>(whispers) he gets really irritated by interracial relationships
>user, I'm dating a black guy ;)
How does Sup Forums respond?
>(whispers) he gets really irritated by interracial relationships
>user, I'm dating a black guy ;)
How does Sup Forums respond?
Have fun with your 4 children by different fathers, inability to "settle down" with a decent white guy with a job and eventual realisation that you've thrown away the only worth you ever had, because remember this most of all;
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
>[Argie walks in]
>Sup' user? Are you bothering my girl?
Nothing. I'm not the one that's going to be a single mother.
lmao, pol has the best sense of humor though
the word you're looking for is dissapointed.
>enjoy the dating life when you become a single mother sweetie
>thats awesome! Your father must be so proud!
by flirting with her friend.
I love how you guys are self-aware.
So much better than brazil monkeys and turk roaches.
June 25, 1980: Franklin used a .44 Ruger pistol to kill two hitchhikers, Nancy Santomero (19) and Vicki Durian (26), in Pocahontas County, West Virginia. He confessed to the crime in 1997 to an Ohio assistant prosecutor in the course of investigation in another case; he said he picked up the white women and decided to kill them after one said she had a black boyfriend.
Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I added you because you're a white female with a black guy, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical white guy. If anything, I'll be the one prepping the bull =D.
"Good for you. But I should warn you: Once you go black, we don't want you back."
*Proceeds to flirt with friend*
>How does Sup Forums respond?
Oh no user, it was just a meme when I said I'd be disowned and laughed out of my holler if I brought home a race traitor
I love how you guys are self-aware.
What's that sweetheart?
Alright that's an odd opening, here is one for you.
Why are you trying to get my attention woman? I'll cultivate and spread my white hate in ever gaping hole you have for the evening, want to dance that dance? Or does the black fellow treat you so kind.
> (wispers) he really gets irritated when you hurt yourself
> user, I cut myself
What do you think bitch? I'm getting irritated because you're being a dumbass. You stand a pretty good chance of either getting battered, raped, or having acid thrown at your face. And then I'll say "I told you so".
too much effort.
just make a mildly confused/disgusted face like if she said she was dating a dwarf, be like 'good luck with that, i'm sure you won't end up a single mum like the others', and proceed to flirt with friend.
Argentina is actually the whitest SA country. It's Brazil that is >Le 21% face
Date whoever you want, if I'm wrong you׳ll know
Cite divorce rates, domestice abuse rates for interracial families. Explain how bad black fathers are, i.e not caring and providing for their children. Ask her if she enjoy that her children will not look her and will have a significantly lower iq.
Tell that 80% of white males won't date here after breakup with a black boyfriend.
I'll leave. Why should I waste my time with hiv positive single mothers?
*slaps her*
"One day my patience will run dry and the Jews will have they're dirty, lying mouths stuffed!"
>N-nigger sub-humans taking MY women
this x1000000
Nice, I also took a shit today.
My friends warned me that fucking an older woman would produce autistic children. Guess that's what I get for fucking your mother 20 years ago right before her menopause.
>t. Basketball-American
Oh... I'm so sorry. I- I didn't know. Don't worry, just give it time. This too will pass.
oh boy you sure showed me!
>that won't last long
with pic related
Do nothing, in the end she'll be dead in a ditch or a single mother with a shit life. Burn the coal pay to toll.
Have fun finacially supporting him while hes with you
Have fun raising a kid on your own
Have fun getting beat and hospitalized and stuck with the bill
Have fun never being able to date attractive white men again because you are repulsive used goods
Have fun eventurally being murdered and consider the toll paid.
What did your father do to you to make you hate him?
what are you, gay?
I'm pretty sure Uruguay is the whitest SA country. Arabs and Lebos are counted as white in Argentina lel
Have fun when he beats the shit out of you.