>daughter comes home with a hand print on her face
nigger would be dead in a ditch already.

Dont talk shit he would be fucking your wife while you filmed it

fake news. why a black teen at a school with a 5-year old?

He was in her class

kek. couldn't handle shapes and scissors

Betsy DeVos, defund the school system. Remove federal dollars from local schools. Lower taxes. Defund the government to stop this sort of thing.

cuz dat 1st grade spelling is hard as fuck famalam

You aint gonna do nothing whitey


If the institution offers no justice then people will take it into their own hands.

Made this video with the intention of being easily digestible for people who may not be completely redpilled. tried to make it as short as engaging as possible

nigga no one watching your video

So i finally managed to get on this date right? a pretty good looking single white girl, which is rare these days, right? I mean i live in the city, there's black guys EEEEVERYWHERE! Young ones, buff ones, thug ones, with all this primo BBC at her
disposal, would she pick a white shlub like me? Weird huh? So anyways i mentioned this to her when we were just having a drink at the bar and this is when she dropped the bomb. She says, "I don't really like black guys." ...I was stunned! I told her, "It's OK, you don't have to lie to me, it's the 21st century, yadda yadda yadda!" But she just shook her head and tried to change the subject! So i got a little angry, i got a little pissed off. By my count when we walked in i had already made a head count of 6 niggers at the bar, right? so i splash my fucking drink right in her face and i get up and say, "Babe, you don't know what you're missin" ON MY KNEES, RIGHT THEN AND THERE, I SIGNAL A 6 OF THEM BIG NIGGER BUCKS OVER AND START DOING WHAT IT IS THAT WE DO, RIGHT? I GOT A HALF DOZEN OF PRIME, GRADE A BBC A RUBBIN AND A SLAPPIN ME IN THE FACE! I'M MAKING FUCKIN EYE CONTACT WITH THIS BITCH AS I DO IT, RIGHT? AND I START SUCKIN, I START FUCKIN, AND SHES JUST SITTING THERE WATCHING ME! Needless to say, she joined in and i ended up getting my fuckin stomach pumped at saint liberty hospital emergency room at 4 AM, just another great night in NYC!

no one pays attention to shills, go cry elsewhere little negro






Have you noticed that the bigger their lips are the more aggressive they get?



>tranny pill terminology
>headlines without further description
>ending with Shapiro

I think the Jews are shaking in their boots now.