Wh*te men at my university are either virgins or dating pan faced gooks. I rarely see White couples nowadays. I see more poo's and niggers with white women then white men. I'm starting to believe MGTOW is the ultimate redpill.
How Do We Fix Wh*te Women
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The blackpill is real. The Jew stranglehold on normie psyches has degenerated everything into a depressing, unfulfilling pile of shit that soon will be mixed together into a brown majority pile of shit from which whites will never recover. After it happens to America, you're next.
fuck you canada!!
Do the same thing (but instead of shaving we should use the acid or fire on theirs hair).
At least everyone would know which women are rotten inside. This may help white men in multiplying.
we're more masculine and attractive white boi. nothing you can do about it
i mean atleast its not niggers
I wonder about that...
>white men choosing asian females over white females
>MGTOW is the solution
the leaf strikes again
Spoken like a true beta faggot. Competition with niggers and such for white women has just made it harder for dweebs like yourself to get white women. This will ultimately be good for the white race, as we will eliminate pathetic individuals such as yourself from the gene pool. Either improve yourself and pick your game up, or continue with the retarded justification for your inadequacy that you have dubbed "MGTOW". I'm fine with either one.
No fuck you, anonymous twat
this isnt true, I have a girlfriend, so i win, and i perform professional erotic rituals of worship with anime girls, nothing wrong with that, youre jus a scared Jew at the return of genuine Nazism.
Good, our plans are going perfectly. Nothing needs to be changed.
Not this thread again
>Question about women in western society
>screenshot of tinder profile
KYS shill
If you have problems getting women, work on yourself. Get your finances in order, go to the gym, learn game. Find out what women are attracted to, not what YOU think they should be attracted to. Life comes at you fast goyim. Get good
white females are fucking niggers and moslims, macaco.
I was being facetious dumbass
It's the fault of white men for dating chinks and it's the fault of white women for being easy. Start going to Daily Stormer book clubs to make real life connections. Never settle for roasty landwhale feminists. Instead, find yourself a traditional woman. Don't have sex before marriage and don't choose a woman for her looks alone. Choose a woman that will be good wife material, and that you'd want to raise your children. Be the man that she would want to have as a husband that would provide for her and help to raise your children. And stop wallowing in mountain dew and self pity because the perfect woman didn't land in your lap in a week. You aren't looking for a pair of socks, you're looking for someone to spend the rest of your life with. Don't act all surprised that it can take years or even decades to find someone like that.
>2015 + 3
>he still hasn't given up on real girls
Literally why?
and that's why you are a fucking moor
The solution to the problem of modern women.
It's elementary, my dear gentlemen: artificial wombs
Fathers will finally get to raise their sons as they and only they see fit, never having to doubt their sons' paternity.
Without women confiscating almost all the fruits of their labour, fathers will have a lot more time to spend with their sons and transmit manly virtues---honour, loyalty and honesty among them---free from female interference. Boys will never be abused or neglected again just for being boys.
Most boyhoods will at last be remarkably drama- and trauma-free.
Meanwhile, the labour-time and material resources currently wasted on female frivolity---a good 80 percent of it in advanced economies---will be returned to men to do with as they see fit.
Not only will men work far shorter hours and live much better (and longer) than they do today, but far more resources will be available for development of the technologies necessary to settle other planets, among other marvels mankind freed of female parasites will finally be able to realize.
I hope I live to see it.
this desu
No youre just an uninformed bystander that doesnt get it
No goy have a handful of kids and work yourself to death at a normie job rather than putting up real resistance, guaranteeing that your white kids will die a minority in a world totally hostile to them.
You fucking people that think having a couple of kids is some revolutionary act are more deluded than full black pill fags.
I'm almost ready to settle for a girlfriend (male)
it was an observation, macaco
Too bad there are far more brown Muslim chicks looking to get whited. Trust me
just so everyone here knows
women are horrible and stupid so every time they proclaim "I want X" what they REALLY want is a strong enough man who can tell them they actually like Y
so, when some dumb gash says "I want middle eastern men tee hee" what she is saying is "i want a white man to fight a middle eastern man for my love and win" however the problem is that her very inability to articulate this means that he is not worth the fight
let her have what she wants and when she learns some fat libtard permavirgin will marry her assuming she isn't blown up
Yes boyim spend your money on me, not on yourself hehe
As opposed to the guy who is waiting for a modern day revolution to take place and then in his fantasy land he's isn't going to be front line cannon fodder.
artificial wombs and IVG my man
The absolute state of women
Enjoy dying alone beta
99% chance that's a cuck tinder (man posing as woman, using woman's pic unbeknownst to her, pretending she wants Black/Arab/Indian men).
The only women who will outright say they want non-white men are ultra-fatties and crack-whores. The rest won't make a distinction because that would close off potential opportunities. What if some white 6'4 beach model with an 8-pack wanted to message her but decided not to on account of the bio? Can't let that happen.
Jesus Christ this thread. I'm a black dude that dates white girls and at first I came to laugh at you all, but seeing all you struggling the place you threw yourselves in, I cant help but feel a bit sad for ya'll....
At least I'll die happy and richer than you.
tief op mohammed
Good luck with that, meanwhile I'll be leaving a legacy behind in the form of my white children
Why is that? What makes you find white women to be... superior to black women?
top kek poortugal btfo
>not making bitches buy shit for you
Go ask 20 women to buy you a drink and report back.
I just really wish I had a cute GF like Anzu-chan IRL. I hate being lonely all the time and falling asleep alone every night. I fucking hate being a virgin.
This is b8 but a coalburner can't be fixed, keep dating "white" girls if you want, they will always be nothing but filthy whores.
Kys leaf
The people of Israel will be defeated, their "god" will be overthrown. All heil the true god, Lucifer.
>pubey beards
>small dicks
>smell like shit
yeah oh Muhammad.
Let roasties become obsolete
you already know the solution to this cycle
fuck women
i want a furry waifu
>crazed hapa mass murderers
Producing crazed hapa mass murderers actually isn't that bad. We need soldiers with intense blood lust to fight in the eventual race war.
white egg
we're going to do this on the seasteads user
natsocs btfo libertarian pol will save the white race
Wouldnt say they are superior. Both have their desired traits and sometimes even share them between both. Maybe white girls have a style I prefer more but it hasnt stopped me from dating both.
not b8 senpai and that kind of behavior is what caused a good chunk of these girls to stray from you. instead of acting like the niggers you hate and chimping out about it, try...well anything else of whining and point at the black people like they stole your toy.
you should post lots of pics on social media, harder for them to cover their tracks
You remind me of a man with a similar dream.
They'll be niggerloving SJWs that will hate you for being racist.
ah, so you're a degenerate and a nigger, not surprising really
Fuck man, why are hapa's so fucking disgusting
Wait for Sexbots
As long as you aren't a complete beta your kid will probably turn out fine.
every day i see a how do we fix white women thread and you dumb cunts keep replying.
this is how you fix white women. you dont. it's a lost cause, no such thing as "fixing". all that matters is making babies now. this is what they asked for. put a baby in them, fuck off, find a next woman put a baby in her, fuck off, rinse and repeat ad infinitum.
this is how we fix white women.
Do not worry they will grow up with the best of American ideals Multi Culturalism,Freedom of Religion,And loving to pay Taxes to Israel. oh and not to forget the one where they invade everyone who is somewhat right wing downing Dictators or other Goverments
Truly an amazing future
future child support payer detected
>you're a degenerate
Which university? At Waterloo, I don't see many interracial couples. When I'm at university, I mostly just attract arabs and indians
The Jewish Masters will suffer a gravy train derailment at the corner of "What do you mean they won't ban free speech!?" avenue and "Oh my God! Here come a bunch of white guys with tiki torches!" boulevard.
Let them crash and burn, they made their bed, now they need to sleep in it
The only way to fix the west and women is another sexual revolution and collapse
>I'm starting to believe MGTOW is the ultimate redpill.
It really is, women have so much power and freedom to screw you over that protecting yourself by going your own way is the only option.
Why should men support society that exists to fuck them over? We need to start over
you dont pay child support if they cant prove youre the father. fake name fake number fake everything. they wont even be able to contact you
>making more single mothers
Excellent idea
I can tell you for a fact as an arab who hates arab woman. They are in absolute love with asian people not whites. Specifically koreans and japanese. Their dramas are constantly translated to arabic and kpop stars are always invited to arab countries to perform. And anime is constantly translated to arabic and edited to be halal (no sex stuff).
Arabs are taught from a young age that whites are the enemies so the women swear off them and the men try to dominate them.
how old are you? height? weight?
I want to move to Germany, so I'm looking for a nazi husbando
White women are niggers and sociopaths.
23, 183cm, 73kg. Are you by any chance a cute young girl?
No one cares
White women won’t be fixed until white men take responsibility and fix themselves: stop being weak imasculated soyboys and become a strong, dominant and assertive man that have the power, influence and will to call-out, bend and shape womens’ behaviours. They are subservient by nature and the problem is that men let them off the leash and became too weak to pull them back in line. At the moment, the brown hordes of invaders are the only ones that have any balls and masculine energy that they radiate. You can’t expect white women to just change by crying about it. You literally have to establish yourself as a person of strength and purpose and impose your will upon them.
dumb as shit
what are they going to raise their daughters to be saints?
this fixes nothing
>mfw stuck at this cycle
someone please WAKE ME UUUUUUUUUUUP !!!!
You dont fix them he just said...
>island reading comprehension
Women will never change for the better unless you FORCE them, and even then they wouldnt have changed at all on the inside, and are just as degenerate and disgusting inwardly as they would be outwardly.
The only thing you should do what hes aaying is to pump and dump
>it's all men's fault
>fixes nothing
ok so why even propose this as a solution when it solves nothing
It fixes the offspring problem
Her father needs to beat her
no shit
Of course assuming she doesnt murder it before it crawls out of her snatch
>white men date gooks or shitskins
>it's white women's fault
surrogacy fixes it a lot better without carrying deadweight forward in the geneitcs and helps raise decent human beings
You mean what's wrong with wh*te men? It's funny because every girl on tinder wants to settle down and is looking for something serious. While all the guys are looking for hookups and one night stands.
Really shows who's actually serious about continuing our race.
>"Nazi husbando"
Since when do Nationalists have foreigners as partners? you guys must be living in a different world where Nationalists are Globalists that are in favor of turning everyone into a "Citizen of the World"
this fucking thread every fucking day
we dont
feminism was pandora's box and there's no shoving her back in that fucking thing
even alt right girls are fucking crypto feminists I only know like one who is a traditional wife in any sense of the word