>White people
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Dude is literally going to die in prison.
Niggers do that all the time but they dont talk about it
Yeah, but it's legal in Japan. Well sodomizing 12 year olds is.
>yellow people
Hopefully they knock his teeth out and keep him around for a few years to use his mouth hole as a fuck toy before caving his skull in
>wh*te people
disgusting apes.
Niggers do it so much it isn't even news worthy.
>>White people
>using the rape of a child as propaganda
Is there any level that niggers won't stoop to?
From his face it looks like he's gotten an early taste of his new life.
pick one
another wh*Te subhuman molesting children
At moments like this I truly believe that white folks (especially blonde haired ones) are nephilim cave demons.
Hillary voter
Nig people
she's lying
That is totally fucked up. Her father shouldv'e killed him for damaging his property. Girl's father is the only one who can do her like that.
It's just weird how prisoners justify nearly killing someone who has done harm to children.
How is, for example, robbing an old grandmother any better?
Who wrecked dude like that? Police?
This is a white person that's lived his whole life in a multicultural, capitalist scumhole. Nigger culture and degraded morals did this.
>chilling with your buddy watching TV at your house
>known eachother for years
>"hey i gotta run to the store, do you mind watching the kid for a minute?"
>grab milk
>walk back inside
>find your buddy with his pants around his ankles trying to fuck your baby
what do?
That 1 year old fucked his shit up
Garbage people like to believe there's people worse than them so they can feel better about being garbage.
Fuck how does he keep getting away with it?
>school aide gives whole school's holes aids
Of course robbing someone isn't as bad as raping a kid. Are you retarded?
It's a lot easier killing someone who has aged than someone who hasn't. It's the equivalent of strangling puppies. Everybody loves dogs and kids.
That's subjective
>that's subjective
It's really not I would much rather be robbed at gun point than raped
idk man, I used to be sympathetic to the white struggle but I just keep running into instances where white folks do the most fucked up shit like mass shootings and diddling kids. It's just fucked up. I get it, black people are savage, commit petty crime etc etc but the white man is the epitome of evil.
Not to mention all the mental illnesses that you people have. I'm off this train, I'm just going to go back to my libertarian values.
"The mother ran and got her husband who immediately confronted Newlun."
It's obvious what the husband did.
Do you think the mom was telling the truth?
fuck the police, i'll be his judge, jury and executioner right then and there.
or at least carve 'pedophile' into his forehead so the fellas in the jailhouse knows what's up.
> oh shit how do we spin this?!
> let's just spam other race news headlines so they will forgot this
Fuck off kike lord
Statutory? Were they claiming the 1 year old consented, but wasn't legally old enough to?
You missed my point. Maybe the example was not suitable for a leaf like you.
That person most likely is someone's father/mother/aunt/grandma/younameit.
Straight people are such pedo freaks.
>This is not subjective
>My personal feelings are evidence of this
she never said "no".
Generation Zyklon
These are isolated cases which we disavow. We demonized these people.
Niggers Nig every. fucking. day.
Then there are semi decent black people who are sympathetic to the nogs.
We are not sympathetic to the pedos, shooters, etc.
How are you this dumb?
You're not. You're a fucking shill.
It is verifiable the majority of sex criminals are either non white or homosexual.
The actual answer is it's easier taking a sentient life than it is taking a brand new life. Also many of the felons in prison have kid and rely on visits to not go crazy. I imagine they think "this guy is in my area and he touches kids" or "this guy could have hurt my kid."
>that nose
>that mouth
>those eyes
Haha the deflection squad has arrived.
Fuck off namefag.
>Still able to breath without a tube
Got off lightly tbqh. The police wont let him into the main population, they will keep him in near total isolation.
Most crime involves theft or an act of desperation sometimes to protect ones own family, raping a child is not like that, it's a twisted perversion that sickens most people.
Race of peace.
>In b4 but muh cite jew-lies.
>leaf would rather get raped than robbed
women enjoy being raped, a child that young it physically undeveloped and could have permanent problems. If they kid was at least 12 I might agree with you.
>Court documents state Newlun screamed before he was tackled by the girl's father. The father reportedly hit Newlun with a dresser drawer and punched him several times.
kek he should have beat him to death like the guy in texas did
Love is love, you don't know what happened, that sexy baby seduced him, it was consensual.
t. liberal
Total isolation is worse, people go insane because of that. At least the other prisoners get to hustle cigarettes, play board games and fight each other to pass the time. This dude will be staring at a wall the rest of his life.
Only a nigger calls for such a punishment. Firing Squad is the correct response.
Yeah sucks to be them, they all tell the same old "aww mang gotsta take care of my kid". Yeah, no. Should've thought about that before getting locked up.
Also let's be a bit honest here, a 1 year old wouldn't actually remember that kind of stuff happening to him/her.
Good. I have a 2 year old and If that prick did something vile to a one year old I hope he dies. Leave him with me for 5 mins I'll make the world a better place.
chrisitanity is the religion of pedophiles
>Dude is literally going to die in prison.
Why do we even waste the time on people like this? Just straight to the firing squad after conviction with the piece of shit.
>Soros donates a shit ton of money to leftist foundations
>days later, Sup Forums is flooded with threads like OP like clockwork
>many even linking to shareblue
Remember to sage, report, and hide shill threads.
What if he was set up? What if the parents lied about him molesting the kid and simply beat him up and called the police? Surely the one year old is to young to really testify, and would only repeat what it's parents tell it to, if it can even do that.
What if he kicked your ass
a "straight" pedo. who the fuck would have thought
What's their motive?
Nice. The jew knows how to get out of pedo fucking a 1 year old goy baby.
Revenge. I had a friend's gf tell lies about me because I refused to fuck her. Don't underestimate an angry roastie.
she was cheating on the husband with him and wanted him gone
I suppose we would have to see what he pleads in court then. The question is whether his denial would do anything to help him if that were the case.
Your funny.
Judo for over 15 years. Army for over 10 years. That butterball would die in under 1min and I'd have 4mins to clean up the mess.
Physical evidence will show. I wouldn't hang the guy just yet.
are you seriously sympathetic towards somebody that fucked a baby? holy shit literally kys
He should want to die in prison. You can't come back from that.
We don't approve.
t. White man.
No fuck that. Prisoner retribution would be his dues.
I don't know, and he probably did it. But I'm only for the death penalty if there is undisputed proof. Relying on the word of 2 people is not strong enough. I did not read the article however, so if they found semen samples on the child then I would agree that he should die.
Difference is that whites basically want him dead for it. If he was Black there would be protests in the street and looting for his release.
>a 1 year old wouldn't remember
WRONG that kid is going to be subconsciously fucked up and will either fuck a bunch of boys and ride the infinite cock carousel or become absolutely terrified of masturbation/sex. Most likely the first one and to answer the other question smart people don't go to prison but stupid people have kids you know?
tick tock Skippy
subjextive morality is a leftist jewish lie
Nice. Start em memeing young.
I chuckled heartily. Take this (You).
look at tommy sotomayors videos. most child abusers are black women and they do the most ghastly things you can imagine. i would rather die quickly in a school shooting than die like this
>How is, for example, robbing an old grandmother any better?
How is robbing better than raping?
Seriously? Okay. Ignoring the idiocy in that comparison I'll answer your original question.
When you are bad you know you are bad, even then there can be this little sliver down deep that hungers for redemption. But you are a horrible person, and being horrible is all you know. Then one day you are farting around doing horrible things and you discover, quite by accident, that there are people out there more horrible than you could possibly imagine. People who do things that you, a horrible person, would never ever consider. So you destroy them, because maybe, possibly, by ending this thing that's so much worse than you, you can for just one moment stand in the sunshine and feel what the saints and angels feel.
but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
>black people
also OP you are a raging faggot
URANIUM ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think of this from an evolutionary perspective. You’re supposed to be hyper protective of children, otherwise you’ll fail to propagate your genes and the species dies out.
You clearly don't have children.
that story lead to this one.
I used to live near where this happened and spent much time in the vicinity of the crime..
I am dismayed the system is even contemplating whether to try this shit as a juvenile and that its taken nearly three years to get on with it.. CA really is a shithole of degeneracy on every level.
>Everybody loves dogs and kids.
That was the problem, surely.
Scum needs to be wiped off the face of the earth with a shank to the jugular.
I don't want to pay a god damned cent to process this guy through the prison system. I want him shot 10 times.
turn 360 degrees and walk away
Are you serious
Hopefully the sodomy he receives in prison will cripple him for life...which I'm hoping is an extremely short time.
I'm okay with paying for years of torture for any child abuser. It also would set an example to others.
He should literally regret every waking moment for several years before we end his life in the most brutal fashion.