Why dont I hear much about Moors when blacks want to ask themselves about being kings anywhere? Why Egypt?
Why dont I hear much about Moors when blacks want to ask themselves about being kings anywhere? Why Egypt?
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This is mohammad XII king of granada.
Moors werent black.
Moors weren't subsaharan blacks
But they had African in them and some of them were African. Though I can see why some doesn't mean majority.
Moors aren't as iconic as Egyptians.
Image of war against mohammad.
>they had African in them
They did not.
I mean, I guess being enslaved would do that, but moors were ruling for a long ass time. African got mixed in eventually just like in north america.
The Moors didnt come from SSA, they came from Arabia and north Africa.
I meant the african slaves.
Why dont you focus on history blacks had against other blacks?
This whole nonsense exists because Morgan Freeman was in Robin Hood Prince of thieves.
Hey, I'm just here to learn. Preach to me.
Africans had legit kingdoms, but American blacks have never heard of them.
That's the boring kingdoms. Not good for social media.
There is just no way for slaves to form the ancestry of non slave population, slaves and non slaves do not intermix and most were castrated.
A-many blacks are ignorant of history, and the Egyptians are remembered more in pop culture history than the Moors in the US.
B-cuz Moors got BTFO of Spain
My mother is a Spanish Moor (Berber) neither her nor any of her relatives have black features. This is just a meme that arose from prison culture.
Moors arent Spanish.
yes we have. are you all so insecure about black people you have to project on them all the time?
Moroccan here, excluding Egypt, only ≈15% of North Africans are Arabs, the rest are berbers which are Hamites. Light skinned Africans
Because the rulers of the Caliphate were arabs mostly, berbers got BTFO in North Africa.
You nigger, I mean as in she's mixed race.
Post your picture.
Half roccan half spanish?
Most 'Arabs' just speak Arabic. They aren't actually genetically similar to Arabians.
I'm not posting it in Sup Forums you retard, pic related is how north Africans look like
Thats how you look?
Most north africans are mulattos or quadroons but you arent, was wondering how a pure north african looks like
Yeah Arabic culture is wide spread but Semitic Arabs are indeed not that much, thanks to some of them mixing with their African maids after abolishing slavery, especially Saudi Arabia, they have shitloads of Ethiopians and black" "Arabs" "
Si. I got lucky because my dad is white (Spanish/Italian) ((not technically white to some of you, but it beats being a fucking dindu))
Pic related, some natives still exist
that nose
is like a benis
spurdo giving the faggote the dicke
Kangs - do you really want to hear Moor about them?
well, more or less spaniards of the middle age called "moro" in general to the people that came from Africa, doesn't matter the color. You could be an arab, berber or a nigro, all of them were considered moors for the christian kingdoms of the peninsula. Other thing is say that the invaders and rulers of Al-landalus were black skined, most of black moors were slaves or if they were lucky a tuareg knight.