>not being a communist
face it, the trump bullshit of 2016 has proven you guys are just tools for israel. join the winning side and overthrow zionism (and the USA while youre at it!)
>not being a communist
face it, the trump bullshit of 2016 has proven you guys are just tools for israel. join the winning side and overthrow zionism (and the USA while youre at it!)
Communism is extension and tool of Talmudic Judaism.
Stop being poor and worthless
Every last servitor of the Judeo-Bolshevik conspiracy will hang from a tree on the Day of the Rope.
Then why was all of the communist countries anti israel? And all the capitalist countries worship israel?
>not being a natsoc
Only thing judeo are your capitalist jew overlords.
I'm well educated in biology and english. More than can be said for most rightists on this board
never happening hans, sorry to burst your bubble
Never going to be popular. Btw, everyone hates you. Look at charlottesville.
>Comments on day of the rope
>Clearly hasn't read the Turner diaries
>starves over 5 and up countries
>nothin personell goy
fuck off communism doesnt fucking work, you had many chances and fucking killed people. We are heading toward a more technological advandcement era making robots do shit that you cant do in your fucking regular job. Go convert to islam and get gibs me dat if you wanna make society go back 100 years dumb shit fuck wit ass hat.
USSR was among the first to recognize tge nation of Israel as more than an occupying regime in Palestinian territory, you puerile ignoramus.
>Well educated in liberal arts disciplines
>No Honors recognitions; not even a bachelor's degree
Into the trash it goes.
>one of the first things the USSR did was make anti-semitism illegal
Really turns on my nuts.
>communism killed people
>what was the holocaust
Go away Gommie
>literally supplying and training palestinian terrorists
>pro israel
Pick one.
>Wanting to add to a death toll of ~one hundred million by using revolutions to bring about a utopian socialist society and failing again
>Sage goes in alll fields
It has been fucking YEARS since I last saw a patriot with any common sense.
>telling other people they're tools for Israel
Kill yourself comrade
ok then make me convert to communism, im not being rude but explain more to me.
And americans are trying to make it illegal to boycot israeli products. Who is financing and giving weapons to the jews? Capitalist countries.
>what was the holocaust
big fat nothingschitzel
What is "playing both sides" you stupid kike we all know you're a CIA nigger trying to D&C this board faggot
Communists want to abolish money and banking. Its the worst nightmare of a jew.
>I like to eat
I would almost do it just because every communist take over starts with a purge of ((higher education)) and mass starvation/murder of the poorest. Niggers and Liberals (who probably supported communism) gone...
Cool, got a singelicious fact to snack that up? Stalin also adopted a pro-Zionist stance during his time as desr leader and temporarily banned anti-Zionist literature. Thanks for modern Jewish supremacy, gommujism.
>communism is gog
>capitalism is magog
American anarchosyndacalism is the only way
>Americans are trying...
>Anything that violates the 1st Amendment
AGAIN, do you have ANYTHING to support your CLAIM, sir? This isnt Europe in some Europoor commons you're attacking, you are EXPECTED to provide EVIDENCE in this unsafe space.
No thanks would like to eat in the near future. Be happy for me Sup Forums I might have a job soon, step one of my rebuilding process could be done.
This is what breaking out of a self-destructive phase looks like.
>being a communist
trump will shit all over u lazy fuck heads
your all just the last kid chosen for a sports game, your the loser and chose to decide proven losers could help us all,
get a life and maybe visit a commie country n come back realizing how great america is
you fool
>>what was the holocaust
Something that killed a fraction of what communism did.
>tools for Israel
I've been to vietnam on a spirit quest and it was actually very nice. People there seemed much happier than they are here too.
Communism is a mind-virus and we are the cure.
>communism KILLS people
>what is Ukraine, North Korea, and China?
People starve to death on the streets, commie goy. It does not work. Your citizens defect to capitalists for a good reason. They hate their lives and you're terrible at this.
Internationalism is moronic, especially for the working class. The working classes of other races aren't our allies, they're our direct competitors and always will be due to the finite nature of material existence and the tribal nature of human behavior and cognition.
>being against the nation state of Israel
>while believing in the most Jewish political or economic system ever
>being a communist
Fucking end your life you degenerate scum. Sage
Why were all the communist countries anti-Christian but prosecuted anti-Semitism with death sentences?
For any type of socialism to actually work, we would have to move to a cashless system. Trade & barter.
And Vietnam is one of the largest rising capitalist economies now. Alot has changed.
If communists supported the workers and peasants, then why did they starve the kulaks?
>leftist parties getting justed all over the world
>a commie talking about reality bubbles
lol my sides
You forgot the purges before WWII and after
>For any type of socialism to actually work, we would have to move to a cashless system. Trade & barter.
The same Americans who armed a financed the Soviets?
>arts discipline
I'm a microbiologist with a sociology degree. I wanted to understand why socialists were so fucking dumb. I found out.
KYS tho
The free market always wins.
>I paid thousands of McDollars for a meme degree
So congratulations you admitted socialism would never work. Simply because trade and barter does not work in scale hence the invention of currency.
>be glorious utopia for the working class
>say that people who disagree have no place in your utopia and ought to leave
>literally build a gigantic wall and threaten to kill people when they attempt to leave, alternatively imprison them and subject them to kangaroo courts and gulags
Everyone saw your real flag, faggot. You’re in this with us.
So whats the rate for your posting $1000/mo?
Makes you think....
>hiding behind a meme flag after revealing your real flag
I'm all for destroying zionism but this whole commie thing is dumb. Pick a system that works... Why you trying to take my shit? Go get a job and earn your own.
Communists are literally more Jewish than the Jews themselves. At least Jews have the sense to have a double standard for Israel...
so u went on a vacation to vietnam and came back with that
do u see vietnamese people coming here for spirit shit and going home?
no they come here and they stay because u can go down the road and buy just about anything u need
also isnt like half of the worlds population in asia?
since china has been commies for so long why hasent everyone else changed to the better".?
oh wait china adopted capitalism lolll
You know, I kind of admire the values so called ‘communists’ try to uphold, but Its really fucking naive, childlike almost to think that practising communism will actually achieve anything close, especially when looking at history.
Implying you worked for it.
Communists would have literally been wiped out by NatSoc had it not been for the USA, which, by the way, is a democratic republic.
Fuck off edgy shitlord.
Germany shoulda at least declared war on the US after it finished off Russia 2bh
commies r run by jews u fucking retard
did the commies kill jews ?
no nazis did cause they started the whole fucking thing
whats it called bolsheviks?
Mistakes were made.
thank you POS commie I needed that
>servitor of the Judeo-Bolshevik conspiracy
here's one
Communism is the spawn of the Zionists. They actively push communism through their grip of the media and politics etc as well as pushing for degeneracy and anti family values. At the moment the people that call themselves communist are all LBGT genital mutilation hormone therapy supporting weirdos, literally the puppets of the Jews. Go away with your 'Communism to fight Zionism' shit. I still like you as a human being but Jesus Christ...
That trash can is basically Israel.
At least the kikes are smart enough to understand that, in the real world, people operate off of greed and personal gain
>Being a communist
Kill yourself
We have our own third position. We're going to toss the kikes out and throw you in the bin with them. We have no need for dirty commies.
>implying we're capitalists
>everyone hates you
No, the kike media hates us.
>Look at charlottesville
We went out and made ourselves heard. It was a success.
>an escape from jewish tricks
No one falls for such sad shilling. Try again.
being a commie in 2017 is like being an emo kid in 2007, you're an embarrassment to your parents and society
Were the cimmunismt dictators actually right wingers in disguise? It all seems like fascist controlled opppositon.
You're like children that can only reach halfway down the rabbit hole, but tell the adults and insist that you can reach the bottom.
In his 1976 essay The Fate of Empires, General Sir John Glubb analyzed the life cycles of civilizations. He found remarkable similarities between them all. Most have lasted around 250 years, ten generations or so, and each has passed through clearly identifiable stages. Glubb calls these the six ages of empire.
The Last Stage
In the age of decadence many people choose to behave in ways that are unsustainable, apparently unaware of the consequences. They indulge in excessive, often conspicuous, consumption.
An absurdly wealthy elite emerges, but instead of repelling the masses it is admired and celebrated.
Sir John Glubb
>overthrow the USA
Trust me friend, a lot of very dangerous people are praying for the day that you try
>Yeah kill Nazis just like American patriots woohoo!
>Fuck Amerikkka¡¡¡
>Tell me where you live comRAT
>Ill give you a nice helicopter ride.
>>not being a communist
Yeah. I like eating food.
>>not being a communist
have you ever wondered why the (((merchants))) have workers who are either partners or employees
Do you understand the differences?
Why be an employee?
America died when SCOTUS legalized gay marriage. What will communism do to solve the LGBT problem?
I cant wait ta shoot you!
Bors is dying for an edit.
>it's okay to hurt people, if its people i don't like, and its not okay if people hurt me because all cops are pigs
If parents don't beat this kind of shit out of you by the age of 12, you are a failed parent.
>communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff
What kind of gindergarten philosophy is this?
Only the bourgeois are opposed to collective ownership because they hold literally 1000x more capital than the rest of society.
If you are in the 99% you stand to be even wealthier than you are now with collectivized ownership of the means of production but you being a fucking idiot wouldn't understand such concepts.
Enjoy your wages, cuckold. A shiny sheckel for a good goy while they reap the profit of your exploitation.
>yes goy your nation is dead
>join the ideology I definitely didn't make and certainly won't result in the needless deaths of millions!
You're not gonna get anywhere pushing that angle.