since there is an anti-Germany thread I thought we could look at Poland
>Poland does not exist for 100s of years
>Germany defeats Russia in WW1
>Germany creates Poland
>Germany loses WW1
>Poland is not happy with the land they got
>Poland aggressively seize areas belonging to Germany in the Treaty of Versailles
>starts genociding local ethnic Germans
>Hitler pleads for them for peace
>Germany eventually invades Poland to secure the German people's safety
>connecting East Prussia and Danzig to the rest of the Reich
>Poles are confident England and France are going to help them
>they don't really want a war with Germany
>Poles are eternally butturt
>Poles hate Germans who created their homeland
Other urls found in this thread:
here is a German girl after contact with Poles
here is Hitler's plead with Poland
The sad thing is that Poles used to co-control vast areas that stretched from some shithole of a kingdom, to Smolensk, not very far away from Moscow. Once Poles lost ""their"" empire, the memory stayed, but the reality changed, but memory can distort your sense of proportions, humility and a sober judgement on reality and your current vices
So polacks wander around this forum bragging about how horse riding nobility fought somebody hundreds of years ago, and they project it to contemporary times, which makes them feel strong and on par with Western Europe
So Poles are constantly reliving their history by pretending they're one step away from creating this new, alternative to the West, stronk country like in the 17. century. History and culture allows you to escape contemporary reality and you can identify with some noble from popular literature. This is kind of the same mechanism that one could get familiar with, if one visited Vienna. The city was developed in imperial times, and makes the impression that this country must be a prestigious empire, but in reality Austria is even smaller than a shithole Poland
Poles must relive the imperial fairy tales, because they've lost the christian faith, and if they didn't project history onto contemporary times, they would get bored, broken and depressed
>le based poles are woke xDD
Kek the weakest bait this day.
Go to sleep, OP.
>hiding behind meme flag
we all know who this is
fuck off
this does not concern you, leaf
Poles are the Mexicans of Europe
they are Catholic
they take low-paying jobs from natives
they are low IQ
they don't pay taxes
>mfw realized this is not a soap
>It's the Ukrainian again.
God, do you seriosuly have nothing else to do
>inb4 he starts posting his entire folder.
hi virgin
>>Poland does not exist for 100s of years
>>Germany creates Poland
You mean "recreates", and too bad, it doesn't count :P
>>starts genociding local ethnic Germans
>>Poland aggressively seize areas belonging to Germany in the Treaty of Versailles
You mean regain it's old territories with Polish majorities?
nice copypasta m8.
saw this exact same post in a few other poland hate threats.
you must be the german guy disguising himself as a pole that other pole has warned us about.
3rd partition (lol) was in 1795
ww1 was in 1914
ie hundreds of years, you retarded meme flag cunt
>>It's the Ukrainian again.
Hey you utter retard
It's technically HUNDRED and some, HUNDRED-S would be if it passed 200 fyi two centuries.
And yet no, that's still wrong, Poland didn't even disappear for a 100 years YOU IDIOT:
We should never have let Poland become separated from Russia
Poles should have never let Moscow separate from Poland and put down the rebellion with the Smolensk army.
he isn't an Ukrainian he is just a bitter, Polish loser
Nice Nazi propaganda storm fag
Annexing Poland at Yalta would've been rather awkward.
You already did, like half of it.
nice non-argument, meme flag fag
>leaving out the other half
>giving Poland German territory
Poland was a mistake, even Rosa Luxembourg agrees.
>Bloody Sunday (German: Bromberger Blutsonntag; Polish: Krwawa niedziela) was a sequence of events that took place in Bydgoszcz (German: Bromberg), a Polish city with a sizable German minority, between 3 and 4 September 1939, immediately after the German invasion of Poland.
>The sequence started with an attack of German Selbstschutz snipers on retreating Polish troops and then was followed by a Polish reaction and then the final retaliatory execution of Polish hostages by the Wehrmacht and Selbstschutz, after the fall of the city. All these events resulted in the deaths of both German and Polish civilians. The Polish Institute of National Remembrance found and confirmed 254 Lutheran victims, assumed to be German victims, and 86 Catholic victims, assumed to be Polish civilians, as well as 20 Polish soldiers. Approximately 600–800 Polish hostages were shot in a mass execution in the aftermath of the fall of the city.
>After the Germans took over the city, they killed 1200–3000 Polish civilians, as part of Operation Tannenberg. The event and place of execution became known as the Valley of Death. The murdered included the president of Bydgoszcz, Leon Barciszewski. Fifty Polish prisoners of war from Bydgoszcz were later falsely accused by Nazi Sondergericht Bromberg summary courts for taking part in "Bloody Sunday" and shot.
Do you literally spend your whole day on Sup Forums you autist? Show your Swedish flag?
Stfu and kys stupid commie scum.
>Show your Swedish flag?
lul, Poland deserved worse in WW2
Wow the Polish are like NIGGERS then!
Know your place Bolshevik.
Poland hasn't had a single terrorist attack, they're very religious and won't accept Islam. That's good in my book. Fuck the EU and fuck the UN.
Has anyone ever told you to neck yourself?
where is your ZSRR now faggot?
>fail at annexing ukraine
>we wuz winners n shiet
>prevent soviets from helping the Germans
>Hitler rises, invades Poland
lmao, Poland deserved it
I said kys Bolshevik, your fertilization was a simple mistake.
Don't you have toilets to clean?
aren't you busy starving or waiting in a queue for toilet paper?
>>Poland aggressively seize areas belonging to Germany in the Treaty of Versailles
>>starts genociding local ethnic Germans
>>Hitler pleads for them for peace
This is some next level revisionism.
Poles only started genociding Germans when a communist sympathizer was installed into office
poland is the last hope for the white race while cuckmany spreads its asscheeks for no limit rapefugees
Hail Stalin! xD
>>>Poland aggressively seize areas belonging to Germany in the Treaty of Versailles
Pic rel and fuck off.
>>>starts genociding local ethnic Germans
Again with this BS >Poles only started genociding Germans
More BS >>when a communist sympathizer was installed into office
This is some next level BS.
>German imperialism bad
>Polish imperialism gud
Oh no, Poland didn't get to do others what others did to Poland. Everybody, hurry, feel sorry for the dindus.
There's a mistake. The Second Polish Republic (II. Rzeczpospolita) was created officially on 11 November 1918 (then Józef Piłsudski became Commander in Chief of II RP.)
About this girl from ur pic, of course during the World War II there was some cases of Poles murdering innocent civilians. But that was the minority of Home Army fighters. And u should notice that we had 2 "national" armies - AK (Home Army, created by the II RP elites) and AL (People's Army, made by dumb twats from Commie/Socialist politicians on the order of Stalin).
You said that we're dumb. If it comes to those statistics Poland has many more ppl which were/are important. Copernicus, Skłodowska-Curie, Strzelecki, Chopin, etc. etc.
And the last thing, u're from Norwegia. I'm fairly sure that u didn't even heard anything about crimes made on our nation (USSR, Polish People's Republic [PRL]). We've bled for too much time. This is the reason of our concerns about the EU. Have a nice day!
>>Germany eventually invades Poland to secure the German people's safety
nah not really
fully agree on that the Polish foreign policy in pre-war years was absolutely retarded. We might see a replay in our lifetimes seeing how things are going.
>>Polish imperialism gud
Top kek.
We were too good.
Based poland
Then your empire fell, you became victim of imperialism of others. If you're expecting sympathy, or that you didn't have it coming, you're mistaking.
Finally a decent thread. They are the niggers of white race cucked by everyone around them.
I said, we were too good.
>The Prussian Homage (by Jan Matejko, 1882, National Museum, Kraków): Albert receives eastern Prussia as a fief from King Sigismund I of Poland in 1525.
Ok, i stop here.
Enjoying Soros's fresh payment, Cuckven?
I liked it better when Germany was smoking poles in the war sense, not the faggot sense
Kek, I must give props, since from all shills, you were the only one to make a little of worthless effort.
Poland is a good boy, they invaded Iraq with us. Where were YOU Scandicuck? You should stop talking shit before the US starts talking about your past-due NATO payments.