I am not often browsing this board, so I just want to ask. Do you deny the holocaust people of Sup Forums? Be honest with me. I need to know.
I am not often browsing this board, so I just want to ask. Do you deny the holocaust people of Sup Forums...
You cant deny something that never happened.
I'm Sephardi and I don't really think it happened
No, but it's been exaggerated.
How can you deny something that didn't happen?
It was def exaggerated muh 6 gorillion and all that, the jews get all the glory for suffering, while the pows, the gypsies and people who didn't like nazis very much and didn't hide it well are ignored.
also the fact that it was a war and the jews have been kicked out of every single country ever because they can't just let people be, they have to subvert the cultures and get rich through nepotism and trickery.
yea, im sorry 75% of your people are full on liberal retards, i.e. ashkanazi
>Do you deny the holocaust people of Sup Forums?
As other anons said, you can't deny that which didn't happen.
We're Holocaust revisionists, not Holocaust deniers.
There is literally zero evidence for the Holocaust happening.
People died. Just not 6 million.
Ashkenazi are literally fucking shit.. theyre khazarian converts and theyre supremacists.. They want to dominate the world, but they also want to dominate us (sephardi and mizrahi) when we are the ACTUAL descendants of the ancient Israelites...
No. Holohoaxers are tin foil tier.
What has been blamed on the Germans in death camps and atrocities was committed by Bolshevik fake Jews against European Christians, Christian Jews and later, when prisoners in camps died, it was due to typhus outbreaks after the allies bombed the shit out of their supply train rails and the Germans could no longer provide proper medical or food provisions for the prisoners or themselves. Gassings? No proper seal on the room. Wooden doors for fuck sakes.
>do you deny
Shut the fuck up you retarded believer. There was no holocaust, just a bunch of concentration camps in really bad shape.
I have no patience for Nazi-apologists. It doesn’t matter if it was two million or two hundred or even 20, any form of denial of one of the worst blights on humanity by one of history’s greatest monsters is completely abhorrent and should never be given an inch. It was a completely abominable thing and should never by trivialized, and anyone trying to undermine or underplay it needs to grow the hell up and get fucking woke.
Saying "Hitler did nothing wrong" is the equivalent to shouting "I have a bomb" on a loaded airplane. It’s not funny. It’s not even remotely funny! Unless you’re 9, in which case it’s to have a sit-down with good old grandpa about the do’s and don’t’s of comedy. Otherwise, they aren’t being funny. They’re just being c*nts.
I tried approaching and debating nazis in a civil and friendly manner back when I was a dumbass and naive teenager, and you know what happened? They beat me within an inch of my life and left me for dead in the gutter.
I’m not being the least bit ironic when I say that I absolutely would do the same to a Nazi ten-fold. Have done. The last person brandishing a swastika who called me a nigger-loving cuck spent the next three years of his life eating and breathing through tubes and shitting in a bucket. I spent a week in jail because of that, but you know what? It was worth it, and I’d do it again. I fought and bled to defend and protect this country and its’ people from scumbags like him, as have my brother, my sisters, my mother, my grandparents, and their grandparents. I have six pieces of metal in my leg and my right hand is missing two fingers, but that doesn’t make me hit any softer. You can argue the legality of punching people rallying behind the flag one of one history’s greatest monsters, but you know what? The law may say it’s not okay, but morality, ethics, and basic human decency say it’s peachy keen.
Can you explaining how it happens plox?
This is a great copypasta, but your flag makes it hard to believe you would be able to punch Nazis when you have a ten inch black cock buried in your ass.
>be jew
>almost loose your grip on the world
i mean, if i was them, 'id exaggerate the holocaust to.
Its a classic playground-tier strategy
>bully calling you mean names
What he means is that the numbers are greatly exaggerated and there was a more sinister plot for israel
Now tell us how you really feel.
The Holocaust didn't happen, but it needs to.
Goy... how can you even question the gorillians...
Yes you can. I deny the fuck out of the holocaust and it never happened.
Hitler did nothing wrong
Wow, if only you felt this strongly about the tragedies currently happening to your own people than fucking kikes.
Hitler did nothing wrong faggot.
I'm a fucking Pole living in Spain and I've been to Auschwitz when I still lived there. I was taught about it all my life.
It never fucking happened.
For a deathcamp Aucshwiz has a pool, a tennis court and a recreational center that features a stage to perform acts on while they [were waiting to be slaughtered by roller coasters of death, tipped into ovens, shot by vaporization beams, thrown into cages with hungry animals, had terrible medical procedures performed on them, doused with poison gas and made into lampshades.]*sarcasm
I don't deny the holocaust, I fully support it.
benis :D
if hitler genocided all the jews how can there still be jews existing?
checkmate atheists
I don't
Some do ironically
Some do unironically
We all enjoy the memes of it
in ww2 the US govt placed all german/italian/japanese people into camps. In the US alone over 20,000 known germans died from starvation. their camps/burial mounts are located near fort mcclellan.
but the US still denies our concentration camps
My problem is not whether or not it happened. As there is a mountain of evidence for the target of Jews. The problem arises as to the number of victims and the severity of treatment. There is plenty of issues in the official narrative to bring some doubts. Then there is the issue of the lack of ability to challenge said narrative. In several countries Holocaust doubt is illegal like Canada and Germany. In other countries, while legal, it is so social frowned upon that it is impossible to even talk about it objectively. Just remember: the truth does not fear investigation.
It happened, but not in the way the victors say it did.
>Do you deny the holocaust people of Sup Forums? Be honest with me. I need to know.
Why do you care?
It doesn't matter in the slightest whether it happened or not. That's the inevitable hegelian synthesis that you will reach after spending years bouncing around in Holocaust threads.
Who the fuck cares if once upon a time some Jews died because some bad goys got salty. It wouldn't be the first it happened and God knows it won't be the last, so why let it control your thoughts, if it doesn't matter in the slightest?
I'm not a Jew, so Jewish problems are not my problem, and I don't owe Jews a single god damned thing.
How much coal would it take to burn 6 million jew?
well jew can you answer?
I don't deny the holocaust at all
Alright Hitler may have killed 50000 jews are you happy op?
The number of Jews who died in Germany fluctuates depending on what the Jew telling it needs at that very moment
Realistic numbers remain at about 100k maximum and not due to summary execution or gas chambers
Six million more, AMIRITE!
And the award for single crappiest piece of fake propaganda goes to......
It's like you people don't even try anymore. You just know everyone can sense you're full of shit. Sad. I miss the old Sup Forums holocaust deniers. At least they had some energy.
I can live with HItler killing 45k jews. Its a real pity he didn't really get to kill off 6million jews. The world would be wonderful place.
he should have led the 10th crusade and murder all the jews
>I tried approaching and debating nazis in a civil and friendly manner back when I was a dumbass and naive teenager, and you know what happened? They beat me within an inch of my life and left me for dead in the gutter.
>I’m not being the least bit ironic when I say that I absolutely would do the same to a Nazi ten-fold. Have done. The last person brandishing a swastika who called me a nigger-loving cuck spent the next three years of his life eating and breathing through tubes and shitting in a bucket. I spent a week in jail because of that, but you know what? It was worth it, and I’d do it again. I fought and bled to defend and protect this country and its’ people from scumbags like him, as have my brother, my sisters, my mother, my grandparents, and their grandparents. I have six pieces of metal in my leg and my right hand is missing two fingers, but that doesn’t make me hit any softer. You can argue the legality of punching people rallying behind the flag one of one history’s greatest monsters, but you know what? The law may say it’s not okay, but morality, ethics, and basic human decency say it’s peachy keen.
Even as a fan of fantasy, this is poor.
>people replying to this VPN copypasta
I've got some bad news for you Svenhammad.
>2nd degree assault and battery potentially attempted murder
>week in jail
Thanks reddit. You shouldn’t try to write a book your story telling skills are shit
Yes, partially.... somethings are true, but most of it is rabbi fapp material
The holocaust happened. Many Germans were slaughtered by the Jewish allied forces.
And I'm sure that Hans cried like a bitch as his last sight was his qt wife getting raped by a Ruskie. Surely would be awesome to see.
No but I think its been made a lot worse than actually was in order to further Jewish agendas
Do you deny 30 million Russian died in a smaller timeframe and no one cares?
Not really, but I don't find it very significant. It happened over 70 years ago
Ask for a Holohoax redpill thread. You'll receive more then enough information.
Does it really matter? Even if it didn't happen, it should have.
And ANOTHER one in his mouth.
As an Englishman why would I care either way?
*ahem* I don't deny the Holocaust, but it would be very silly to take the unbelievably high death toll, the variance of the death toll, the inefficiency of gassing and burning people to death, the admitted lies of human skin lampshades and sopabars, the very questionable accounts of deadly masturbation machines and roller coasters, the lack of any audio or visual evidence of said massacre and the fact that you are not allowed to question any of this without a second thought.
Again, not denying the Holocaust, but I don't think it's a stretch at all to say that it is one of the most overly-sensationalized events in all of human history, and that modern Jews use it for sympathy and control over the masses.
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Jews and other subversive elements were put into camps so that they couldn't hamper the war effort. These camps were similar to America's Japanese internment camps. The difference is that German lost the war. As the war came to a close, Germany was devastated by allied air raids. German resources were all used up and German infrastructure was destroyed. As the even the average German citizen struggled to find food, so did the camps. Germany could no longer take care of and feed their internment/work camps. The situation deteriorated and the prisoners starved and disease spread throughout the camps. Cholera was the major killer, not bullets or gas. When Americans discovered some of these camps, they didn't know what to make of it. After an investigation, however, they concluded that all the camps they liberated were not death camps. The Soviets on the other hand claimed that the work camps they found were death camps. They also claimed that an exorbitant amount of people were murdered in those camps. The Soviet purported death tolls have slowly dropped over time. Camps that formerly had a death toll of 1-2 million now have their "holocaust" meusems purporting numbers as low as 100,000.
There were no "death" camps. There were no homocidal gas chambers. There were no body hungry ovens. The death toll was not 6 million. There were, however, work camps that were abandoned.
What if I yell "Hitler did nothing wrong" on a loaded airplane?
i started searching for alternate history in high school when we got to ww2 in class and became a denier at the age of 16 when only b existed
askenazi are the white tribe of japheth. the fake jew kzar kike shemites push the ashkenazi narrative to graft themselves onto the white race, which they have been doing through years of intermarriage
hitler was a zionist jesuit puppet, many ss officers converted to islam, they worshiped a corrupted history. the fake jew kike shemites are not the true jews but the synagog of satan.
It was wildly exaggerated as a tool to manipulate post war opinion and to suppress the goyim.
But how? Nałkowska, Borowski, August Kowalczyk telling his story of escape from Auschwitz in my school, Jan Karski. Are you trying to say there were all lying? Marks, where Warsaw ghetto walls were. Are you trying to say there was no Warsaw ghetto, that it wasn't liquidated? What did they do with all those Jews? Took them to Mallorca?
Depends on the stormfag you ask.
Some pretend the Jews never existed
Some pretend they ran to Israel
Some pretend they were ghetto'd but didn't die
Some pretend they were ghetto'd and camped but died to "muh allied bombing"
Basically they're all over the place. Whatever suits them that argument. I wouldn't engage.
Yes definitely. From everything I've read, many Jews are absolutely lying about accounts of the holocaust simply due to the fact that many of their claims we now know are empirically impossible.
That being said, I believe that the NSDAP did imprison Jews, and some of them died due to disease outbreaks, but that's about it.
If you actually read Jewish accounts about what they or their parents were subjected to, the reality becomes quite clear.
You can't deny that which did not occur.
My grandpa was ashkenazi. You’re just butthurt because you don’t have a 115 IQ.
>it's unbelievable, but it happened!
yep, that'd be it
Big time exaggerated
Does anyone have the one about the electrified floors instantly zapping Jews into a pile of ashes?
my iq is over 200
Hitler did nothing wrong
There are grossly exaggerated numbers and demographics surrounding those that were internationally killed. Furthermore the firebombing of civilians in Dresden or the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki aren't viewed as being remotely as "evil" as the internment of Jews by Germany. The Soviets and Mao were arguably doing worse at the time or even after WWII. Unit 743 is a historical footnote and so is the Holodomor. I think the problem is people fail to understand how crazy that whole time was and how the execution of Jews by Germans was really just another atrocity among many. Also many of the people in German camps died because they had their supply lines cut by the allies. No one was innocent back then. Every major player in WWII did something truly terrible, but this is what a World War looks like.
It totally happened. The people who deny it are the worst among us, who don't actually believe in conservative values and need to have the authoritarian regimes they enshrine be less obvious supervillians.
When I was told it was taboo to question the holohoax, I began to question it even more. Once I started lurking Sup Forums, it fortified my stance even more.
If you want the truth and not some meme, copypasta, or edge-post: jews, gypsies, gays, catholics, and likely other groups were all severely mistreated in Hitler's Germany. It is unlikely that there were ever any concrete plans to genocide anyone. However, the tension was quite high and the propaganda was very strong, so it isn't unreasonable to suggest that specific camps, specific military leaders, or even Hitler himself proposed to slaughter them on impulse. The 6 gorillion figure is nonsense, but a significant number of innocent individuals may very well have been killed. The number isn't actually that important though-- there's really no excuse for the kind of inhumanity that took place in Germany during that time. At the end of the day, is there really a difference between them being gassed or starved? Looking back, the idea to camp/imprison undesirables seems pretty ridiculous. They should have just shipped them somewhere. And Hitler's expansionism virtually forced a war with other white nations. Hitler could have done much better.
Anyway, the reason that Sup Forums and other right-wingers care so much about the holocaust and nazi germany is because after WWII ended it was used as a tool for the jews and cultural marxists to silence those who opposed them.
After a while I think it's fair to say we just started to embrace and glorify nazism, whether we actually agreed with it or not. It was the last time a white nation collectively took a stand against the forces ruining modern society.. and sometimes it feels like the last. We dream of knowing what it felt like to rise up with our white neighbors to build a better society.
That or, you know, saying hitler did nothing wrong is as edgy as it gets so people find it funny. Maybe even a bit of both.
I do not deny it, in fact I am rather proud of it. Warriors of Christ purging the unrepentant heathen is what Christian Europe is all about. Jews, Muslims, pagans and atheist must be swept from the land.
The holocaust didnt happen and it should happen again.
it happened, everyone else is just shilling eachother cause it is cool to say that on 4chin for the mimis and keks :DDDD:DD:D
Remember to say Hitler did nothing wrong XDDDDD
the evidence supports it being false so yes
It probably happened. But I care about it as much as the Rwandan Genocide - very little.
There are a lot of Jews here in Budapest that are in high societies and are open about their globalist, multi-cultural agenda. I attend university here in Budapest at ELTE Uni, and I had some classes where as a goy had to go to an open table discussion about what is the future of hungary and Europe... And non surprisingly they told that we have to import people from the East...
>mfw Sup Forums was not contheoing about this shit
>tfw my uni says that Jews are pretty chill people and only want good and they are smart
>tfw they are actually think what they do is good, but they are fucking retards for thinking this
More diversity =/= More understanding and functioning societies...
>meme flag
>meme answer
>shills are pretty desperate today
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