Why was he such a bad president? He made unemployment at an all time low, killed binladen, and took us out of the recession.
>inb4 because he's a nigger
Nobody will take this seriously. Point out a policy or stance he took that you don't like.
Why was he such a bad president? He made unemployment at an all time low, killed binladen, and took us out of the recession.
>inb4 because he's a nigger
Nobody will take this seriously. Point out a policy or stance he took that you don't like.
Started off by letting the bankers off the hook.
proceeded for the next 8 years to fuck this country up.
Which bankers?
>proceeded to fuck this country up
Can you explain how instead of making an empty statement like that? Im not even disagreeing with you here.
>Lied about killing Bin Laden
>Bombed almost double the countries bush bombed
>Ramped up the war on drugs
>Started a proxy war with Russia, almost plunging us into WW3
>Fast & Furious scandal
>Covered for countless criminals
>Migrant crisis
>Black lives matter
>Increased racial tensions
>he's a nigger
Obamacare, DACA? The fast &furious thing, he's abuse of intelligence organizations to target politial rivals?
>campaign on ending war
>get into wars, regime change, and interventionism
How the fuck could anybody like him
>lied about killing bin laden
Citation needed
This also corrupted our youth with socialism.
because he pushed for gun control when he said he wasnt going to.
he said obamacare wasnt going to raise premiums and it did
1) He got half a million people killed for an oil pipeline in Syria.
2) brought us to the brink of WW 3 by blocking the Russians every way and everywhere he could, including his coup d'etat in Ukraine.
3) He's brought in a Mexican Hoard.
4) Increased the debt more than all presidents before him. Unless you're a useless eater and in the upper 50% of workers, you're paying for his Obamaphones and Obamacare for the tits on boar hogs.
5) He's a White Hating racist.
6) Crack head.
7) Literally hand picked over Hillary by the Rothschilds. British Lord Rothschild himself broke the family split.
I don't really care about his being married to a tranny.
Race relations back 50 years
10 trillion in debt
Obamacare was designed to be a financial burden.
Spied on everyone extensively
Spied on Trump extensively
Spied on people for political gain
Allowed and supported the creation of ISIS
a pedophile.
Do you think kony 2012 was real too?
He corrupted nearly every branch of government. Is anyone surprised that a nigger turned the U.S. into a banana republic?
>president obummer killed bin laden
No he didn't.
He was born in Kenya, so his entire presidency was illegal. And yes, the Hawaii birth certificate is fake. For some reason the usual suspects left his His foreign student exchange documents come to light, probably because most Americans are stupid and brainwashed and thusly cannot put two and two together. He's also a communist, ISIS-creating, racial-dividing motherfucker.
Why do any liberals? He continued and expanded most of the Bush era policies.
Honestly, Obama was a fantastic president. I get nostalgic thinking about how good it was having a president who held the office with dignity. If only we could have those days back again. Now America is going to hell and is an international embarrassment.
Oh and ACA is illegal and gigantically burdensome on the American people. OH and it was Obama who mandated grown adults touching young children's private areas at airports all in the name of security theater. Obama is an evil piece of shit.
Also, I forgot about the time they supported literal neo nazis in the ukraine because it was politically expedient
here you go
I wish there was source on all these not saying there isnt just wish is was in the pic so I can use
ACA is a fucking embarrassment and strong arms an entire nation to buy an insurance plan... OR ELSE. Insurance companies were worried that it would bring about annual deficits, but they were quick to rake in huge sacks of cash and exploit it by hiking up premiums by 25% every year. It turns out their worst nightmare was a dream come true: The government literally forcing a nation of 300 million to buy your product, no matter how shitty or expensive it is because they would get penalized harder for not buying your shoddy super-limited coverage.
You forgot to say that he has invaded your anus and is currently residing there, poking and teasing your tickly bits from the inside.
You first. Show me a picture or video of the body. We have video of Hussein being hung, we have video of Gaddafi having a sword shoved up his ass and what do we have when it comes to the most wanted man in the world? A story about him being killed in a raid (neighbors deny it) and his body being fed to sharks with zero evidence. No parading of his corpse through town, no selfies, no leaked footage, nothing but a heroic story about Seal Team 6, some of whom "tragically" died in a helicopter crash shortly after. How did Obama react to the investigation into their death? He stonewalled it of course.
Sorry, forgot to add:
Glorious. If I have one goal in life it's to smear that fucking half breed's legacy in so much shit that even the grandchildren of cunts who support obama feel his curse.
People will say obama and want to take a shower. They will want to never utter his horse filth of a name. Can't wait to see this nigger rot in a cell
>he should have let all the banks fail along with countless American families
Ladies and Gentlemen I present the Republitards
Destruction of Libya and Syria and subsequent refugee wave to Europa
Expansion of NSA
Global deathsquads against 'terror'
Promoting lgbt shit
Strong False prophet theme
>We have video of Hussein being hung, we have video of Gaddafi
Ah yes, I forgot the part where those dictators were executed by Navy Seals who uploaded their killings on facebook.
>he's a nigger
And there it is. Your bias turns your opinions into garbage.
Fuck off subversive shill. CTR employees get the rope too.
those are all facts, including the nigger thing
>CTR shill!
Never ceases to amaze me how people think this place is being raided by Shillary Shills when there are Trump Generals running 24/7 for the past year.
This board is pro Trump. That's why. Anything left is obviously controlled opposition.
There's nothing a Trump shill loves more than to scream "CTR CTR," even though that hasn't been relevant for a year now.
>those are all facts, including the nigger thing
You keep saying it and your opinion keeps going into the garbage. Try comparing him to pass presidents in modern history. What he's done simply cannot compare to boondoggles like throwing thousands of troops into Iraq and Afghanistan because MUH TOWERS or throwing thousands of troops into the jungle because MUH DOMINO THEORY.
>herp derp obama sent troops to the middle east too
Yes because unfortunately when you inherit a broken home you're pretty much stuck fixing it.
You know I'm right, Herchel.
He's a nigger
Killed kids with drones
He didn't legalize weed, fuck him. I'm not even kidding, this is the only reason I hate him.
Do I even need to teach you how to troll me properly?
He literally continued almost all Bush era policies including continuation of wars in the middle East, the patriot act and then he got exposed for spying on allies. Shit Obama continued chasing Osama over 9/11 just like bush started.
If you like Obama there is no reason to dislike bush, they were very similar.
>Attempting to import massive numbers of muslims to the US
>destroying Libya
Also this: youtube.com
stormfags are not pro trump
>checks flag
He’s from Chicago. Never trust a Chicago politician.
>You keep saying it
That wasn't even me.
>Yes because unfortunately when you inherit a broken home you're pretty much stuck fixing it.
read obama was good boy, he din du nuffin
He literally did nothing right
Nobody cares what trailer trash is for 9r against. Nobody here likes stormfags. You guys are the biggest larpers on here. All talk no action.
>That wasn't even me
Oh fuck off trying be coy. You repeated what was said and you'll say it again.
>obama was good boy, he din du nuffin
Nobody said he din du nuffin, but retards act like he's a devil and that the majority of presidents before him were saints.
Why even argue with him? You're right, Obama was a nigger.
He literally legitimized black people in positions of power by being more eloquent and even tempered than the president's before and after him. Gotta suck if you're a dumbass eugenicist that doesn't realize the huge disparity between genes and environment
>Lied about killing Bin Laden
>Bombed almost double the countries bush bombed
>Ramped up the war on drugs
those aren't bad
>Started a proxy war with Russia, almost plunging us into WW3
never happened.
>Fast & Furious scandal
which happened Bush
>Migrant crisis
Migrant crisis didn't affect the US. Only Eurocucks got shafted.
He campaigned on ending the Iraq War and not extending it to Iran, not being an isolationist.
How does any of that make him a good president?
Modern day Woodrow Wilson to be quite frank with you, family member.
No. He campaigned on leaving the middle East and shutting down gitmo, were you even 18 when he ran?
>>Lied about killing Bin Laden
Fuck you're retarded. Can't you just form an argument without making up stuff about alien butt probes in Area 51?
I didn't say he was a good president, he couldn't get anything done with the Congress he had and he was pretty close to being a socialist. I'm saying he was bad for racist scum
>he couldn't get anything done with the Congress he had
Then how did Obamacare get passed?
Oh fair, if being a nigger is their only criticism than they are idiots.
Obama would have been pretty good if he had actually stuck to his economic promises. He really dropped the ball on the important promises like retirement credits for the poor.
Because it was his signature legislation and he never gave up on it, what fucking planet do you live on?
Or because it passed without a single republican vote
He fucked our economy and foreign policy. According to wikileaks he also fucks little brown boys
Racist white ppl love hating a black man in power
He gave up on everything else so that user is probably confused on why he would push a bastardized version of his healthcare plan while ignoring every other promise. Even Obama care was less than he promised but I give him slack on that because republicans. I actually think Obamacare is superior to universal but we all know the current health care plan was far from what he actually wanted. Plus tax penalties for not being insured is insane.
He also had government shut Downs and a house unwilling to let anything get done. I don't give a fuck about him and his socialistic ideals but fuck the GOP for not reaching across the table and making the compromise which our founding fathers based our system of government on.
The effects of his economic """"recovery"""" were not felt by the vast majority of Americans.
I love Obama, he made race relations better than they've ever been and really tightened up enforcement of our immigration laws. He also made the world a much safer place with his strong foreign policy.
I think he wanted to be a comfy peace time president and wouldn't let reality get in the way.
He also seems to have an obsession with Islam, despite clearly not holding to Islamic beliefs himself.
Forced working people to subsidize the corporations selling a product they call "heal insurance".
Not true, most would just prefer a black conservative if that even exists. People care more about values more than race, the problem is most niggers have zero values. They just vote left, they don't care what the left's actual platform is. Black will always vote left, they would vote for Hitler if he ran as a Democrat kek.
The Democrats rammed Obamacare through congress without reading it because they wanted a victory. Then they got slaughtered in the midterms.
Not an argument.
Thats fair user. Democrat vs Republican has gotten so out of hand I'll be surprised if they ever get shit done together again. Trump is going the same way as Obama with democrats obstructing him in every way. I'm afraid this is just the way American politics are going to be. Both parties hate eachother more than they have in a long time.
>government bails out the losers
"Look, the free market doesn't work!!!"
Bailing out the banks was fucking stupid. They should have been left to collapse so smaller less corrupt banks could have filled in the gaps. Instead we have a financial system where banks do whatever they want, protected by the government all the while knowing that when their reckless gambling goes tits up again, the government will write them another big fat check. Then the left complains about corporatism.
So he WAS able to get something done with the congress he had.
Sage goes in the options field friends
Nailed it. Unfortunately, most black people are in that herd mentality and don't wish to change. In reality, not many Larry Elders and Ben Carsons out there.
>Even Obama care was less than he promised but I give him slack on that because republicans.
You shouldn't. The democratic voting base and the democratic campaign financiers have diametrically opposed interests when it comes to economic policy. They've tried to get around this by pretending to fight hard to win on economic issues (but inevitably losing to special interests, of course), but placating their disappointed base with a token social victory (that was often won by fringe groups, e.g. gay marriage)
They've chosen a few key non-sensical social issues to blow out of proportion in order to appeal to their disaffected base while masking their economic policy, and it is true that this has enraged the growing reactionary right (and, increasingly, independents).
But neoliberal economic policy is hardly "left". The Democratic party has been steadily moving towards hardline pro-corporate positions while faking left on social issues rich donors don't care about since the Clinton administration.
Imagine if blacks were all like Larry elder, America would become a better nation over night.
Unemployment at all time low - False
Killed Bin Laden - Hard to imagine that this is true, unless of course you believe he was the first one to come up with the ingenious plan to go to his house to find him. But there is all this proof he did it right? err nope. DACA, spent more money than the previous 43 presidents combined and what did that get us? fan the flamed of racial division, appointed czars to replace elected officials, put together a healthcare plan to destroy the middle class and the architect admitted he was only able to do this because Amrericans are stupis, lied aboyut being transparent (he was the least transparent president, which was hard to do since most were secretly selling out our country, expanded war and military bases and got a Peace Prize for it (like Al Gore got a Nobel prize in science baka), he thinks there are 57 states in the US, we could go on but perhaps you should research it yourself
he also gave 20 million people health coverage, saving tens of thousands of lives.
HHMMMMM I WONDER ok lets say it kids
>destabilazed middle east
>filled europe with """"Syrian"""" refugees
>basically donated money to terrorist under the table
want any more? cuz theres a lot ofit
I voted for him in '08 because he is half nigger and could have been a big help to raise up the blacks, which would have helped the entire country. He ended up making things worse. Really made me think.
I've noticed this too, especially with the galy marriage shit. What happens when they run out of social issues to hide behind though? Can't keep it up forever unless they start advocating for pedos.
Don't forget the Gulf Oil Drilling moratorium.
>health insurance is healthcare
Kill yourself
because he's a nigger and this is a slide thread
>Russia near-war never happened
Then why did we deploy NATO forces to Poland, the Baltics, Romania and even western Ukraine in the spring of 2014?