Why can't latin americans speak spanish properly?

It's no like some diferent idioms, expressions or even the accents, but sometime speaking the same fucking language you can't understand what the fuck they are telling you, and when you tell them to speak properly they come with the "we the majority" excuse.
No, Spain invented spanish, you are speaking spanish, do it right.

Like Vamos.
It is really supposed to be said like Bamos
But these Mexicans/Central Americans always change the way words spoken.

My dad is from Spain and he managed to convince the school board to change the curriculum for Spanish class. They were teaching students the Mexican variant, but with the help of his lawyer buddies my dad convinced them to change it to Castellano. I'm proud of him. ¡Viva España!

>No, Spain invented spanish, you are speaking spanish, do it right.

To do what you say you are suposed to follow the norm and employ neutral expresion and words that have been chosen by the RAE and the linguistic institutions in South America.

So, you need to have culture

>It not like other languages do not have dialect problems

Well that's goddamn retarded... if you want a job as an interpreter in the US, then you'd want to learn the Mexican variant.

T. Sign language interpreter

thats what you get for teaching monkies to speak your language, what do you expect?

Geography creates dialects. Why this so hard to comprehend? Even in Spain people speak differently.

That's retarded those beaners should learn to speak proper Spanish AFTER THEY LEARN FUCKING ENGLISH

Catalonians speak with a lisp, for example.

Interpreting language is a white man's job and a very solid career... why would you not want to make money off these filthy beaners?

It can get really confusing in Spanish, specially for new speakers,

Is not a change on the phonetics or that a certain population might use a certain word instead of another. Its all of that plus words that totally change meaning(coger, españa=Take, Argentina=to fuck) or just more words.

It can get to a point where you might wonder if you are speaking the same language at all.


Ok, I think you made an unintended bait here.

Most of that comes from archaic Spanish though that stuck around in the Americans and died out in Spain. Quebec has the same issue with French.

weve taken your shitty arabic bastadization of vernacular roman and gothic languages and fixed it. thank us later

qué wea te pasa wn qlo, perra y la ctm, hablo como quiero maraca :)

First of all, I don't even want them in a white nation to begin with. Second blood is more important than money, I care more about racial purity than making a quick buck off of some spic.

Cuban spanish is best

example pls

what does "pololi" mean in your language?

This. It's not small differences, a spaniard, a guy from Perú and another one from argentina can have a language barrier while speaking the same language

Mexicans use tomar (to take) instead of beber (to drink).

Yo tomo cafe.
Yo bebo cafe.
I take coffee.
I drink coffee.

Viene de "pololo" o "polola" que seria tu pareja.
Que creo que en méxico dicen novio/novia.

Shut up you dirty Moor. South America would currently be a paradise, if we Anglos had colonised it. You lazy dagos can't do anything right. An entire continent. Wasted. It could've been America 2.0. Instead, it's full of low IQ pardo scum, because you degenerates couldn't keep you race-mixing perversions in check.

Island spic detected

you do realize that still any mexican would 100% understand you if you say "bebo" instead, right?
the reason why use take instead of drink is that "bebo" (drink) is usually reserved for alcholic stuff.

>implying Portuguese isn't the superior dialect of spanish

Sure, just as I understand when blacks say finna.

This. I'm Dominican and I've been to Spain and Mexico, no problems at all. There isn't that much of a barrier, just some off words mostly.

Come on goy, I completely agree with you. I wish the US was 100% homogeneous just like any other self respecting nationalist. but unfortunately they ARE here for now, why not make money off of them? learning another language is /sig/ tier. You can literally make $50/hr by going to court with a Mexican and interpreting for him while you watch him go to prison.

Thats like a 2-for-1 in WINNINGGGG for the white man

I lived in Spain for 5 years and people used both words interchangeably.

This, the true facts

Spanish is a meme language

>implying America is a good thing
>implying burger-people are not the doom of Europe
I prefer my third worlders, thank you. At least they are too incompetent to destroy us from the inside.
Perfidious saxon

True facts stated

Because they don't want to talk with a lisp

my nigger

portugese>spanish all day err day

Don't try to change the focus away from the fact that your country is a shit-split mudhole who can't even unite within.

"The language known today as Spanish is derived from a dialect of spoken Latin."
>Invented spanish my ass

Does this apply to us Burgers with Britbong's langauge?
>>i speak murican

We can.

We just don`t want to speak with spaniggers.

Lets remember that the main reason Rhodesia(not Zimbabwe) is at the state that it is now simply through the actions of the Brits, and that can be said too(to an extent) about South Africa.

Let's remember that Hong Kong its China's bitch because the dammed bongs couldn't be bothered to read a single document

Lets remember that many Indian achievements were done in despite of Britsh and that several decades later they are still trying to fix the clusterfcuk.

And mainly remember that Britain is the US pet and if he behaves good enough he might get some F-35s and a cookie.

You can't even take achievements for granted, most of the efforts of expansion and devopment were done by the US by itself, and Canada wasn't really yours but French.

At least Spain could claim that it wasn't sheer luck and fucking tried to have an empire, you just got a bunch of treaties and people that barely felt British at the moment that left the clustefuck that are those endogamic islands you call home.

Portuguese speaking spics detected

>No, Spain invented spanish, you are speaking spanish, do it right.

>muh Virreinato del Rio de la Plata

get over it Manolo, we are not your slaves anymore so we can speak as we want

funny thing when shtf you will travel to the SA in 8 seconds as a refugee.

>Spanish colonies were rich as fuck
>They go independent because of some greedy mason fucks
>They become third world shitholes afterwards
Not our problem tbqh

insecure amerimutt detected

M-Mutt! Hurt spic

If only Britain had colonized us rather than Spain... Feels bad man :'(

It's the same with niggers and English


Not true,if they are country people maybe yes to some deegre.

>thinking this is a comeback

american education

Yes it would be much better. Because you would not exist.

Being this delusional

When will Galicians speak their own language? Yeah, thats when the mongrels you created are going to speak your dear Castellano retrasado.


Leave latino trash to die in their poverty.

I wish the Catholic Kings continued their Lebensraum project on North Africa instead of landing in some place and not killing all the monkeys present.

that's why this thread is gay as fuck. just some faggot trying to feel special.

I think the worst culprits are Cubans. S just does not exist for them "Hola, como eta?" makes me cringe when I hear it.

Being this insecure is no way to live sweetie.

Conquest of Americas was done by a few, barely any influence of the state.

casue they have "culture"

>brings up race
>calls me insecure

being this delusional/american education/le 56% face

This, it's time to leave

Languages evolve naturally. Thats why we have 200 different countries from the same language group in Europe.

All i know is that spaniards are the sexiest people ive ever seen. Luv u guys:)

100 % Sweetie confirmed.

Doesn't sound any worse that we run into when we talk with Brits and Aussies, really. I work coordinating roadside assistance, I just keep a glossary in my head for when foreigners call in talking about windscreens, bonnets, and boots. I've actually gotten so used to the term 'petrol' I sometimes slip up and use it in favor of 'gasoline' when speaking with other Americans.

Mind you I watch a lot of Top Gear and Wheeler Dealers, so...

Why can't Sp*nes pronounce consonants correctly? Is it excess homosexuality from Ibeefa spilling over into everyone's accents, making them lisp? At least the spics here are somewhat understandable

still better than "cowo efta" like Sp*nes pronounce it

In the north we speak in a very different way than in the south. We pronounce all correctly

dude look at all these african paradises that were colonized by the anglos


tfw beaner but not rlb or Q got J1.
literally second degree rapebaby

Quien te pensás boludo? Si me hablas asi de vuelta te dare un piñaso.

Very low quality bait

Latino trash, basura latino.

At least the U.S + Canada + Australia + New Zealand became quite prosperous.

Spain on the other hand has a 0 success rate, not a single country colonized by Spaniards has ever become developed.

>Because they don't want to talk with a lisp
fuck, this should have been /thread

Yankee pelutodo de mierda quien te pensas.

Those vountries didnt mix with your subhuman kind

I thought that was a Nicaraguan thing?

Sabes bem que não. A tua língua é a língua do reggaeton e de mais de 1 mil milhão de sub humanos.

>tfw there were plans to get rid of Islam as the Catholic Kings wanted to reconquer North Africa for Christians and recover Constantinople but at the end, the project stopped getting attention.

isn't that "THI" in your Sp*ne dialect?

I know you're being sarcastic, but countries like Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya are actually doing very well, by African standards. A hell of a lot better than France's nigger colonies.

>Canada wasn't really yours but French
Quebec was described by the French government as "a few acres of snow". Now they speak our language.

Eres muy guapo quando duermes amor.

Well the subhuman kind is mixing with Americans.

Una bomba nuclear a Lisboa, PORFAVOR!

>ghana, nigeria
>doing good
The only spsnish speaking african colony is the best one.

Equatorial guinea

romania lol

From what I have understood is that the peninsular spanish accent is rather new especially some of its syntax. For a long time a lot of Peninsular Spanish people relied on south american translations rather than the one growing in popularity. It is done to end cultural ties and increase regionalism at the same time it works for militarized linguistic strategy game planning.

why do you type ao but say am
Nao Joao e maricoao


Fuerza! Solo negros e brasileros retrasados en esa mierda de ciudad.

they can't even speak their native english properly, can't expect them to learn spanish as well

Porque te enseñaste espanol mijo???

Pero aún eres muy mono quando me dizes que no lo quieres.

Nice try but Iberian Spanish is much more localized. More colloquial words and idioms are used. Besides only 77% of Spaniards speak Spanish as a first language while Spanish Americas is around +90%. In general Spaniards speaks too fast and mumble words. They could always understand me but I definitely had to feign a nod at what they were saying.

It's like Yiddish vs. Hebrew, or Hue vs. Portuguese, it develops separate from the mother tongue.