Redpilling young white girls on dick size

White fathers need to redpill their white daughters at a young age. What I propose is having sex with your daughter after she gets her period so that she can see that white guys DO actually have big cocks. Then she won't be enticed by the BBC propaganda.

ewwwww uncircumcised



Calm down Ahmed

>14.5 inches
>tfw I'm only 6

Fuck off Jamal/Muhammad

Only one guy I ever met was uncut and it was some Chinese guy, when I was in high school we held him up against the wall in the shower and took turns whipping him with the towels.

Most women don't care about dick size,as long as it's not too small.

its in cm smart guy

Centimeters you cuck

Why would it be cm? It's in English

metric system you nigger

It says "cm" on the left side of the graph you fucking moron

Ew metric almost as bad as being uncircumcised
Why did you Euro niggers infect the world with this filth


>god damn non American
Duh fuck is metric, my nigga?

Weak psyops, lefty/pol/.
Try harder next time, sugar tits.

>Xir doesn't know the pleasures of the frenulum
Pity. Jewed at birth.

Because it is a million times more logical than your stupi- okay you're just baiting well done leaf you can now kill yourself in peace

You deserve to burn.

Why is Australia so high?

I'm uncut frenulum doesn't have any pleasure it's just flappy skin
There's no logic behind it why change a system that's isn't broken? They changed Canada to metric and when I go do my ID they ask my height in cm and I say I don't know I'm not a communist I only know feet and inches and the woman has to google it. Wasting my time

> canadian
> pretending to not know what metric is

what level of shitposting is this?

Kill yourself.

I have a right to have my foreskin but fucking kikes robbed me as a newborn

The whole anglosphere had a 90%+ rate in the 50's New Zealand had the highest circumcision rate in the western world back then.

We don't fucking use metric here
Only commies are uncut
If you're a good red blooded Anglo Saxon you got cut
Papists didn't and they're commies