Fuck you Yuri you ruin everything

Fuck you Yuri you ruin everything

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This theme does things to my head.

>ruining teekyuu

well OP here is your reply, I know you just wanted to start a teekyuu thread


I can't wait for Teekyu 10.

There wasn't anything to ruin.

Are they lesbians?

All anime girls are lesbian or bi.

There's evidence that female sexuality is a lot more fluid than male, tldr every 3DPD girl is bi

No, you ruin everything.

nasuno isn't yuri.

a new teekyuu was announced, right? It wasn't a dream, right?

2 > 4 > 7 > 1 > 5 >>> 6 > 3

and Nasuno best girl


Can't stick your dick in crazy if you don't have one.

It's not like yuri yanderes ever end badly... except for that one... and that one... and oh man that one.


Yes and bi


What happened to 8 and 9?

7 ate them!

That made me laugh way more than it should have.


No more tennis?

Usakame wasn't that bad.
It's just not Teekyuu.

Huh. I wasn't expecting that to actually be real. Something else to look forward to for next season though, good shit user.

Who is best Teekyu? They're all great, though

I think it's Kanae, but I'm ok with all answers.

But what is the best OP?

I really, really, really like Kanae
