What if Amane was excluded from the crystal?
Ange Vierge
My wife, Saya, is so cute
The story would still mostly be the same. UC team's goal will be entirely saving senpais instead of just Amane and senpais.
So do men not exist or something? Why is half of this show baths?
I fucking hate everyone from these threads. You hyped this title to no end and when I decided to check it out it turned out to be a fucking load of shit. It's exposition galore: the anime. Girls' designs are nice but they are all wasted, because their characters are non-existent and cliche'd to all shit.
Men don't have superpowers so they are useless. Progress need time relax and bond with each other after fighting. Baths are an excellent way to do that. Plus it keeps them clean.
Why is anything you listed a problem?
I like even casts and the baths are shit.
That's like the first episode man.
I bet you stink.
>he doesn't respect personal hygiene
When will they fug?
Nya can't be bothered to.
No it's not just the first episode. I dropped it after the episode about vamp girl because it was fucking unbearable. Disregarding stupid bath scenes that waste like 30-40% of each episode, they always overexplain everything, characters are obnoxious and gags are repetetive. And I wasn't even going into it with some hateful intent I was genuinely interested. I mean, ffs, I watched Vividred and enjoyed despite it weakneses, but this one is just infuriating because there is so much potential and it all fucking wasted in the worst manner possible.
B-But girls acting gay and nudity.
>so much potential
What potential?
I'm surprised you could sit through Vividred and not this.
Potential to be a fun dumb series with girls and action. Instead it's boring exposition shit every episode spliced with bath scenes and some badly done action.
She's not your wife, she's my friend.
They don't act all that gay and the nudity is just boring in this. Valkyrie Mermaid at least was bold and entertaining with their nudity and fanservice scenes.
>implying Vividred wasn't a massterpiece
>Valkyrie Mermaid at least was bold and entertaining with their nudity and fanservice scenes.
It got old and became garbage gutter tier in 5 episodes.
>Valkyrie Mermaid
>Potential to be a fun dumb series with girls and action
So basically exactly what the show is now?
>They don't act all that gay
Oh boy we're definitely not watching the same show.
I thought Amane was the only female driver
I don't think that was ever stated.
well this thread turned to shit real quick
Well what are you gonna do, some people can't appreciate the greatness of this show.
I still don't understand why, but I had grown to genuinely enjoy this show ever since the Alma episodes.
Probably because of this scene.
My wife Elel is cute!
Ramiel she's not your wife she's just your friend.
Maybe because you begin to feel the team building
Shame Amane isn't there
The game and manga have male alpha drivers.
>3 vaginas
please post very fast blue robot going at incredible hihg speed
I want to teach Elel all about computers while Alma watches
Or the kiss.
I don't think they are in the same continuity as the anime though. If Amane was the only female alpha driver someone would have commented on it.
Who is the harem protag? Amane or Saya?
was it rape?
Of course not, it was consensual sisterly lovemaking.
You don't have to put it so vulgarly.
it's "incestuous"
The alpha driver is the last boss, screencap this.
Dr. Michael should be arrested for running a slavering. She also doesn't pay taxes.
Maybe more.
How does she get away with it? How corrupt can Seiran Academy be to turn a blind eye on her?
Seiran Academy protects people who abuse androids. They even made a known android-beater into a leader under whom an android has to serve.
Makes some sense if she gets mad for Saya stealing her harem.
You snooze you lose (all of your girlfriends).
Well I held hands with your wife faggot.
She's more than my friend.
I want to cum on Elel's perfect wings!
How can meatbags hope to compete?
Maybe she likes being in a tube
The bigger issue is how on earth did a C class get a job on mission control
Her girlfriend got her in.
>Maybe she likes being in a tube
Maybe you should get in the tube if you think they're so great.
Not the same user but we aren't robots, they may like it.
I want to fill myself with Saya.
What a delicious looking piece of meat. I'd like to ravage that with my teeth and then eat her whole.
There's something about Saya. Send help, I may be falling for her.
>literally hate the living shit out of Saya the first two episodes
>she's now above and beyond my favorite girl
Wat, Amane is actually a mother?!
A very bad one.
I'm disappointed this show became so formulaic.
I would've preferred every episode in the bath tbqh.
Funny how it works, at the beginning I thought Elel would be the most unremarkable, if not downright unlikable, but now she's easily my favorite.
But that's just another formula.
Actually, that's the same formula.
If you love her, you should be angry at her.
It definitely was a highlight to see people freaking out when the sandniggers happened. Or the nipples sucking on nipples. And the tentacle rape.
Watching the censored versions with the lasercensortits was also fun.
We will see next episode.
She looks fat and has thin ass...
This show is underrated.
Amane is great. Elel is the best.
Saya was kind of a bitch in the first two episodes.
She was full bitch, literally no one here or on their universe might have liked her at that point
I agree with all of these statements and would like to add that both Saya and Almaria have turned out unexpectedly cute.
I always liked Saya.
Lying on the internet won't get you anywhere Alma
Alma pls.
Only Amane always liked Saya.
Nah, I liked Saya in the first two episodes because she was interesting as a main character and I had high hopes for her growth as a character.