companies ought to pay someone more than they're worth.
So stop whining and start your own business where people are paid what you think is fair. You'll change your tune in a heart beat once you're the CEO, it's pretty much guaranteed, lazy shitbag.
Yeah, next time, we are launching the fucking nukes.
People on pol will always ignore this point of view, since their vision of what redpill is is ''it lets me throw names at leftists''.
Daily reminder that the top 1% pay most of the taxes.
No shit, they have most of the money.
If America had followed Patton's advice and immediately invaded the USSR in 1945 we'd be living in a utopia by now. You can go ahead and say "B-But dat's ebul because it rely makes me think!!" but in the end you're just a cuck for the status quo. Manifest Destiny is the best thing to have happened to North America. It would be the best thing to happen to South America too.
>le lazy fast food employee meme
I’ve never seen a slow fast food or slow retail employee. Sometimes service falls short, sure, but it’s never been due to slow workers. Also, every time minimum wage is discussed, it’s always fast food employees that get brought up, its rare that other labor markets are discussed.
So you're showing us data from twelve years ago?
Show us something more recent.
Yeah no shit without them we wouldn't have any tax revenue.
No, you're overplaying your hand with that bait.
This is nonsense, "merit" is a vague term, you must provide some way to measure it, in capitalism, this is done by market value.
Rather I'm exceeding the boundaries that you've slowly imposed on yourself over the course of your life. You're unwilling to accept what must be done simply because you don't think you can find a way to carry it out. The only competent country in the world is the United States. All others are robber barons hoarding what they cannot use properly.
You and others seem to make the same mistake when it comes to "lazy". Lazy in this context is not referring to sloth, but a lack of initiative. The rallying cry of this type of person is "not in my job description". These are people who do not take pride in their work, or strive to be anything more than the bare minimum to not get fired.
You don't get a raise by staying the same, you get a raise by making it less expensive to give you a raise than to find a replacement.
>companies ought to pay someone more than they're worth
To be fair, most CEOs aren't worth a bag of dicks. Especially the managerial type of CEOs.
There's a huge difference between a Henry Ford who built his company from the ground up VS. some one who networked his way into an executive position after completing an MBA at Harvard or U of Chicago.
pic related: "Workers at Argos were asked to send emails to chairman, Mike Coupe, with their money saving suggestions"
It's not a meme. It's even in retail. Dumbshit teenagers that have the attention spans of mosquitos, texting behind a cash register, thinking they deserve to get paid for breathing. If you offer no real value to a company, don't expect to become a millionaire. Literally no one gives a shit about your fake oppression.
>I've never seen a slow fast food employee
I can walk fast too, does that mean I deserve to get paid for it?
>le country of cheap labor immigrants complains about low wages
Get trained in a competitive specialty
>To be fair, most CEOs aren't worth a bag of dicks. Especially the managerial type of CEOs.
And those tend not to stick around.
A CEO's job is to make decisions in order to maximize profit. If they make better decisions than randomly guessing, the company grows, if they make worse decisions, the company shrinks. If the company grows, they are given some of that as salary and bonuses. If the company shrinks, they are generally given the boot. How they acquired the ability to make good decisions is irrelevant to the system. You might say that this system is unfair, and the "most capable" should be paid more, and that's true, but I'd also love it if the halting problem was solvable, but it isn't, that's just reality.
>nordics will defend this
Just like communism that fails to balance any powers, which usually results in dictatorships and a new autocratic elitist class?
>jews will defend this
>Asians will defend this
That guy should have sold himself into a better position instead of just giving away those ideas for free
>whites will defend this
>overnment got smaller since Reagan
Holy o fuck this is the first bait in a while to trigger me.
> Lazy in this context is not referring to sloth, but a lack of initiative. The rallying cry of this type of person is "not in my job description".
Imo when working for someone else don't go the extra mile -- Don't stay longer than 7 or 8 pm in the office unless they're paying you more than 100k.
In your spare time work as hard as you can to develop something and use your energy to start your own business. That's how you can get rich. The days of secure work, pensions, and working your way up the company ladder are long over.
Another piece of advice is to always switch jobs. Always look for something better. Every time I've switched jobs I've gotten a big raise. Had I stayed at my first company I doubt they'd be paying me more than 65k. I make double that right now.
>Imo when working for someone else don't go the extra mile -- Don't stay longer than 7 or 8 pm in the office unless they're paying you more than 100k.
This is why you will never succeed.
the whole "working your way up the ladder" thing is a meme. Doesn't work in practice.
If you start retail, you will never escape unless you hop into a different realm of employment. You'll never become the franchise owner by being the best fry cook in town.
its a combination of experience, education and marketing yourself. Even in corporate office jobs you dont just sit at your entry level job hoping to get promoted you do different things and move around to different companies. Only way to make decent money
>You'll never become the franchise owner by being the best fry cook in town.
No kidding. You become the franchise owner by being better than everyone else in the place, so when there's an opening above you, you have a case as to why you should fill it.
>That guy should have sold himself into a better position instead of just giving away those ideas for free
He was a good goy and trusted the CEO would reward him with a promotion
That being said it's not like he had any leverage anyways. People don't tend to hire consultants with minimum wage jobs
Time is money. Every hour you spend working for someone else is an hour you're not putting into your own projects. If a company expects you to work 9am to 9pm, they better be paying you at least low 6-figure salary with a good chance of making more.
Most people don't have "projects", they come home, taking something out of the freezer and into the microwave, then tune out in front of the television.
People who have "projects" are the ones starting their own business.
no, you become franchise owner by saving up money and starting your own franchise
guarantee anyone who believes in the "working your way up the ladder" meme is either over 40 years old, or currently unemployed. It does not work that way in the modern employment market
>You become the franchise owner by being better than everyone else in the place, so when there's an opening above you, you have a case as to why you should fill it.