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bumping but please stop choosing such a gay flag



Post the link OP.

1st link:


>not all kikes

Every jew dies. Every single jew.

Intel DUMP #2:


Google Jigsaw, the “regime change” arm of Google Corporation, a paramilitary defense group operates across the Middle East and Africa

Its precursor, “Google Idea Groups” is supplying weapons, intelligence and propaganda services to the terror groups ISIS and al Nusra/al Qaeda on behalf of clients in Israeli and Saudi intelligence. Serena Shim, a Detroit born journalist operating inside Turkey was murdered after the initial expose on Google Idea Groups was published.

Google Idea Group is a military front run by former White House National Security Council Clandestine Operations Chief Jared Cohen, an Israeli trained military planner.

so is it true that apart from the gold , they killed JFK because he was a threat with his space program?


Intel DUMP #3:


It wasn’t the Kremlin, but rather Israeli intelligence and a 3rd party, organized crime groups made of former KGB and Mossad operatives working with, groups like the Heritage Foundation, the Atlantic Council, the American Enterprise Institute and rogue groups from Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Highly probable! Many countries have confirmed to hack the DNC (or at least aquire our state secrets, including Israel).

Intel DUMP #4:


A White House “czar” was seen handing reams of nuclear secrets to a foreign leader. Not only was this witnessed, the FBI has video of the whole thing and was forced to silence it. How many nations now have nukes because of this?

Nukes were loaded on a ship in Durban a few decades ago. That one of the South African nukes ended up in North Korea, taken there in a German-built Dolphin submarine flagged to Israel.

Bump cause we all know the truth but just need to see it in black and white.


It's not the "khazars" it's all jews everywhere. They are a fucking plague on mankind.

Almonds. Activated.

The space program was only a part of his planned disclosure.

Your telling me right now that the trans fags at Google are actually arms dealers to ISIS?


ah...LARPing faggots are back

>google and not the cia and jewish banksters

wew lad these deep state threads are too much

>mfw this whole movie will be spoiled for me 1 frame a time in wojacks before I ever see it.

>jews dealing arms to (((ISIS)))
why does this surprise you, retard?

Benjamin Fulford:
>claims to run some organization called "White Dragon Society" based in the far East (China & Japan) despite being a gaijin himself
>Says he has "One million ninjas" at his disposal
>Claims Rothschilds surrendered all "weapons, money, and secrets" to WDS (White Dragons)
>Says WDS can manufacture "as much gold as they need" by some process or other

IF he has all the Rotchschilds money and tech to make gold, as and when needed...
WHY is he begging for funds/donations on his internet channel, which looks like it was recorded in a shoebox-sized apartment in Hong Kong?
Sorry, OP, but you're a gullible little fool, believing this snake-oil salesman.

>Trump about to release files stating that JFK was assassinated by the CIA
>Trump suddenly has an heart attack
>Pence sweeps the declassification under the rug as POTUS.

CIAniggers and jews run rampant at Jewgle. You think they are all there to organize the worlds information for public use? niggas please
t. former Gaygler

All these Nicholas Biddles are about to get BTFO, again.

Can't we just have more tolerance?

Because it's fucking Google. I don't doubt they are storing everything people say and turning it over to (((them))) but arms dealing from Google? C'mon.

fulford has said some really retarded shit in the past, like that the (((queen))) of england and (((jesuit))) pope are anti (((cabal))).

Google is a CIA / DARPA founded organization . Google Jigsaw is the biggest open secret that Sup Forums needs to research and make 100s of threads about it. Google does have a private army and military contractors.

Google is a Rogue Nation.

Fake and gay

Yup, Fulford is a mega-LARPer and OP is a faggot again.

google being a cianigger/mossad front isnt exactly surprising seeing as amazon has already been exposed as such.

mobile command

Bump for

>Alium tech

Shut up, you cock-munching gaylord.
You believe Benjamin Fulford.
Anyone in this thread would do well to disregard everything you say and treat you as the the faggot you truly are.

same fag who once said the queen of britania and the pope where the good guys-- trying to stop pedo networks.. yea right

I'll bite.
What do Google's mobile barges have to do with this? What sort of data is being stored aboard?

Benjamin is a hit and a miss. He has real sources but he also posts disinfo to not out himself and provide cover. I chose to provide this link because it solidifies what Roger Stone talked to Trump about last week, what MegaAnon has revealed about Trump's disclosures and BTFO of the CIA and FBI, and what Trump himself has revealed.

>I chose to provide this link because it solidifies my dick

If you're qualified for the job, why shouldn't you get it?
You know, aside from corruption and faggotry?

>frem each according to his abilities

Also, what would JFK disclosure have to do with any suppressed technology? Unless it was somehow used in the assassination.


plus israel's Nuclear Shenanigans

The film Jason Bourne (2016) is a clear example of revealing how Google was taken over by the CIA -- an "Alphabet" agency.

This is only thinly veiled, where the name "Deep Dream" is used instead of Google. Once you make that connection, it becomes extremely obvious.

This is further made clear when you realize that Google has an AI prototype program called Deep Mind.

A dead-ringer lookalike for Google founder Sergey Brin is directly threatened by Tommy Lee Jones, as a top CIA don, in the movie.

You're fucking retarded if you think Google is legitimately selling arms to ISIS. There is no source for them doing it and no reason to if we all know the CIA is already doing it. Google is nothing but a leftist propaganda front in the name of "progress". Most they would be doing is giving them technology and not AK's or RPG's.

Cyclone bullets. It was fired from the building behind JFK, except the bullet spun around JFK and hit him at a random angle to spread confusion as to where it was fired from.


Now you are referencing yet another work of fiction? Wow, the Deep State must be quaking.

>Google is the embodiment of the (((Military Industrial Complex)))

Thanks for the intel butt pirate, are you now gonna tell me the MIC, along with banking institutions, secret societies, hollywood, and the foreign commission are the heads of the beast in Revelations? That the good guys still left that are in the know literally think they are fighting a literal embodiment of Satan, controlled by Archon Draco Reptilians who've been hiding in Antarctica for millions of years, dormant from a crash in a location inhospitable to reptiles? Until man came along and cracked one open and that was the fall of Atlantis, the birth of the "Jews" and the beginning of their rule over humanity enslaving them in a hypercubic karma prison that's literally inescapable?


>intel dump
>"my blog readers know"

>On November 10, 2014, NASA announced that it would be leasing the airfield to Google for 60 years.
literal Navy/NASA base owned by a company

damn. this thread seemed promising.

Wow that's... goddamn, dude. The best thing is there are people who are convinced this is what's going on.

I'm not saying everyone's stupid, but I definitely can't say everyone's smart.


Whatever you say leaf

Exactly it! You win!

lease means they lessee only holds the leasehold interest in the property

the ownership retains the leased fee interest and earns rent

Benjamin Fulford is a Canadian Jew. He is a disinformation specialist and has NEVER been right about ANYTHING.
Any fag that says "Khazarian Mafia" is part of a group of disinfo faggots that need to be shilled beyond oblivion. Unfortunately, they have brainwashed a lot of idiots into believing their drivel.

The Atlantian Mithras-Apollo cult hides within them. Not all bad.

>arms dealing from Google?

google is CIA, hollywood is CIA, CIA sells arms

US Military Fights for Israel

North Korea, Syria, Iran not the Threat

so Trump wants to fix the tax code by simplifying it so poor people don't have to file,

if this happens the cover for the tax system will have been blown, the entire reason you have to file those fucking taxes is because if you didn't you would wonder where the government gets all that money and you would discover the hidden tax of inflation

FED is going belly up one way or another

>US Military Fights for Israel
they fight for the vatican also


dont semantics me jewnigger i know what lease means
question is why does a tech company need a federal airstrip? to fly their private jets for business meetings? they are not a military contractor

This. If they're just going to print, monetize, and add fucking zeroes to "new money", there's no fucking reason to pay any taxes.

I thought they were developing a bunch of blimps to provide internet to rural places?

What da hell is “khazarian mafia”?

60 years is a long fucking time

At least post a blogpost/rip of the whole post:

hey relax guy

>The entire Internet has a back door installed and the Khazarian mafia can and will...

WTF is going on?

some jew weasel word to try to trick you into not blaming jews for being jews

Maybe, but they were fucking with AMES research base since at least 2006, when they had no such aspirations


>benjamin fulford

at least he's become anti-semitic since i was obsessed with fringe shit on youtube

Lads Fulford is old news he's been spouting his shit for like a fucking decade and it's literally nothing.. He's an attention whore and a nutjob

I don't understand this. Is this CeyeA trying to regain the respect of the American ppl? OP, 1 statement in your 1st .doc is off. Yes, JFK wanted to "EnD ThE FeD" but the main reason he was killed was because he requested the UFO files, after he had seen EBE artifacts and spoke to RFK and Monroe (Both assassinated) about it. Oh, those statements came from angleton's (1st director of CeyeA) mouth. Im curious if this is good ppl trying to take a stand. Same as the revolt in FBI last year (Why I respect the again) If so, kuddo's, for real. But, I have zero trust in CeyeA. It would be nice...but im skeptical.



i bet loads of presys request the alien files, but the question is do they get them? and if they dont what do they do then

You're absolutely right. However, JFK presented a huge threat to the Jews and Vatican and the monetary system so his assassination was an occult and physical manifestation of the Cabal's power over America.

CIA has to be disbanded, its stored Nazi gold confiscated and most agents imprisoned or executed as well cut off and destroy all existing overt and covert operations. The institution is unconstitutional. The rest of the agents can go pound sand in the private sector.

Plausible, seems like we'll get to see if that checks out

This is also fact. And addition, the private sector is just as lethal. Though they may not have access to the same weapons. They tech they use isn't far off. Look how many were/are using Vault 7 tools. They use those very tools here...on Sup Forums, against us. I wonder how many other user's family's (Other than my own) have been audited, taxed, and harassed by bill collectors including Bank of Ameri-Cia. The fact that the same tools are used here...I can also prove.

Thinking the world is so simple. We live in hell brother, there are an infinite amount of worse things then selling guns to people who want power.

Data Analyst With Bot Loses Cool and Rages Admitting It Starts Threatening Everyone On Sup Forums
>Turns out it was a Vault 7 tool being used against us
Take the code you see when the bot breaks, and run that through goolag/duckduckgo. You only get 1 result aaannnnnnddddddd it's the Vault 7 tool.

Great link. Bombshell after bombshell. Spec ops community and President pay attention to these patriots.

I'll check it. Day of the Rope, Gun, and Machete can't come soon enough.


Please let it be real

it's the Venetian black nobility

>Is this CeyeA trying to regain the respect of the American ppl?
hell no, why would they portray themselves as the bad guys in every single hollywood film?

they want you to think they are the bad guys

Naa, I have faith in Trump. I believe in him. *Hopefully* when all of the negative is gone, we will have no need for violence anymore. And desu, the weapons they have are belong our comprehension. We are out classed in EVERY aspect. They have forced energy weapons. EM weapons, and much much more. Each 1 of them, could take 1,000 of us...easily.