Behold the alt-right

Which of them are CIA shills, which of them are kike subversives, which of them are /ourguys/?

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>Which of them are CIA shills, which of them are kike subversives
>which of them are /ourguys/?
Jared Taylor is the best, the others have varying degrees of baggage

>Which of them are CIA shills
>which of them are kike subversives
>which of them are /ourguys/?
Taylor is easily the best, Enoch is good, Spencer and Anglin are meh.

These ones are the grassroots, not controlled op. Isnt it obvious?

A friendly reminder to block the kike saboteur.

I wouldn't say that Spencer is subversive, but the media is using him as the go-to bad guy to show that "the Nazis are coming back." He's trying to do the right thing, but he's not helping much.

Taylor seems to be very intelligent, which is why leftists pretend he doesn't exist. He's the exact opposite of the "toothless klansman" stereotype they love so much.

>which of them are CIA shills, which of them are Kike subversives?
>which are /ourguys/
I personally like Anglin because he's entertaining, but Enoch and Taylor are great speakers (in their own, very different ways). Spencer's important since he's a figurehead as well.

Taylor has ultimately spent 20 years being pretty much ineffective. Anglin grew the Stormer to the biggest website in the movement in only 3-4 years.

What the fuck happened to Macklemore?

Jared Taylor is our guy.

Nobody knows who that is

The only other big name I can think of is Weev, and he's not really a public personality

Yes however Taylor's persona is far more palatable than Anglin's. Anglin's been shaping up himself though with the American Nationalism and Fashwave '76

Such a comparison doesn't take into account the different climates they worked in though. A charismatic, competent white nationalist could gather an audience of hundreds of thousands within months in 2017 because the internet is different and the political climate is different. That would not have been possible a decade ago.

>not following Fingers McGee and throwing genetically altered plant seeds into nigger's yards to make them move out

Anglin is the most interesting one. That American nationalism angle he's taking is such a good move

>CIA shills
CIA isn't the only intelligence agency.

I believe the media view Spencer as awkward and easy to make fun of. They don't see him as a threat, which is why they give him so much attention.
If you listened to the most recent event in Florida you would see how much better Enoch is at actually rousing the audience. His speech was really fucking high energy. Spencer meanwhile spent about 10x too much time chastising the audience instead of actually saying anything substantive (also Eli Mosley is a fucking idiot), and acts like a professional politician, deflecting questions and giving vague answers.
Contrast this with Anglin: he is literally in hiding because if anyone ever found out where he lived they would almost certainly assassinate him.

Well, Taylor wants to ally with the Jews, which may be useful in the short term but simply cannot work in the long run.

Everyone who isn't Varg is a CIA shill. That includes you OP. And me.

For real. We at the FBI barely get any credit from you faggots

>A charismatic, competent white nationalist
Doesn't exist, will never exist.

Yo guys sup? I see you little faggots are talking shit about me again. Go ahead and debate me, I will destroy you.

*hits vape*

I've heard varying reports on Jared's real beliefs about Jews. Somebody on Richard Spencer's podcast said he genuinely think Jews are white, but Jim from The Fatherland (who names the Jew often) knows and likes him.
Taylor most likely believes the JQ is in culture, not genetics (and there have been many good Jews, like the SS captains, Bobby Fischer, and some modern people like Frame Game Radio)
In the end though, saying 'Jews look hwite to me' means nothing, as it's a subjective view on something (outer appearance) he knows is unimportant to race.

>like the SS captains

All of them were only a quarter jew like my wife. However Hitler did employ a half Jew as a chauffeur

Only good one in that pic is Jared Taylor

I endorse the fine sentiments represented in this post.

>American nationalism angle
True American = White American Only
Very smart because it rides the momentum of the left's own 'identity politics' which constantly reminds everybody that America was founded by racist white men who viewed niggers as subhuman.

Taylor is not too hot on jews. Listen to this clip from his latest speech:

Ryan Faulk also said Taylor knows as much as Enoch about jews, he just thinks it's more important to wake people up to the subversion before telling them who did it.

>CIA shills
None. Even if there were shills, how would that change the ideology and movement?

>kike subversives
Cernovich, Milo, Shapiro, basically anyone forming the alt-light.

They are for white sovereignty and the protection of white interests, including demographic stability. This includes people like TRS, Spencer, and paleoconservatives like Jared Taylor.

>behold a slidethread made by a shill

Good meme !!!!11111

I like Anglin he's a Pied Piper for the fash. His appeal is to the younger generation, his humour is good.

They are all /ourguys/ but they are all human beings with flaws and hobbyhorses.

Take the good, leave the bad, and just be thankful none of them have gotten David Duke baby face surgery.

Is Enoch our future Führer and Spencer our Goebbels?

And This

all shills

Richard Spencer is a duganist commie subversive. That's old news. Anglin is angry for good reason but a fucking moron. Taylor is who he is, awesome. Enoch is just riding the right-wing wave.

ITT; Stay home, keep shitposting and wait for hitler goy

Anglin is CIA

Taylor is on jewish payroll, he is the slow drip.

Spencer is a GOP political operative operative trying to rebrand neoconservatism by making Nationalism/populism look bad at his rallies and just HAVING them.

Literally all of them are on our side

Pretty much. All your leaders are controlled op. It’s hopeless. Might was kys

For the new people that don’t know any better, and I’m sure there are many. They are called demoralization shills.

Might as well*

While you rest on the accomplishments of other white men.

all of them are our guys. also if you want to get politically active look at this thread and share your ideas

shoo shoo slimy jew

jared taylor is legit. mike enoch was turned when he got doxxed, richard spencer is not an informant or plant but he is in with the "alt-deep state" that has its own agenda. anglin was born an informant.

All of them are good and fill their own respective fields well.

Spencer is an ideal public face because he's a pretty face in nice suit, non-threatening in appearance, and a sort of person an intellectual would like to hear out. He won't do great with the common rabble, but overall will give a sense of class in his speeches and these petty attacks by minorities and idiots against him won't be perceived well by the target groups (the right and intelligentsia) simply because it is low class rabble attacking well-mannered person with aura you're condition to vote for.

Mike "Did you say pizza" Enoch complements him well with the bantz. Still much smarter and better read than you'd expect from a common troll.

Taylor, it turns out is more influential on the people that are new to the movement rather than being a first step (surprising, since you'd expect people to first see him, then get to the other guys, when it's the other way around). Still greatly important for deconstruction of equality-mindset and deprogramming liberal narratives, arming newcomers with basic defenses and lines of attack.

Anglin, I can't say I know much about but from what I heard of him he seems like a troll with a heart in the right place.

We're not alt right, you fool.

Fuck this slide thread, it's the second one you simultaneously made.

To stand your ground on the achievements of those who came before you is no act of shame, when everyone tries to erase your history (history revisionism) and tries to guilt your people into submission when all are devoid of culture, thus have no backbone that gave them any confidence, they lay their heads amidst the altar of tollerance for the based black man to swing his axe and seperate the white supremacy from your shoulders.

You are a mistake if you have no recollection of history to know that the white man has created civilization, colonized those who didn't and made live worth living. those good conditions made us weak and too compassionate. we are the tiger without teeth.

If you really think so, you deserve to go to leftypol, mate.

Bump. Why don't you faggots debate me? That's right. You'll LOSE

*hits vape*

All on our side, ignore the leftist shills, which comprise about 75% of posters recently.

I'm skeptical about Taylor. He's not 1488 enough.
Andy Anglin is the brains of the operation, of course.
Richard is the spokesperson.
Enoch is the fluffer.

This is what they want to do to us

They all do good work and serve a purpose. All are /ourguys/

Anglin is a moron and the Daily Stormer is literal trash.

i like jared taylor.

Richard is my favorite. Taylor is old and lacks the ability to really fire anyone up. Taylors dialectic is probably the most mainstream compatible, and so he is THE go to guy for interviews with the media. Taylor just isn't able to energize the base though unfortunately.

Richard is no Rockwell or Trump, but he is still the best energizer we have. Enoch is also high energy, but lacks the rhetorical skills to bash the media in the same way Spencer can.

It's all shit mein goy




You best be memeing

You're so reasonable and right paraklete - what are you doing on Sup Forums?

Mike and Jared are ok

I say otherwise - Taylor spergs on(!) about black inferiority, Richard doesn't. Richard is photogenic and, being younger, the future, and is an aristocrat of sorts. (I wish he'd be better on his feet though. Where's Bowden? If Bowden committed suicide I'll dig him up and kill him all over again.)

(!) I do not disapprove

Everyone is fine until they do something fucked which none of them have.

That pic is great.

I like Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, and Jared Taylor, all of them are useful. I'm not sure How I feel about Andrew Anglin though, I guess he is somewhat humorous occasionally, and I have spoken to D'Marcus Leibowitz who knows both Mike and Anglin personally and he says they're good guys.

I like Anglin the best. He gets the most traffic and he must be scaring some kikes to be the only person to get b& from the internet. I have my doubts about Spencer. He's got a (((checkmark))) on twitter and hasn't been banned yet, plus some weird shit at the Charlottesville rally.

Taylor is completely ineffective and should just retire. He gets like 3000 views a video and has no problem with jews.

All are identity politics peddling faggots. Therefore they are enemy.

None of them. Filthy kike.


I wish that this meme would end.
No one is on our team. We don't have a team.
We're just individuals in this ocean of piss. If we happen to cohese for one event or thing, it's by pure chance.
Stop LARPing faggots