Mexicans are proud members of the white race

This is an interesting article that I find inspiring and compelling.
>"We called ourselves Spanish, we considered ourselves white." I'm Mexican, and I consider myself "white" because I'm not black or red or Asian. I understand what I'm made of. People from Spain are Caucasian. But in the U.S., educators don't teach you anything about Spain.

Prove to me that white isn't subjective and ever-changing. Us Mexicans (northern Mexicans at least) were always considered white up until the latter half of the 20th century. Do you know who took control during that time? Yep, the eternal (((nuisance))). Pic related is clear proof of how there are white Europeans who immigrated to Latin America in the 19th and 20th century whose offspring remains here to this day.

The "white Argentinian" is a meme that you Sup Forumsacks perpetuate to this day but I'll tell you that it is quite accurate. According to
The Argentine is proven to be 86% white and THOUSANDS of European immigrants came there throughout the latter part of the 19th century and the early 19th century. This should tell you that there is a presence of white hispanics and that you should not limit that presence if it risks a less white America.

Other urls found in this thread:

White hispanics exist but they sure as hell aren't mexicans

Mexicans are the sole reason why people went from thinking Hispanic was someone like Desi from I love Lucy to now brown mestizo

Meh, Italians and Slavs are just as ugly, so I don't really care if they want to be white or not.

is that Hal from unpractical jesters?

I am Mexican and I am a proud member of the white race, they are not as white as anglos but as stated they are similar to Italians and slavs. Ethnic Spaniards should be considered white

Hispanics, literally, means someone from the Iberian peninsula.

Latinos are from the Latin region of Italy. Like they Romans, they're an extinct people.

You have a photo of a Mezoamerican. That's a genetic distance of about 1.5. Whites are within about 0.2 of each other.

Opps. My numbers are off by 10x. MezoAmericans are 0.15, Whites within 0.02

White isn't a race
I tell Americans this all the time but who am I to compete with Hollywood where Americas education comes from?

I unironically think this will happen because Hispanics are projected to be about 40% of the population by 2050. If they lump them in with whites today, then they can say America is 85% white in 2050, instead of saying its 35-40% white. They already push the "white hispanic" meme whenever it is good to use, and hispanic isn't considered a racial category in USA, but an ethnicity, with the same strength as saying you are German or English. Doesn't matter to most people that you are in reality 60% Amerindian with 20% white and 20% black, they will say you are "white hispanic."


>Sup Forums is so infested with spics and they are unironically are biting OP's bait
fucking low IQ non-white morons, OP has two threads on catalog right now trolling that mexicans are white. SAGE

fuck off beaner.

Mexico has a small minority of true white people but most are mixed race. It means 100% European and only we decide what it means.

No such thing as a white race. There's people with a lot of melanin in their skin and people with less. Color of the skin is no more a race than how long your dick is or how tight your pussy is.

The concept of race is a Jewish trick to cause division.

Oh okay, fuck you too anglo scum

Most Mexicans have a large chunk of native blood in them though, disqualifying them as Aryans (Indo European). White Hispanics certainly exist. My own ancestry hails from northern Spain in the Basque and Galician regions, as well as a White great grandmother from Veracruz, Mexico. Hispanic means hailing from Hispania, while Latino means from Latin America. That's why there are both white and black Latinos. My country is dumb when it comes to the difference.

Kek. This isn't white? Daily reminder that Argentina is white, OP is full of shit.

Hispanic isn't a race. Mexican isn't a race. There are really only 3 distinct races. Latin americans are usually a combination of caucasoid(european) with some mongoloid mix(native Americans originating from asia)

Just a reminder to all the racists on this board that the Mexicans and Arabs you hate so much are literally caucasian.

>literally only 76% european
>remotely white
we dont accept 90% european as white yet alone 76%.

theyre mogoloid, not cacausian. pic related can be taken in mexico or the phillipines

I am arguing in your favor you Argentine nigger. How fucking dumb can you be

Most Mexicans don't look like you. They look like they should be wearing loincloths and sacrificing virgins to their Aztec gods.

le 40% face irl?

As the son of a Spaniard this insults me to no end. Know your place, Latino scum

My uncles and aunts are mestizo yet they look only a shade darker than I; they resemble Spaniards. I am Iberian

You just proved you aren't, you even have 4% black blood ffs

No need to push your white brethren back, that is assuming you are white, (((Shlomo))).

Pick one

and you're a new fag, that dudes face is a meme.

You have to actually read the scientific descriptions of each race so you know what you're talking about mate. They are clearly more caucasoid than mongoloid.



I am a white Mexican sex God, there is literally nothing that disproves that Shlomo.


Damn right, my white broither

The truth is that the whites in Latin America are the most based ones. We truly are the last bastion of the white race.

As long as you aren't a Dem, it doesn't matter what race you are.

>They are clearly more caucasoid than mongoloid.

I like your banter

>on Sup Forums since 2008
Maybe I haven't seen every faggot meme, ever think of that?

Yeah and US census also considered Arabs, north Africans, and poo n loos white. I've seen a man from Calcutta India tell me with a straight face that he was white.
>A January 2012 report from the U.S. Census Bureau—“The American Indian and Alaska Native Population: 2010”—says that 175,494 Mexicans (Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano) self-identified as American Indian, making them the fourth largest tribal group in the country, says Think Mexican
Nah we are finally rejecting the Spanish label and accepting our native heritage.
We were only considered white because when the Southwest territories became part of the US, the US promised Mexico it will give full citizenship rights to Mexicans. At the time only whites could be citizens so instead of opening the door for non whites to become citizens the US simply labelled Mexicans as whites, had nothing to do with the jews. Northern Mexicans have a higher European admixture but we are still Mestizos.

That is the typical Northern Mexican look, it is still a mestizo look btw. Northern Mexicans not only have more euro blood but their Native ancestors are southwestern indians like Apaches and Yaquis not mesoamerican mayans. But still mestizos nonetheless,.

The only thing that keeps us apart is Shlomo and their puppets: an*Mefags. Pic related, they are the ones that fervently deny the existence of the white Mexican, they are often communist as well
You've been on Sup Forums since 2008 m'oldfag?

why do you always make these "mexicans are white" cringey threads with this picture of an italian as the OP

I'm a proud white mexican

>Northern Mexicans have a higher European admixture but we are still Mestizos.
I am a castizo; Mexicans were allowed to mix with whites and they had just as many rights because they WERE white. Mestizos were always the in-betweeners but I still think they have a chance to attain white status


>Mexico sends all the failures
>USA accepts them
>It your fault we accept the browns and that why Hispanics are thought of as brown

>Impying most of South America and central are not brown
>Implying Spain is not black Moorish baby

Yh, didn't read the full post nigger.

>The Argentine is proven to be 86% white

Everyday u believe more and more in (((jewgenics )))

>I still think they have a chance to attain white status
Holy fuck.

Behold, flag of the white man

They even sided wit hthe fucking communists during the civil war. Fuck you taconiggers

Except they are red. Mexicans (the brown majority) are referred to as indios by white Mexicans.

Indios means indians.

I actually am training myself to refer to latinos/hispanics as indios.

Those are indios; indios are not white. Mestizos are, and can even attain recessive genes which most half-breeds of other races cannot

Screenshotted to add to my ameri-mongrel collection for meme purposes.

>Mom's side, Mexican
>White skin, blue eyes/very light brown eyes, have 6ft tall uncles and cousins

>Dad's side, Mexican
>Dark brown skin, black eyes, 5'3

>Dark skin, black eyes, 5'5

Kill me

>blue eyes/very light brown eyes

Except the vast majority of Mexicans look like this, not like that guy. Why do Mexicans always post him, every time? You seriously don't have any other whites to show?
You'll never, ever be white.

irish blood is worse tbqh


You would tell these girls that they are not white? Mexico is estimated to be up to 47% white. Castizos and criollos are most definitely white.

>irish blood is worse


face the wall and prove it.

>They are clearly more caucasoid than mongoloid.

>Sup Forums
This is either bait or you are from rebbit

Fuck off. We’re not letting you in the white ethnostate. You’ll be forced to rot in mexico.

Mexicans are not white. Kill yourself.
Castizos are NOT white. Not even close.those girls are just European diaspora, and you'll NEVER find a picture of a roomful of white Mexicans

White = 100 % European. To be very nice, 95%+ , but you're not welcome in Europe if you're not 100%
Castizos are like 15% native , not white, never were never will be.

listen bro, i have nothing against you at all. don't take the memes to heart.. where you see a well founded, sourced, factual argument, take it with a grain of salt; but SERIOUSLY, if you look act and identify as white, you are white in my book. I'd fight and die along side Zim Zam anytime, anywhere, anyplace m8

t. an*Mefag
So someone is excluded from being European all because Shlomo wanted to include some noise in his DNA test? Fuck off man, castizos are white.
Thanks, bud. I hope to fight alongside you during the race war

Virginia Colonial law defined "white" as 7/8 white
7/8 = 87.5% white

really depends on how they look more than anything
pic related, she's 50/50 white/black

Even your whites have brown eyes. How rare are blue eyes in Mexico?


Our white skin, our two blue eyes and our glorious golden hair.
How can Amerifats compete????

neck yourself chicano sub human. mestizos are not white and never were. you're a small step above niggers but not much. white hispanics exist but they stay in mexico, we get the indio trash. some argies are white but most are wereniggers.

be proud of being of who you are and stop pretending you're white or even remotely caucasian.

Stop voting for collectivism and we'll consider your application into the Halls of Whiteness.

dont hate on my kenia!

>Blaming your genes instead of your shitty diet for being a manlet.

how can we compete?! by bringing the arab hordes to muddy your waters!

kek. My mother is iberian and dad is germanic/english, I came out looking Italian or jewish

native mexicans are red skins. the aztecs were indians

the original trap!?

Mexico DF is very white. Whiter than Washington DC.

>Mexicans are proud members of the white race

Oh really? Good luck getting that job you worked your ass off for and deserve it by credentials and not race

> Affirmative Action it!

Fuck yeah. White Mestizo power!

so white user, in fact I'm blinded by it
>pic related

this is what white people look like, just in case anybody is confused

Yup, that looks American to me.

>implying it doesn't look exactly like Murrica in the current year, probably whiter