U cant just be white because you want it, its elite
Everybody can be black because there cannot be worse
Sup Forums literally BTFO in one image recovery: impossible
White privilege isn't actually a thing huh?
So the niggers finally admit white privilege doesn't exist, or that mixture that isn't two whites is always nonwhite.
this is actually a good point
He's saying there's no gimme dats if your white so therefore they identify black.
They identify with the black side because they're niggers and will never be white.
Damn, this guy is spot on. Is the rest of his twitter redpilled?
no, it's a moronic point
white privilege is afforded only to people who are visibly white.
bi-racial people with black ancestry CAN'T benefit from white privilege because they AREN'T considered white.
Sup Forums way of thinking
>white person says something 'bad'
no that's just him!
>black person says something 'good'
'so niggers...'
>wanting to be white
>Sup Forums literally BTFO in one image recovery: impossible
this aligns with the general sentiment on Sup Forums
read it again
Why can't water mixed with poop pass as clean water?
they aren't considered black by fully black people either
trust me
Mark is retarded and OP is doubly retarded for posting something so retarded.
Why has Sup Forums gone down the drain? Is autism the only cause to blame or should OP take some responsibility too?
Why are so many retarded people all gathered in the same thread together?
This. Also, where can me and my gf meet more based black guys like this?
Then why are people who aren't really black considered black? Kaepernick, Shaun White, Rachel Dolezal. Why doesn't anyone pretend to be white like they pretend to be black?
He's right. And biracial people are just light-skinned blacks. That's what black and white people by and large think. For all intents and purposes, they are black.
Dumb mongrel
>Why doesn't anyone pretend to be white like they pretend to be black?
Have you heard of Argentina
>they aren't considered black by fully black people either
trust me
Yes they are, at least if they grow up together.
They are shoot on sight tier for both sides in an apocolypse scenario.
Sad part is they complain enough to be considered black on my book, but blacks are dicks about it.
Kippernig could identify as white pretty easily if he wanted to. He does have the full on black nose or mouth so he'd look like he was descended from southern Europeans or some sort of Hispanic.
Practically no one seeing him on the street would likely think of him as being a full on nigger. So the only way he can be identified as black is if he himself decided to identify that way.
A fucking leaf, as always
t. "white" Argentinian
But argentina isn't white?
I hope you are embarrassed
Nice bait m8 8/8
If you guys are going to make fake black facebooks, you should use mugshots of black dudes in prison.
it means being white doesnt get u any gimedats
which is why identifying as your black half lets u get guilt from whites...
That's a really good point.
It's kind of like, you go to Subway and order a sandwich, and there's a fleck of feces in it. A small fleck. But it doesn't matter how much or how little, it ruins the whole sandwich. And that's how nonwhites feel about themselves.
If you go back to 1980-1990 the shitskins were a small percentage of the population.
Now Buenos Aires and the north provincies are full of Bolivians and other shitskins.
West, South and a few other provincies are mainly white still, although that will change in a few years.
One of my best friends in high school was mixed. We always told him he only claimed his black side when it was convenient for him.
I agree with the conclusion, but he's just wrong.
White people simply would not acknowledge bi-racials as white. We wouldn't have it, and muds know that we wouldn't accept them as fellow whites, so they don't bother.
>hey guys I'm half white and half black!
>K.... I guess I'm black then....
Case closed
Kaepernick really does confuse me, because he has so many white features I find it funny that he grips so tightly to the black % of his biology
I wonder why Collin doesn't identify white? Is it because he looks like a nigger and will be treated like one? That's like Obama trying to claim that he's white.
I'm satisfied with the fact that you've realized how fucking stupid and BTFO you are. Dumb fuck nigger.
Is that kapernick?
>Kippernig could identify as white pretty easily if he wanted to
No he couldn't. If you found out that he was half black, would you let your daughter marry him and consider him a white man?
>1 post
Yeah that's right faggot. Leave this thread and reflect on what a dumbass you are.
>Looks Moroccan or Algerian or something
>Claims to be black
Only in America
He looks half arab or something literally no one thinks he is white
To me he looks like a NAFRI. I still would disown her if she married a shitskin but he is still no nigger. That's the problem with mixed. Often they don't have any ethnic identity.
"Sup Forumss consensus confirmed in one image". Fuck you are a bait monkey arencha?
Manages to trigger every single retard in this thread
10/10. Congrats on best bait of the day!
Trying to pass for white used to be a thing.
When white privileged was a thing.
Because if they identify as white they can't get as much gibs
its because of the one drop rule
Not even kidding. Our boomers were incredibly destructive as well. They grew up the 60s Argentina, look at this
And they made us in what we are today.
Gen X and Millennials are shit as well, but the fucking boomers try to blame us Millennials for thing THEY did over 20 years ago when we were kids.
People born in the 1910s, 1920s here were not perfect, of course! but they died giving their offspring a country that was richer than Australia.
I'm half Mexican/White and I'd be more accepted in with Hispanics than I would with whites if a race war happened even though I don't look Hispanic at all.
:( cmon white boi let me in
> I don't look Hispanic at all.
We're not a race goddamit!
¿Al menos hablás algo de español para mezclarte entre nosotros?
Really activated my marbles
Well they also probably do it because they don't look white, at all.
I don't speak Spanish
I'm white washed as fuck
I speak white
Act white
Look white
or that good ol rule we refer to has HYPODECENT
white > black
Shaun King? I about died thinking you meant Shaun White the ginger snowboarder was transracial
Deep down you're still a spic tho
But hey at least Argentina is white
There you go. White Privilege does not exist.
Well I never, a nigger finally gets it. The most privileged people in our society are educated, intelligent black people. If you are one of those, you are fucking made for life, everybody wants you.
lol, nigga you can't read
This is an edited photo desu.
Still, fuck niggers.
>Argentina is white
Nope, I don't even now if you're memeing or not seeing this all the time.
We have many whites, but to "be white" would imply at least 80%-85% and we are mo close to 50%
Here's what John Derbyshire said about this matter:
>(13) In that pool of forty million, there are nonetheless many intelligent and well-socialized blacks. (I’ll use IWSB as an ad hoc abbreviation.) You should consciously seek opportunities to make friends with IWSBs. In addition to the ordinary pleasures of friendship, you will gain an amulet against potentially career-destroying accusations of prejudice.
>(14) Be aware, however, that there is an issue of supply and demand here. Demand comes from organizations and businesses keen to display racial propriety by employing IWSBs, especially in positions at the interface with the general public—corporate sales reps, TV news presenters, press officers for government agencies, etc.—with corresponding depletion in less visible positions. There is also strong private demand from middle- and upper-class whites for personal bonds with IWSBs, for reasons given in the previous paragraph and also (next paragraph) as status markers.
>(15) Unfortunately the demand is greater than the supply, so IWSBs are something of a luxury good, like antique furniture or corporate jets: boasted of by upper-class whites and wealthy organizations, coveted by the less prosperous. To be an IWSB in present-day US society is a height of felicity rarely before attained by any group of human beings in history. Try to curb your envy: it will be taken as prejudice (see paragraph 13).
That's true but at least I can say I'm not
>lul 56% white face
So fucking true.
this is the state of the world.
>hate on white people and claim they're the devil whilst claiming to be literally anything other than white (codename: """"""""""""""people of colour"""""""""""""") in order to reap the huge privilege and benefits that go along with it.
So they choose the higher spot on the oppression ladder to get more pity. Makes sense.
mark comes in klutch, man
Huh, not compute
>100% - 56% = ((you))
Kapernick doesn't even look like a nigger, he just looks like an Arab with an afro
Wow, great point that totally wasn't utter bullshit
I trust you white man
>Know why bi-racial adults identify with their black lineage & not their white ?
Because they aren't given a choice
On another subject I want to say this. Many White people feel as though they dont have a unique culture. The reason for this is that White culture is world culture. I dont mean that our culture is made up of other cultures, I mean that our culture has been adopted by everyone in the world. This makes us feel as though our culture isnt special or unique. Say for example that every business man in the world wore a kimono, that every skyscraper was in the shape of a pagoda, that every door was a sliding one, and that everyone ate every meal with chopsticks. This would probably make a Japanese man feel as though he had no unique traditional culture.
True. Look at someone like Alicia Keys. She's clearly more white than anything, yet puts on a fake/exaggerated accent and tries to seem as "black" as she can in appearance and behavior.
Empirically prove the existence of white privilege as opposed to white superiority. I'll wait.
They do in many countries in South/Central America.
It's considered lower tier to be darker/more indigenous and better to be whiter.
But in JewSA we're not allowed to celebrate our heritage or be proud of our genetics (skin+ psych advantages) because muh raysizum.
Kek true for Brazil as well I believe
He's right.
It still boggles my mind that a bunch of rich blacks protest racial inequality to fans who are not racist, and think they should still be respected and honored for fighting for equality - If Martin Luther King Jr, was alive - he be like - fuck you are some dumb ass coons and you are destroying everything I fought for you over-priveilaged assholes
All the bolivians i know are white. All the argentines i know are jews. The real question is what level of doneness do you cook your steak? This will tell if you are a spic
Says the queerbait with a kekistani flag instead of being proud of his homeland.
Cant be a victim and scream for more power if you are not in a victim class
Obama isn't even that nigger's real name
Day of the grill when?
Why does he use a photo of a half Jew, half Ghanaian bi-racial fuckup to comment on white privilege?
Kaepernig's 0% white.
Holy shit, dude. That nose is Semite as hell. How in the world do you come up with white anywhere looking at that mongrel.
Kaepernig is a proto-Arab. This is the end result of a Jew fucking a monkey. Same way KSA came into existence.