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...You're just now learning about this?
>varg also reads news on the internet: the OP
We've known we are totally fucked on this for about ten years. The obongo white house even put out a directive to try to deal with it, which predictably accomplished nothing.
This is old news, doctors give antibiotics out like they're candy.
Yes, because the only thing medicine does is treat bacterial infections...
WTF, I didn't know about this. This recently was on the news, pic related
>stop taking antibiotics
So the germs and stuff just grew more resistant to whatever it was we were using against them?
Yep. Evolution at work
>you have a virus.
>take antiobiotic.
>2 possibilities:
>A:antibiotic kills virus, USUAL
>B:antibiotic doesnt kill virus, virus mutates, VERY RARE
>mutated virus immune to certain antibiotic
>need to make antiobiotic for this new kind of virus
Even the strongest known antibiotic.
But this is merely fearmongering, because phage therapy already is replacing antibiotics
But evolution is just a THEORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
During the 90s. Doctors were giving antibiotic's out for simple colds.
doesn't surprise me really. We always were told if "you take them to much, they wont work anymore" so I always never took my prescriptions.
20 years later and all these normie idiots are going to die from the plague 2.0.
No, just stop using them irresponsibly such as in agriculture
Any biofags know if there are any viable alternative strategies for curing bacterial diseases?
Antibiotics don't kill viruses, they kill bacteria.
>le edgy clickbaity title
Your situation is pretty much either you get no infection in the first place or you couldn't get treatment anyways.
We will be shredding viruses and bacteria with nanomachines controlled by AI in less than 25 years. All current medicine on this front is 100% irrelevant.
Natural selection, the way bacteria reproduce and the massive over use of broad spectrum antibiotics - it creates an environment that selects for strains that resist antibiotics.
Antibiotics kill bacteria, not viruses, but otherwise good post
Build up your immunity like the good ol' days or die.
>russian intellectuals
We've known about this since PENICILLIN YOU TWAT
Virus - this is the fucking problem. Antibiotics should be used for infections caused by bacteria.
Don't worry I'm sure the Americans will shoot their way out of this one
you didn't hear about this until now?
How fucking stupid are you?
Seriously, do you wake up every morning by inserting your own head up your ass before you go and collect your local paycheck from whatever shithole social service your poor town can afford?
Phage therapy.
There are virus that eat bacteria, they are being used for that. Since virus can also evolve, this is a better alternative to antibiotics.
this has been news for ages
t. avoids antibiotics
These mother fuckers saved me twice so far. My gut tells me its gonna get me one day though. Feels bad man.
Google "Phage therapy" and then calm down
Antibiotics don't kill viruses.
They kill bacteria or other small animalia parasites.
That's why it's an antiBIOtic, because it kills living things.
Stop using anti-bacterial handsoap and use actual soap.
Wash your hands regularly and avoid diseases.
Get copper door handles and copper sinks.
Not a biofag, but there's not much in the way of treating bacterial diseases except guiding your immune system to kill it or killing it with something (like antibiotics). The problem is that most things that would kill bacteria and even viruses usually kill the patient too.
If we develop genetic technology enough that we can remove viral dna from human cells and remove key components of dna from bacteria, like using CRISPR for example, that would be a step forward to eradicating disease.
The best option besides antibiotics is just to not get sick in the first place.
Pharmanon here - the pharma companies aren't devoting resources to making new antibiotics because the profit/loss margins on them aren't favourable.
We do have some antibiotics which don't have a lot of resistance yet - some of the carbapenems, linezolid (which is a horrible drug), and surprisingly chloramphenicol.
The problem is that we don't have a good options for oral treatment of patients in primary care - lots of that is done empirically rather than based on culture results and resistance testing.
We're sort of getting by at the moment, but it needs local health organisations to monitor the bacterial resistance patterns in their areas - it's why every board in the UK has a different empiric guidance. I don't quite know how our colonial relatives organise that sort of thing to comment on it.
This. It's especially crazy up here with our Overhead coverage. Since doctors are paid by the province based on # of patients served they treat most people like cattle, get 'em in, diagnose an infection or cold, prescribe $25 worth of antibiotics and toss you out.
>Phage therapy
>virus_bacterial infection
oh, confused those two.
though you get them prescribed way to easy in case of a flu also
Also this We have genetically modified bacteria and viruses to attack cancer cells. We can develop them to attack other bacteria and viruses.
Bacteria are like gangs. They fight for turf and materials, and want their home to be in the conditions they want.
Viruses are like niggers. They go around killing everything, they aren't even living, and every other living thing constantly has to fight them off.
Slam that mithafuggin rundown button famm
It works, dumbass.
We just don't have the technology to predict how the viruses we genetically modify will evolve. We also cannot predict how other lifeforms (most notably bacteria) will evolve using that DNA and become deadly to people.
Because chink cancer keep misusing antibiotics, if people just gate that shit behind a doctor we would not have that problem.
With influenza, a doctor usually prescribes anti-viral medication. They generally stop the virus from spreading to other cells like antibodies, rather than dealing with the virus itself. This gives the immune system enough time to clean up the situation to a manageable level.
Good. The more avenues to death that make a comeback the better off we'll all be. This "save everyone from suffering at all times, even the niggers in Africa" needs to end. The global population isn't sustainable.
people here do it too they just go to mexico and buy them cheap
what the fuck even is a virus?
>taking antibiotic for virus
Something that is neither alive or dead, whose only purpose is to subvert everything else for its own gain, kinda like a jewish soul
nano machines
Old news and also the problem that can't be solved while india exists. They eat antibiotics for breakfest with their shit covered hand.
You can thank poo in a loos for literally destroying civilization in the long run.
>He doesn't know about Bacteriophages yet
Don't panic. The soviets invented an alternative already.
Simply put, a piece of inert DNA, that replicates itself in certain environments.
Holy shit viruses look scary. Cant we make tiny machines to shoot them with tiny bullets?
Lol accurate
I don't get why this isn't talked about more. This will be absolutely shitty for everyone under 30. In the retirement age, a single cut in the garden can kill from an infectious disease.TB, gonorrhoea, klebsiella, typhoid, syphilis, diphtheria will ALL come back. It will be like return to 1880s in our lifetime and likely nothing can stop it.
to prevent mass hysteria
The next paradigm will have to be nano-machines rather than chemicals. Either specifically tailored to the strain of disease you have or customized individually for 'anything that isn't your cells'. The question is how long and how available that will be.
Isn't that the truth. My mother routinely tells me to go to the doctor and get antibiotics for viral infections. Literally every time she's sick her doctor hands her one of those 7 day doses of antibiotics.
>all the meat youve eaten for years is pumped full of the stuff
>he thinks its people taking medicine that makes us antibio resistant
lol, you anglos.
>This will be absolutely shitty for everyone under 30.
No one really cares about people under 30, the future is dead.
Tfw you don't live in a third world country where animals are fed antibiotics.
>Grew up with weak immune system
>Mom and doc gave me antibiotics all the time
>Told them to fuck off and stopped around 16~
Am I gonna live?
>all the meat youve eaten for years is pumped full of the stuff
so far so good
>he thinks its people taking medicine that makes us antibio resistant
this is where you fucked up
Frederick Twort already gave us the future past antibiotics.
Also, the rate of new antibiotics being developed used to be tens in a decade, but in the 2010s has been only like two.
It's likely part natural but I have a conspiracy theory it's part because they're storing some of the new antibiotics to sell for your sick local Mr Rothschild at the private hospital in the 2030s. Out of the general public, no chance at bacteria evolving immunity
Sad really
Yeah the correct answer is that antibiotics don’t kill viruses, which is 100% right if you’re talking to a doctor. And 80% right in practice.
Though some antibiotics like erythromycin can kill some viruses. Keep in mind, viruses use cells and antibiotics interfere with cellular machinery the virus wants to use. And some antibiotics have anti-inflamatory properties and kill other things that keep your immune system busy. So if you had a viral infection, antibiotics can give you a significant immune system boost, especially if you’re elderly.
Anyway, the problem with antibiotics is due to farms, not doctors. So, bullshit all around.
>tfw product of dysgenics, born into poverty
>shit immune system as a result
>nearly constant antibiotics needed for me
>probably going to kill someone or myself as a result of my hundreds of antibiotic treatments
how do you not know about peak anti biotics?
it's the most probable human extinction cause, right below nukes.
i think there are already resistant strains of malaria in africa
Or alternatively you work with different molds. Antibiotics mostly come from molds who generate the substance to kill off bacterial competition over their food source.
had to take anti biotics after some thumb surgery, but usually i try to let my colds n shit play out naturally.
>shit immune system
Fix it then, go work out, visit the saunas, winter swimming, etc.
Man you are stupid
>Take antibiotic
>1 Possibility
>Antibiotic kills most bacteria, bacteria that are immune to certain antibiotic/survive are free to reproduce uncontested
>Bacteria that are immune are now much more numerous
It's not like they mutate in reaction to the antibiotic you goof, that is like saying "the animal went into the woods and then mutated green skin to camouflage itself."
never used antibiotic
this is like 30 year old news man
t. didn't pass biology class
It's a part of life that isn't alive, it's like an entity composed of genetic material that infects and generates itself within living things.
either build up your immunity or die from sickness, stop being a burden.
Because the main source of the problem is India and china. Never correct your enemy while they're making a mistake.
Mutation is random dummy, things don't mutate circumstantially, they only reproduce circumstantially according to the environment. A green insect didn't turn green BECAUSE they live in trees, but the green ones we able to reproduce way more because the random mutation that caused green skin camouflaged them better than other insects. There is nothing that says, "oh shit I need to be blue, I better mutate in a few generations." That isn't how it works.
no, you're already dead, this is hell.
>mutation is random
stopped reading there, you're fucking retarded
Mutation is random, natural selection is not. Quit being willfully retarded.
>antibiotic doesnt kill virus, virus mutates, VERY RARE
It's literally not rare when you're a fucking retard who doesn't finish their entire fucking prescription.
In fact, it's very, very common if you look at a poor country like India where prescription-strength antibiotics are handed out over the counter without prescriptions like fucking candy for literally everything.
Colloidal silver.
mutations are a result of environmental circumstances, and genetics.
it's past your bed time jr.
My in-laws are doctors. The last time I had a cold they gave me antibiotics. I asked them why they'd give me antibiotics for what's very clearly a virus. They said "Your immune system is constantly fighting everything in your environment. When you have a cold it has to dedicate some of its resources to fighting the cold virus as well. If you take antibiotics they can kill bacteria in your system and free up more of your immune system to go fight the cold." I didn't question them on it because it sounds logical, but they're also in their 60s so I don't know if their education is up to date with modern practices.
>implying the real problem isn't china pumping their cattle full of antibiotics since they have no regulations, with no ripercussions from the rest of the world
MD here. The issue isn't us prescribing antibiotics to sick patients. The issue is in agriculture where metric fucktons of antibiotics are used to ensure your fat asses get meat on your table. That's where the resistances come from. It's not a surprise a massive chunk of serious diseases are zoonotic.
They do that because of liability, you really don't need to take anti-biotics for that.
and trump is defunding the sciences , and public schools so research into better antibiotics will stop.
>killing all your healthy bacteria as well
>mutations are a result of environmental circumstances
This couldn't be more incorrect. Go read about the Lederberg experiment, something that you should have been taught about even in your special ed biology class.
kill them.
ever wonder why antibiotics give you liquid shit? it kills a lot of the good bacteria in your intestines.
>it frees up space.
there's trillions of cells in your body, im pretty sure there's more than enough to go around.
Isn't that sort of already known?
Meanwhile real antibiotic resistance is caused by livestock, that are more valuable than humans.
Antibiotics should only be used as a last resort because it kills all your bacteria, including the good ones.
>trump is defunding the sciences
It's not. Can safely tell you that. If your story is actually true, it's full of blatant errors. Your cold is your body's defense mechanism, not a symptom.
>mutation randomly happens
>dude my mutation just so happens to suit my environment!
stop posting
Vegetarian detected.
Shut up fag