Get up

Your average millennial, who are going to the dominant voting block in a decade, form their opinion on Reddit, I can't stress how important it is that Reddit doesnt continue this slide into being 100% dominated by the left, its fucking more influential in the future of politics than CNN and all the mainstream news channel.

It has 200 million unique views, a post on the front page reaches millions of people and spreads propaganda, and its almost entirely young (under 35) people on there. It also creates the illusion of crowdsourcing the truth, so 70% of Redditors report that Reddit is the EXCLUSIVE source of news. It just received another batch of funding (hundreds of millions of dollars) and DNC Super PACS control the three biggest news subs.

Get out of this fucking echochamber, and stop these people from brainwashing the young impressionable minds into wanting yet more multiculturalism and social justice.

thats not how scene culture operates. kids these days.


What the fuck is scene

Daily reminder the relatively millennials are more conservative for 20-something’s than any genneration since their grandparents

Daily reminder that gen z is the most conservative young people we have record of

Daily reminder millennials are saving at rates vastly greater than anyone since the Great Depression

Daily reminder that the future belongs to nationalism and tradition and the narrative of the communist millennial college kid is a media narrative with no basis in reality



Who let's their woman vote?


You're delusional if you thnk millennials are conservative.

They are the most cucked generation in human history.

There's nothig you can do. Reddit is too heavily moderated. I still like to post there (I was on here before reddit but my wife doesn't like me looking at degenrate pictures like yours and all the gay ass trap shit that people post when trying to havea political discussion like a normal adult), but non offensive right wing posts are downvoted in all the default subs, and Sup Forums tier posts will get you banned from the sub your posting in. Posting in /r/thedonald will get you banned from a lot of subs just from posting there, and they will ban you for some faggot shit too.

When /r/coontown wasa thing I really liked reddit. An unthinkable number of normies were redpilled on niggers and the ranks just kept on swelling until they banned it.

Nowawadays any material with even the potential to redpill anyone will get locked within a matter of minutes. But it's still OK for them to post about killing whites and the like.

The only way to win there is to scare off the normies by LARPING as a liberal and engaging in oneupmanship until anyone who still interacts with the real world will be turned off by the place.

Our opinons, even when substantiated with well-sourced and irrefutable facts, are still not welcome on reddit.

>millennials are conservative
>millennials are saving money

You have got to be fucking kidding. Millenials are liberal faggot crybaby fucks who want socialism because they don't want to get their precious and special hands dirty doing actual work.

preaching to r/TheDonald shills that have taken of Sup Forums

Thank god theres someone with sense on here

Read what he wrote again.

daily reminder Reddit spacing is an easy way to spot r/TheDonald fags

imagine being this autistic

>I can't stress how important it is that Reddit doesnt continue this slide into being 100% dominated by the left, its fucking more influential in the future of politics than CNN and all the mainstream news channel
this is 100% correct
>Get out of this fucking echochamber
this is not necessary, you can be active in both places

BRAAAAAAAAAAAAPPP *sniff* *sniff* it's like chocolate gold, oh yes BRAAAAAAAAAAP smells like beans and cabbage BRAAAAAAAAP *shit dribbles out* *lick* thank you my dear

We already know all of this. What do you expect us to do about it? We're nowhere in numbers significant enough to make a minimum damage attack against them whatsoever, and the few people you have on this website and its political spectrum are extremely scattered and hard to organize. How the FUCK do you propose we take down reddit with granular, undirectioned counterpropaganda?

Yes I have browsed reddit and found what you said to be true.

>The only way to win there is to scare off the normies by LARPING as a liberal and engaging in oneupmanship until anyone who still interacts with the real world will be turned off by the place
this is a very good (and sneaky) idea

>Eww gurls are gross

You fucking faggot, go kill yourself

>200 million unique views
What percent of those are r/The_Donald?


This, as a millennial, I fit in with NOBODY. They are fucked side ways. GenZ is conservative. Think about rebellions. Kids always rebel their parents. Meaning that they will stray away from their parents extreme ideology that white(self) genocide is a-okay.

You could turn off image loading.

It has nothing to do with what I think there have been numerous studies about this and millennials are “conservative” they are relatively more conservative than the previous two gennerations

Also they are saving much more money that’s a fact that’s why banking Jews are mad about us not buying homes and shit

Literally, stating crime statistics on black on black crime, got me banned. I was trying to redpill on a thread where a white person assaulted a nigger. Was a long time ago, first and last time I went there.

>l2communicate in many forms

When you have to be a gritty bear man, be one, when you need to cleanup and get in a monkey suite and dance to a tune, dance better than anyone else.
This has nothing to do with being left/right, expecially in the country so fucked up, Canada. Just go out and be strong good men, do right by each other and make something more of this paradise than when you came into it.

I see the opposite. I see millennials blowing every last cent. A lot on fast food, vidya and alcohol. They aren't even making that much money, so they blow every last dime on shit. Nation of consumerism.

>I was on here before reddit but my wife doesn't like me looking at degenrate pictures like yours
Geez, I'd really hate to have a wife like yours.

I got banned from my uni sub because I told a kid to be wary of market saturation and that CS will probably not pay well soon

>muh annexdotal experience is true

Yeah you are stupid and hang around other stupid people

Did you actually think this was funny or something? Sup Forums level retard

>defends gutter skanks who let pictures of their naked asses get posted all over the internet
I'll bet you're a pussy worshipping "smash" retard.

I thought the same thing about antifa. They can be defeeated by their own tactics.

1.Get five Nazis together
2.Dress up like antifa
3.Single out a guy and gang up on him and shout "This guy is a nazi dressed up like antifa"
5. Beat the shit out of him
6.Word spreads that Nazis have infiltrated
&.Everyone is too scared to rally because know one knows who is who and you're all wear masks

I got banned from thedonald because I said Trump will complete the system of German Idealism. Not even kidding.

They might be conservative but they certainly are cucked.
>De-platformed in every part of the public sphere
>They do nothing
>Universities admit to scamming them
>They still go
>In general, afraid to stand up for anything they believe in
>Only role model is school shooter Samuel "US MARINE" Hyde

exactly this, fear and mistrust can spread like wildfire and rapidly deteriorate the morale and effectiveness of a group



They think they are alone

It wasn’t until 2016 that anyone through my we had a chance
